
máo bǐ
  • writing brush;Chinese brush;hair pencil
毛笔 [máo bǐ]
  • [writing brush;hair pencil] 用禽、兽的毛制成的笔

毛笔[máo bǐ]
  1. 一个算盘,一支毛笔,几张纸,一点钱以及主顾的账簿。

    His equipment consisted of a counting board , a Chinese writing brush , a little paper , some money and the accounts of his clients .

  2. 书法课的教学内容应在毛笔楷书的基础上侧重硬笔书法。

    The content of calligraphy teaching should be based on the regular script training with writing brush and focus on the training with the hard tipped writing instruments .

  3. 如今很少有人用毛笔了。

    Few people use writing brushes nowadays .

  4. 练毛笔字,一笔是一笔,不要描。

    In practising Chinese calligraphy , write with a sure hand & don 't retouch .

  5. 你可以借鉴这些元素与钢笔工具性(P),但你会发现它更一致和更容易使用毛笔。

    You can draw these elements with the Pen Tool ( P ), but you 'll find it more consistent and easier to use a brush .

  6. 从水墨画成画机理出发提出一个实用的3D毛笔模型系统,精确模拟毛笔几何形态及运动弯曲等动态交互行为。

    A practical3D brush model system was put forward from ink-water drawing principle to accurately simulate geometry states and interactive behavior of brush .

  7. 把绘制方法分为2D,3D毛笔模型以及基于参数化曲线的纯几何图形学方法,对其中的典型算法进行了分析和比较。

    2D hairy brush model , 3D hairy brush model and parametric curve scheme are analyzed and various algorithms are compared .

  8. “我打赌明天一定有人出现把你买走的。”RITA一边从文具柜取出黑色的毛笔,一边预言道。

    " I bet someone will come along and buy you tomorrow ," Rita predicted as she fetched a black felt pen from the stationery department and underneath Wolstencroft , wrote Woolly for short .

  9. 手握毛笔的二年级学生。

    Close-up of child in second grade class sitting at desk .

  10. 于是,他提起毛笔开始写信。

    He took up a writing brush and began to write .

  11. 毛笔是工笔画的基本工具。

    The brush pen is the basic tool for Chinese realistic painting .

  12. 我的父亲喜欢用毛笔写字。

    My father likes to write with a Chinese brush .

  13. 这些是毛笔,我们叫做“笔”。

    These are the brush , we call it " Bi " .

  14. 笔落下,既有痕迹渐成形象,毛笔,纸的各式纤维,痕迹墨色;

    When a brush touches paper , ink stains gradually become images .

  15. 基于统计分析的虚拟毛笔模型及其应用

    Virtual Brush Model Based on Statistical Analysis and Its Application

  16. 明清时的毛笔,已是稀世珍宝了。

    Writing brushes made in Ming and Qing Dynasties are precious nowadays .

  17. 我被他们用细小的毛笔所写出来的文字深深地迷住了。

    I was fascinated watching them write words with a thin brush .

  18. 以及特殊的物质媒介&毛笔、墨、纸。

    The special material media & writing brush , ink , paper .

  19. 中鸽胎毛笔技术培训中心。为创业者加工。

    Dove in the foetal hair pen technology training center for entrepreneurs .

  20. 小毛笔都写不好呢吧。

    You can 't write well even with small ones .

  21. 用白酒调配好颜料,再用毛笔均匀地涂在刻好的白纸上。

    Dyes are mixed with liquor and are brushed onto white paper .

  22. 传统的中国信函是用毛笔自右往左写的。

    Traditional Chinese letters were written in Chinese brush from right to left .

  23. 该模型由两部分构成:毛笔几何模型和毛笔力学模型。

    The brush model consists of brush geometrical model and brush mechanical model .

  24. 计算机控制毛笔绘画系统CCBPS

    A Brush-Pen Painting System Under the Control of Computer

  25. 中国书法是用毛笔、墨汁写的。

    Brush and ink is used in Chinese calligraphy .

  26. 他用钢笔和用毛笔写的字一样漂亮。

    He writes equally well with pen and brush .

  27. 景德镇瓷用毛笔业的历史与现状分析

    Analysis about the History and the Presentation of Jingdezhen Porcelain Brush Making Industry

  28. 中国人过去都是用毛笔写字。

    Chinese wrote with a writing-brush in the past .

  29. 爱咪:你可以用毛笔写出很漂亮的书法。

    Amy : You can use the ink brush to write beautiful calligraphy .

  30. 当时他没有找到毛笔。

    Because he didn 't find any writing brush .