
  1. 谈丘处机山水景物诗的审美特征

    Discussion on Aesthetic Characteristics of QIU Chu-ji 's Poems of Mountains-and-Water Scenery

  2. 丘处机与《西游记》的关联难以刈断

    It is Difficult to Judge the Connection Between Qiu Chu-ji and The Western Travels

  3. 古传《西游记》是全真教龙门派开创者丘处机所撰。

    It was said that the writer of Journey to the West was Qiu Chuji the originator of Quanzhen denomination .

  4. 他到了暮年时期,甚至召唤道家长老丘处机来他的营地,人们认为他们俩在长生不老和哲学问题上进行了深入的探讨。

    In his old age , he even summoned the Taoist leader Qiu Chuji to his camp , and the pair supposedly had long conversations on immortality and philosophy .