
  • 网络hinterland;Economic Hinterland
  1. 台湾亦将大陆视为主要的贸易伙伴和经济腹地。

    Taiwan also regards the mainland as its major trading partner and economic hinterland .

  2. 宁波港口经济腹地研究前景分析

    Analysis of prospects for Ningbo port economic hinterland

  3. 这个76亿美元的项目由中国国家开发银行(ChineseDevelopmentBank)提供资金,中国中铁(ChinaRailwayGroup)负责运营,建成后每年可把至多4000万吨货物从哥伦比亚的经济腹地运至太平洋港口。

    The $ 7.6bn project , funded by the Chinese Development Bank and operated by China Railway Group , would move up to40m tonnes of cargo a year from Colombia 's economic heartland to the Pacific .

  4. 第四部分分析了城市地域经济腹地的基本特征及功能;

    The fourth section analyses the basic features and functions of urban area economic hinterland .

  5. 分析了国际、国内及东北经济腹地石油运输市场的供需情况;

    Analyzing the marketable supply and need status and trend of development in overseas , domestic and northeast economy hinterland oil transport market ;

  6. 在这一转移过程中,口岸的经济腹地宽阔与否、口岸自身条件以及口岸与经济腹地沟通方式等起到了至关重要的作用;

    The main considerations of the moving were the port 's economic hinterland , its natural conditions and its communication with the hinterland .

  7. 经济腹地是港口生存与发展的基础,腹地分析是港口发展规划制定的必要前提。

    Economic Hinterland is the foundation of survival and development of port , and hinterland analysis is the necessary prerequisite for making port development planning .

  8. 经济腹地是港口和城市的基础,是港口重要的货源和产业转换基地,是港口兴衰的关键。

    Hinterland Economy is the basis for port and city . It is the important sources for the port and the bases for industrial conversion .

  9. 为此,需寻求成本更低、空间更大的经济腹地,以实现产业转移和产业结构升级。

    Consequently , it is done by seeking economic hinterland of lower cost and larger space to accomplish industrial transfer and upgrade and to adjust economic structure .

  10. 湘渝航线连接湘、鄂、川、渝四省(市)经济腹地,货源充足。

    Xiang Yu Cargo Route connect to Xiang , Yuan , Chuan , Yu four provinces ( cities ) of main economical area , with sufficient supply .

  11. 港口通过建设无水港,以控制其经济腹地,无水港成为港口与腹地间业务的重要载体。

    By constructing dry Ports , ports can control their economic hinterland , thus make dry Ports become the important carrier between ports and their economic hinterland .

  12. 吉林市由于不在中东铁路通过的东北腹地的铁路干线上,中心城市地位旁落,经济腹地范围缩小,七镇之首的地位不复存在。

    For its absence from the main line of the China-Eastern Railway Line , Jilin City lost its status as a center and its economic hinterland shrank .

  13. 长江沿线的广大地区是上海国际航运中心最主要的经济腹地,集装箱运输发展的空间非常大。

    The vast areas along the Yangtze River are the uppermost economic hinterland of Shanghai International Shipping Center , enjoying a large volume of space to develop container transport .

  14. 本文通过对国际航运中心理论构建、核心要素构成及内在逻辑关系的分析,构建了“港口经济腹地中心城市”的系统结构框架。

    This article constructs a systematic structure of " Port , Hinterland Economy and Central City " by analysis of key elements and internal logical relations of International Shipping Center .

  15. 众所周知,大连是辽宁省最主要的港口和贸易口岸,而辽宁省也是大连的直接经济腹地。

    As we all know , Dalian is one of the most important ports and trading ports in Liaoning Province , while Liaoning Province is the direct economic hinterland of Dalian .

  16. 综观国内外典型的国际航运中心发展模式,其组成要素和系统结构都缺不了港口经济腹地中心城市任何一方。

    Considering development patterns of models of international shipping centers home and abroad , Port , Hinterland Economy and Central City are organizing essentials and system structures , which could not be ignored .

  17. 两港之间经济腹地高度重合,相互争抢货源,港口之间分工不明,导致重复建设严重。

    The economic inland of the ports is highly superposed , they market each other , the division of the two ports is obscure , all of the situation is causing repetitive construction seriously .

