
qiū líng
  • hills;brent;pen;brae;wolds
丘陵 [qiū líng]
  • [hills] 地形的一种,指地势起伏不平,连接成大片的小山

  • 穿过一片丘陵就是一望无际的大海

丘陵[qiū líng]
  1. 房子坐落在莫尔文丘陵地区,周围景色迷人。

    The house is in a lovely setting in the Malvern hills .

  2. 霍顿向外望去,肥沃的谷地和平缓的丘陵尽收眼底。

    Horton looked out over a panorama of fertile valleys and gentle hills .

  3. 从我们的房子里向外望去,景色宜人,一直能看到科茨沃尔德丘陵。

    Our house has got a splendid view across to the Cotswolds

  4. 帕萨迪纳坐落于圣加布里埃尔山麓的丘陵地带。

    Pasadena lies in the foothills of the San Gabriel mountains .

  5. 阿尔弗顿是一个虚构的地处西撒克斯丘陵的村庄。

    Ulverton is a fictional village on the Wessex Downs .

  6. 交战地区丘陵起伏,树木茂密。

    The areas where the fighting is taking place are hilly and densely wooded .

  7. 上个星期,这个部门的筑路机开始将特怀福德丘陵地带的浸水草甸推平。

    Last week , the department 's road builders began to bulldoze a water meadow on Twyford Down .

  8. 那些丘陵里埋藏着丰富的金矿。

    There are rich deposits of gold in those hills .

  9. 小镇四周都是丘陵地带。

    The small town was surrounded by rolling country .

  10. 试验期间,机器人算法和机械结构将进行微调,使其更好地适应患病的牲畜,并确保它安全地绕开包括树木、泥浆、沼泽和丘陵在内的潜在危险。

    During the trials , the robot algorithms and mechanics will be fine-tuned to make it better suited to ailing livestock and ensure it safely navigates around potential hazards including trees , mud , swamps , and hills .

  11. 与荷兰大多数地方不同,希尔弗森实际上是一个丘陵地区,土壤主要由沙子组成。

    Unlike most of the Netherlands , Hilversum is actually in a hilly area with the soil mostly consisting of sand .

  12. 在山体滑坡的表面,我们能够看到有趣的山包,盘绕的丘陵和悬崖

    Interesting hummocks swirls and are found on the surface of the landslide .

  13. 丘陵地带透过薄雾朦胧地出现在眼前

    The foothills were looming ahead through the haze .

  14. 只是光秃秃的威尔士丘陵中的一个普通人,

    Just an ordinary man of the bald Welsh hill

  15. 成为英格兰这一地区特征的绵延起伏的丘陵地

    the rolling hills that characterize this part of England

  16. 我国西部地区地势复杂,多丘陵

    In the western of China are intricate terrains and many hilly regions .

  17. 黄土丘陵沟壑区治沟骨干工程泥沙淤积来源于坡面侵蚀、沟道侵蚀和库区岸坡坍塌

    Sediments check dam in small watersheds in loess hilly gully area come from three proportion , i.

  18. 基于GIS的黄土丘陵沟壑区作物生产潜力模拟研究

    A GIS-based Simulation of Crop Potential Productivity in Hilly Loess Region

  19. 基于GIS的华中丘陵区耕地地力评价研究

    Evaluation of the farmland productivity of hilly region of central China based on GIS

  20. DEM在研究黄土丘陵沟壑区土壤侵蚀类型和过程中的应用

    The Application of DEM in Studying Soil Erosion Type and Process in the Loess Hilly and Gully Area

  21. 陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区NDVI与气象因子的相关性分析

    The Correlations Between Climatic Factors and NDVI in Hilly and Gully Area of Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi

  22. 基于时序NDVI数据的中国红壤丘陵区土地覆被分类研究

    Land cover classification in red soil hilly region of China using multi-temporal VEGETATION / NDVI data : a case study of Poyang basin

  23. 实验结果表明:应用DEM模型能形象地表达区域的地形因子及流域特征,在低山丘陵区的综合治理中有广泛的应用前景。

    The research results illuminate that DEM model can describe the landform and character of the watershed , which can play an important role in the comprehensive harnessing in the hills and mountainous area .

  24. 第二,关于植物方面,利用考虑气压修正的彭曼(Penman)公式计算了川中丘陵区1999~2003年的逐日蒸散量并分析了它的变化规律;

    Secondly , plant aspect , the day-to-day reference evapotranspiration ( 1999-2003 ) of hill region in Si Chuan middle part has been calculated by Penman formula and its changed law has been analyzed .

  25. 陕北黄土丘陵区旱地春谷200~250kg/亩稳产栽培问题的研究

    Research on Stable-Yielding Cultivation of Rainfed Land Spring Millet with Yield or 200 ~ 250kg / mu in Loess Hilly Regions In Northern Shaanxi

  26. 利用安塞试验站1985&1992年的气象观测数据和野外坡长径流小区径流量和土壤侵蚀量监测资料,评价了WEPP模型在黄土丘陵沟壑区不同坡长条件下的适用性。

    Based on observed meteorological data and measured soil loss data from field runoff plots in 1985 & 1992 at Ansai Comprehensive Experimental Station , the applicability of WEPP model to different slope lengths on hill-gully region of the Loess Plateau was assessed .

  27. 山岳和一切丘陵,果树与各种柏松。

    Mountains and all hills , fruitful trees and all cedars .

  28. 湖南省山地丘陵区生态农业发展途径探析

    The ways to develop eco-agriculture in hilly areas of Hunan Province

  29. 黄土丘陵县域尺度整体景观格局分析

    Analysis of Landscape Structure at County Scale in Loess Hilly Region

  30. 川中丘陵区紫色土坡耕地产流特征试验研究

    Experimental Study on Runoff Characteristics of Slope Land in Sichuan Basin