
  • 网络Abrasion;skin abrasion
  1. 草木犀流浸液片治疗皮肤擦伤60例疗效观察

    Effect of Melilotus Extract Tablet on 60 Patients with Skin Abrasion

  2. 利多卡因喷涂对皮肤擦伤镇痛效果的观察

    Observation on analgesia effect of lidocaine spray applied for patients with skin abrasion

  3. 这个男孩倒下的时候把皮肤擦伤了。

    The boy skinned his knee when he fell .

  4. 能够缓解轻度表皮灼伤,皮肤擦伤和皮肤疹。

    Can help to reduce the appearance of minor burns , skin abrasions and rashes .

  5. 新生儿并发症依次为头皮血肿、头面部皮肤擦伤和新生儿窒息;

    The newborn 's complications included hematoma of scalp , scalp injury and asphyxia neonatorum .

  6. 社区皮肤擦伤患者创面处理方法探讨

    Treatments for Skin Contusion in Community

  7. 安琪拉:这有个急救箱以防他膝盖或者皮肤擦伤。

    Angela : And here 's a first-aid kit in case he skins his knee or gets any other scrapes .

  8. 伴随酮体积累的酸毒症。病毒对人体的攻击也许伴随着发烧,晒斑,皮肤擦伤或情感不安。

    Acidosis with an accumulation of ketone bodies ; occurs primarily in diabetes mellitus . An attack may follow a fever , sunburn , skin abrasions or emotional upset .

  9. 摔倒后皮肤就会擦伤一大块。

    The skin after trip is met abrade one chunk .

  10. 如果皮肤有擦伤一定要去医院消炎请医生处理伤口

    If the skin abrasions must go to the hospital asked the doctors to deal with anti-inflammatory wound

  11. 并且该病毒只能通过人体直接接触伤口或者皮肤割伤擦伤,或者通过眼睛,鼻子,嘴,喉咙及生殖器官接触进入人体。

    And it can only enter the body through direct contact with cuts or abrasions on the skin or through the eyes , nose , mouth , throat or reproductive organs .

  12. 目前还不清楚迈尔斯是否经历过中风或其他脑损伤,但她也有其他健康问题,可能导致关节松动、皮肤容易擦伤和其他问题。

    It 's not clear whether Myers has experienced a stroke or other brain damage , but she also has a separate medical condition , which can result in loose joints , easily bruised skin and other problems .

  13. 巴克尔还称,除了皮肤割伤和擦伤以及轻微的胸部伤之外,波特并无大碍。

    Potter appeared unscathed aside from some superficial cuts and bruises and a minor chest injury , according to Barker .

  14. 实验组术后应用外展枕固定,对照组采用传统式皮牵引和枕头固定,观察二者的固定效果、术后髋关节脱位及皮肤过敏、擦伤的发生情况。

    The fixation of abduction pillows were used in experimental group , while traditional skin traction and soft pillow were used in control group . Incidence of post-operative complications and fixation effect of two groups were compared .

  15. 皮肤软组织挫擦伤与再生疗法

    Skin soft tissue contusion and regenerative therapy

  16. 结论:湿润烧伤膏是一种效果显著的治疗皮肤软组织挫擦伤的首选外用药。

    Conclusion : MEBO is superior to complex iodine in treating skin and soft tissue abrasion .

  17. 结论:再生疗法适用于全身各部位及不同深度的皮肤软组织挫擦伤的治疗,且疗效满意。

    Conclusion : Regenerative therapy is suitable for treating skin soft tissue contusion of different depths and in different positions . The efficacy is very good .

  18. 湿性皮肤再生技术在皮肤擦伤的应用

    The application of skin regeneration technique in treating skin abrasion

  19. 建立足部护理教育计划,包括对皮肤的护理、鸡眼及胼胝的护理、下肢微循环障碍的护理、皮肤磨擦伤的护理及预防和治疗足部霉菌感染等有效措施。

    The education plans involving the nursing of skin , corn , callosity , dysfunctional micro-circulation of lower limbs and skin injuries as well as the prevention and treatment of foot mycotic infection were discussed and made .