
chán huà
  • Zen (Chan) painting
  1. 略论王维与禅画

    Discussion about Wang Wei and " Zen painting "

  2. 普遍认为王维是中国绘画史上禅画这一画种的创始人。

    It is often thought that Wang Wei is the first man who initiated Zen painting in the history of Chinese-drawing .

  3. 禅宗与宋代禅画艺术的文化探索

    A Cultural Exploration of Chan Sect and the Art of Chan Paintings in Song Dynasty

  4. 禅画是中国禅宗特有的艺术,修禅者用笔墨来表达禅道,开创出唐宋以来中国绘画的新纪元。

    Meditation is a unique artistic Chinese zen Buddhism , ink to express the zen meditation , create a new era of Chinese painting since the tang and song dynasties .

  5. 将禅画置于桌间,有净化心灵之意,是烦嚣生活的一味良药,选取禅宗画有一定哲理性,同时画面简单富有趣味,有一种恬静之余对生活的豁达与领悟。

    Will draw on table , zen soul , there is noisy , selection of life medicine with certain philosophical zen , meanwhile , has a very simple picture of a quiet life and understanding of the open-minded .

  6. 他的禅境画开启了唐代的水墨山水,并对后世文人画具有极为重大的影响。

    Wang Wei 's Zen painting initiates the landscape arts in Tang Dynasty and has a widespread and great influence on the painting later .

  7. 主楼的二层是“日本艺术精华”展(“HighlightsofJapaneseArt”),展品涵盖从禅到水墨画的各种主题,对文化和艺术都是有益的启蒙。

    The main building 's second-floor " Highlights of Japanese Art , " with exhibitions dedicated to topics like Zen and ink painting , provides an instructive primer on both culture and art .

  8. 禅与文人写意画

    Chan and Metaphorical Drawings by Literati

  9. 第三,由诗与史、诗与禅、诗与画的比较,指出文学在传达同感上的独特优势,进而发现文学作为语言艺术的魅力。

    QIAN pointed out advantages of literature on expressing the same feeling when the poetry is compared with the history .

  10. 文人墨客创作的禅意诗、禅意画与禅僧禅心外化的禅诗、禅画有本质上的区别。

    There was an essential distinction between Zen - poetry and Zen - paintings coming from their hearts and the poetry and paintings with Zenist messages by secular men of letters .