
pí fá
  • skin raft
皮筏 [pí fá]
  • [skin raft] 用牛羊皮缝制成的筏子

皮筏[pí fá]
  1. 于是我的皮筏漂流梦就这样灰飞烟灭了。

    The raft dream was dead .

  2. 吊床架组装方便,可以架在桨板、橡皮船和皮筏上。

    The frame is easily assembled and attaches to paddle boards , kayaks , and rafts . 3 .

  3. 它还是广东赛艇队、皮筏艇队和激流队的运动训练基地。

    It is also in Guangdong rowing team , Pifa boat teams and the torrent team sports training base .

  4. 我们通常在皮筏上钓鱼,有时也会站在清澈透明的德勒格尔河水中钓鱼。

    We fished from the rafts as well as by wading in the crystal clear waters of the Delger river .

  5. 我们回到加德满都当皮筏艇的船员们知道如何得到一次彻底的放松后。

    We then went back to Katmandu while the rafting team had to figure out how to get the raft loose .

  6. 利用好你攀岩,皮筏,或练习武术的环境。。。你了解到这个想法了吧。

    take advantage of your environment by rock climbing , kayaking , or doing martial arts ... you get the idea .

  7. 当你饿了的时候,可以将皮筏划到岸边,来一次野餐或烧烤,简直美味极了。

    Paddle your raft to the riverbank to have a picnic or barbecue which will taste best when you are starving .

  8. 当皮筏随着涓涓细流缓缓而下时,沿途乡村或山谷的景致就像一幅水墨画一样。

    When the raft follows a gentle stream , the views of the countryside or valley is like a traditional Chinese painting .

  9. 当皮筏驶到一朵朵浪花之中,体验由河床为你打造的天然过山车时,你将会感受到肾上腺素分泌带来的快感。

    And when you enter white water where the riverbed creates a natural roller coaster , you feel a rush of adrenaline .

  10. “桃瑞丝”是一艘50英尺的双体船,配备皮筏艇、渔具和浮潜装置,再加上存货丰富的酒吧和一名大厨。

    She is a 50ft catamaran equipped with sea kayaks , fishing and snorkelling gear plus a well-stocked bar , and a chef .

  11. 现实生活中的人是不会乘坐皮筏漂流横渡大海的,我都长成个成人了,想法和做法要像个成人才行。

    Real people do not drift across oceans on rafts . I am now an adult , I should think and act like one .

  12. 游客们可以通过徒步、皮筏或小艇的方式尽情探索公园内三条山脉、两座活火山和河流湖泊。

    Visitors can explore the park 's three mountain ranges , two active volcanos , and many lakes and streams on foot , raft or kayak .

  13. 一边呼吸着这般新鲜而咸咸的海滨空气,一边想着如何让这种皮筏运动变成我们想要的运动方式。虽然在固定健身器材上你将消耗一样多的卡路里,但是周围却没有了穿着短裤还喘着气儿卖命划桨的人。

    While smelling that fresh , salty sea air and figuring out just how to make that canoe like thing turn the way we want , you 'll torch just as many calories as you would on a stationary gym machine - sans sweaty-shorts guy panting next to you 。