
jīnɡ yínɡ jīn rónɡ yè wù xǔ kě zhènɡ
  • license for financialbusiness operations
  1. 决定核准开业的,书面通知申请人,颁发经营金融业务许可证,核准其业务范围。

    If the application is approved , the applicant shall receive a written approval letter attached with a license to conduct financial business with the prescribed business scope .

  2. 核对一下原文就可以看出这样的译文是否准确。决定核准开业的,书面通知申请人,颁发经营金融业务许可证,核准其业务范围。

    A cross-check with the original text will show us if the translation is true . If the application is approved , the applicant shall receive a written approval letter attached with a license to conduct financial business with the prescribed business scope .