  18. 除了充当一条通向更广阔经济腹地的通道,国际金融中心还提供了一个场所,在这里,总部位于其他地区的银行能够撮合总部也位于其他地区的企业和机构之间的交易。

    As well as acting as an inroad to a great economic hinterland , international financial centres provide a site where banks headquartered elsewhere can mediate transactions between companies and institutions also based externally elsewhere .

  19. 武汉城市群处在中国中部之中的经济腹地,是中国东西部产业梯度转移的桥梁和纽带,也是中部崛起的重要战略支点。

    Wuhan Urban Agglomeration which lies in the middle economic hinterland in Central China is the bridge and bond of industrial gradient shift from east to west , also the important strategic pivot in the rising of Central China .

  20. 经济学人信息部表示,本身没有经济腹地的新加坡之所以摘得桂冠,是由于该国高效率的开放经济努力保持其作为全球企业区域枢纽的竞争力。

    The EIU said Singapore , which has no economic hinterland of its own , had secured the top slot due to its efficient , open economy that works hard to maintain its competitiveness as a regional hub for global businesses .

  21. 考虑到港口货物吞吐量是港口发展战略研究的重要内容,并且事关港口经济腹地的国民经济的发展和我国在国际经济中的竞争力,所以意义特别重大。

    It is significant , considering that the port 's handling capacity of goods is important for the research of its developing strategy and national economy 's development in the economic hinterland and the country 's competitive power in the international economy .

  22. 集装箱海铁联运计划优化可实现运输方式的转变,有效降低运输成本,增加港口经济腹地辐射范围和吞吐量,强化班轮公司、班列运营企业、港口运营企业协调工作能力。

    Container rail-sea intermodal transportation plan optimization can achieve the transformation of transportation mode , reduce costs , increase the economic hinterland radiation range and throughput of the port , strengthen coordination ability among liner companies , trains companies and port enterprises .

  23. 而作为地处东北亚经济腹地的我国吉林省,在促进东北亚区域一体化的发展方面发挥着至关重要的作用,它南连辽宁省,西接内蒙古自治区,北临黑龙江省。

    As the economic hinterland of Northeast Asia , Jilin province has played a crucial role in promoting regional economic integration of northeast area . It south links to Liaoning Province , west to Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region , north to Heilongjiang Province .

  24. 其次,文章介绍了建设国际航运中心和经济腹地的基本知识,并阐述了建设国际航运中心促进经济腹地对外贸易发展的相关理论。

    Secondly , the article describes the basic knowledge of building an international shipping center and the economic hinterland , and expounds the theory about role of building an international shipping center in promoting the developments of foreign trade of its economic hinterland .

  25. 从大连港的经济腹地、地理位置、自然条件诸方面简述21世纪搞好港口布局规划,建设国际大港的可能和必要。

    It briefly expounds the possibility and necessity of doing well in port layout plan and constructing Dalian Port into an international big port of the 21st century from several aspects including the economic hinterland , geologic location and natural conditions of Dalian Port .

  26. 分析天津港集装箱运输态势,预测天津港必将成为外向连结国际、国内网络经济腹地的国际化区域综合物流中心。

    It is analyzed in the paper on the situation and development prospect of container transportation of Tianjin Port and is predicted that Tianjin Port will certainly become an internationalized regional complex cargo distribution centre in connection with international and domestic network economic hinterland .

  27. 集疏运系统主要由铁路、公路、水运、航空、管道五种基本运输方式及相应的交接场站组成,连接港口和其经济腹地,是港口货物集运和输运的主要承担者。

    The collection and distribution system was composed of five basic modes of transportation as railway , highway , water transport , aviation and pipeline . It connected the port and its hinterland , and was the main undertaker of the port cargo collection and distribution .

  28. 并提出了口岸城市西安与经济腹地协调发展的建议:合理分布及优化区域空间功能区;注重空间整合;分清不同区域的发展阶段,合理进行区域经济规划,促进经济的可持续发展。

    And made recommendations for the coordinated development between Xi ' an and the economic hinterland : rational distribution and optimization of regional space functional areas ; focus on spatial integration ; distinguish different regions stage of development and do reasonable regional economic planning to promote the sustainable economic development .

  29. 武汉对外经济联系腹地变动与都市圈范围的界定

    Changing of Hinterland on Economic Linkages and Scope of Wuhan Metropolitan Area

  30. 渝西地区是重庆经济的腹地,在重庆市经济发展中具有非常重要的地位和作用:渝西地区的发展,直接关系到全市发展的大局。

    Western Chongqing Region plays an important role in the economic development of Chongqing .