
qiū bǐ tè
  • Cupid
丘比特[qiū bǐ tè]
  1. 而今天,丘比特的爱情之箭又射向了他。

    But today Cupid fired another arrow at him .

  2. 在中国,丘比特(Cupid)和圣诞老人(Santa)似乎已合为一体,给耶稣的生日带来浪漫的情调。

    In China , Cupid and Santa seem to have interbred to give Christ 's birthday a romantic flavour .

  3. 我想在我的结婚蛋糕上装饰一些丘比特的造型。

    I would like my wedding cake decorated with cupids .

  4. 另外一个美丽的女神朱诺(JUNO)是丘比特的妻子,她给了我们JUNE(六月)的名字。

    Another beautiful goddess , Juno , the wife of Jupiter , give us the names of the month of June .

  5. ScarlettJohansson第一次遇到JosephGordon-Levitt的时候肯定就被丘比特之箭射中了,据知情人士透露,Scarlett已经把家里钥匙给他了!

    Scarlett Johansson must have been been struck by cupids arrow when she first met Joseph Gordon-Levitt because , according to a source , Scarletts given him the keys to her house !

  6. 用户的名字、照片、年龄和兴趣会出现在其他用户的手机屏幕上,如果用户彼此都中意,Tinder就扮演了丘比特的角色,用户可以在手机屏幕上向右滑动,在聊天窗口中交谈。

    A user 's first name , photos , age and interests pop up on another user 's phone screen , and Tinder plays Cupid if both users like what they see enough to swipe to the right on their phones , allowing them to talk with each other in a chat window .

  7. 希望丘比特继续把他那慷慨无尽的恩泽倾注于你!

    May Jupiter continue to pour on thee his bounteous gifts !

  8. 谁能想到丘比特的衣服会如此性感呢?

    Who knew that a Cupid costume could be so sexy ?

  9. 丘比特的眼泪让真爱苏醒。

    The tears of cubid made the true love come back .

  10. 他那丘比特式的嘴唇噘起来,给了他一个飞吻。

    Her Cupid-bow mouth pouted to give him an airy kiss .

  11. 我好像是中了丘比特之箭。

    I think I 've been hit by Cupid 's arrow .

  12. 但是黑色的丘比特在这里做了件好事,对吗?

    But the back CUPD here DD a good job , rght ?

  13. 我想不是丘比特带她来的。

    Well , I guess it was Cupid who brought her here .

  14. 要不然,丘比特说,让你被咬的动物中毒?

    Or , said Jupiter , Shall I make your bite poisonous ?

  15. 丘比特不会把第二支箭射到同一颗心上。

    Cupid spends no second arrow on the same heart .

  16. 在丘比特之箭下,所有人一律平等。

    All people are equal under the arrow of love .

  17. 不了让这些丘比特留下更多记忆吧

    Not now . Let 's give these Cupids something to remember .

  18. 丘比特对你咬牙切齿当然我也是“

    cupid hates your guts , and I do , too . "

  19. 丘比特唤起蚂蚁对她的同情心。

    Cupid stirred up the little ant to take compassion on her .

  20. 一种很有希望的方法是在半导体内刻蚀丘比特。

    One promising approach is to etch qubits in semiconductors .

  21. 爱神丘比特正在弯弓射箭。

    Venus ratio with shoot arrow in the curved bow .

  22. 因此人们还在继续搜寻更为实用的丘比特。

    So the search is on for more practical qubits .

  23. 狮子满腹牢骚,使丘比特感到厌烦。

    The lion wearied Jupiter ( 1 ) with his frequent complaints .

  24. 山尼那张丘比特式的脸气的涨红了。

    Sonny 's heavy Cupid face grew red with anger .

  25. 于是阿芙洛狄特找来她的儿子,丘比特神。

    So she went to find her son , the god , Cupid .

  26. 你告诉他我们叫他丘比特了么?

    Did you tell him we call him Cupid ?

  27. 丘比特:没问题,我会照你说的做的。

    Cupid : No problem , I 'll do just what you want .

  28. 来,丘比特,你先来

    All right , Cupid , you 're first .

  29. 在她的姐妹说服她看丘比特的脸以前,普赛克一直生活得很快乐。

    Psyche was happy until her sisters persuaded her to look at Cupid .

  30. 愿丘比特逮捕你,并用一枚订婚戒指锁住你的手指。

    May cupid arrest you and lock your finger with an engagement ring .