
  1. 论当代石湾陶艺的发展

    On the Development of Contemporary Shiwan Ceramic Art

  2. 试论宋元名窑对佛山石湾陶艺的影响

    The Impact of the Song - and Yuan-period Imperial Kilns on Shiwan Ceramics in Foshan

  3. 明清石湾陶艺与中国绘画

    The Ceramic Art of Shiwan in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the Chinese Painting

  4. 明清石湾陶艺在人物陶塑、日用器皿等方面深受中国绘画影响,取得了眸子刻划、衣纹处理两大艺术成就。

    The ceramic art of Shiwan in its figurines and daily utensils during the Ming and Qing Dynasties was heavily influenced by the Chinese painting .

  5. 明清是石湾陶艺创作风格、艺术特色的奠基时期。

    The Period of the Ming and Qing Dynasties was the time of laying a foundation of the artistic style and characteristics of the ceramic art in Shiwan .

  6. 考察这一历史背景,才能窥见石湾陶艺在中国古代艺术发展史上的地位和价值。

    The study of such a historical background will throw a light on what a position and merit the ceramic art of Shiwan has obtained in the history of development of Chinese ancient art .