
  • 网络Alopecia;epilation
  1. 组、C组小白鼠活动自如,食欲正常,未见毛发脱落;三项指标两组比较无显著性差异,P>0.05。

    In groups B and C , the activity and appetite were normal , little baldness occurred and3 blood indexes were not different significantly ( P > 0.05 ) .

  2. 目的:观察止脱灵对实验性大鼠血清睾酮(T)、雌二醇(E2)、T/E2的调节作用及对毛发脱落的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the regulation of Zhituoling ( ZTL ) on testosterone ( T ), estradiol ( E 2 ) and the proportion of T to E 2 ( T / E 2 ) in rats blood and effect of lose hair .

  3. 有很多不同的原因导致毛发脱落。

    There are a lot of different causes of hair loss .

  4. 谘询你的医生关于防止毛发脱落,为正确的诊断。

    Consult your doctor regarding preventing loss of hair for a correct diagnosis .

  5. 身体其他部位毛发脱落可能是因为你步入老龄或绝经期,也可能是代谢紊乱或循环系统出了问题所致。

    Losing hair on the rest of your body could be aging or menopause , or a metabolic disorder or circulatory problems .

  6. 虽然斑秃一般表现为限局性毛发脱落,但整个头皮毛发均有生长周期异常改变。

    Though clinically manifested by localized hair loss , a generalized hair cycle abnormality was found in the whole scalp hair of alopecia areata .

  7. 在这件事成为可能之前,他已经被头上、脸上以及四肢上毛发的脱落困扰了很多年。

    It had been years since that had been possible , years he spent bedeviled by hair loss on his head , face , arms and legs .

  8. 34岁的布莱恩患有斑秃,为保护隐私起见,他要求隐去姓氏。斑秃是一种自身免疫性疾病,在人群中的发病率约为1%,通常会造成全身各处毛发的脱落。

    Brian , 34 , who asked that his last name be withheld to protect his privacy , suffers from alopecia areata , an autoimmune disease afflicting about 1 percent of men and women , causing hair to fall out , often all over the body .

  9. 人类的毛发也会脱落,我们的身体有大约500个毛囊存在,这些毛囊会长出毛发。

    It also sheds much faster . We have around five million hair follicles covering our bodies , which allows for plenty of sprouting keratin !

  10. HR蛋白被怀疑调节干细胞介导的毛发周期,如HR基因导致毛发脱落,无论在人还是在鼠。

    The HR protein has long been suspected to regulate a stem cell-mediated process , hair cycling , as mutations in the Hr gene cause hair loss in both mice and men .

  11. 今年6月,耶鲁大学(Yale)皮肤病专家布莱特·金(BrettKing)博士宣称,托法替尼(Tofacitinib)能促进男性普秃患者的毛发生长,且没有任何副作用。普秃是一种几乎可以造成全身毛发全部脱落的疾病。

    In June , Dr. Brett King , a dermatologist at Yale , reported that tofacitinib caused full hair growth and no negative effects for a man with alopecia universalis , a variant involving almost total hair loss .

  12. (指毛发)赤褐色的头发。毛囊中松弛的毛球逐渐向上伸,直到毛发脱落。

    The flabby Mao Qiu in wool bursa gradually to on extend , fall off till hair .