
  • 网络economic growth pole;new pole of economic growth
  1. 把握国际产业转移机遇打造西部新经济增长极&访西安市外经贸局、市招商局局长王毅

    Seize the Chance on International Industrial Transition and Create Another Western Economic Growth Pole

  2. 本论文引入西方经济增长极理论作为理论依据来勾画红桥区发展构想。

    The present paper introduces the economic growth pole theory to describe the region development .

  3. 培育经济增长极,带动区域经济发展;

    Fostering new area of economic growth to activate regional economy ;

  4. 论云南区域经济增长极体系

    The Regional System of Economic Expansion Poles in Yunnan

  5. 经济增长极和湖北经济跨越式发展

    Economic Development Pole and Economic Leaping-development of Hubei Province

  6. 经济增长极理论与内蒙古经济增长极的选择

    Theory of economic growth points and choice of Inner Mongolian economic growth points

  7. 西部地区&有色地质新的经济增长极

    The new non-ferrous geological growing point in western area

  8. 我国的区域发展方式将成为培育新经济增长极的重要措施。

    Regional development pattern in China will become the crucial measure to cultivate new economic growth .

  9. 第六部分是针对实际情况,提出培育经济增长极的对策建议。

    The sixth is for the actual condition of the foster economic growth pole of the countermeasures .

  10. 放眼全球,经济增长极不平衡,资本流动的下一次重大转变还是未知数。

    Growth is highly uneven across the globe and the next big shift in capital flows unknown .

  11. 重庆市的中长期目标,是成为西部区域经济增长极。

    The long-term objective of Chongqing is to become a key economic growth polar in regional economic zone of western China .

  12. 首次采用份额&偏离分析法确定出贵州喀斯特地区旅游经济增长极;

    The growth pole of tourist economy in Guizhou karst terrain was defined in the initial use of the shift-share analysis .

  13. 环渤海地区将成为继珠江三角洲和长江三角洲之后的中国第三个经济增长极。

    Bohai Rim region will become the third Chinese economic growth pole after the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta .

  14. 发展沿海新能源产业培育新的经济增长极&以江苏沿海地区为例

    Developing New Energy Industries of Coastal Area and Cultivating New Economic Growth Pole & A Case Study of Jiangsu Coastal Area

  15. 尤其是对于中小城市,新城区开发建设已经成为地方政府最重要的国民经济增长极。

    Especially for small and medium-sized cities , it has already become the most important growth pole of the local national economy .

  16. 这三大经济增长极集聚、辐射效应十分明显,成为国家经济的重要支柱。

    The three major economic growth poles have obvious concentration effect and radiation effect . They have become important pillars of national economy .

  17. 而印度则拥有一批国际知名私人企业和知名品牌;服务业特别是软件产业是其经济增长极;

    India holds a lot of famous private firms and famous brands , service trade is its growth pole , especially software industry .

  18. 因此城市商业银行内部治理结构的优化成为有效支持和优化城市经济增长极的重要问题。

    As a result , the optimization of its internal administration structure becomes very important to efficiently support and optimize city economics growth pole .

  19. 城市是一个地区的经济增长极,城市发展水平的高低在某种程度上决定着一个地区整体竞争力的大小。

    Urban is a growth pole of one region , the level of urban development to some extent determines the competitiveness of the region .

  20. 中国两大经济增长极&珠江三角洲和长江三角洲,经过各自不同的制度创新模式成功实现经济转型,经济获得快速发展。

    The two economic growth poles in China-Zhujiang delta and Changjiang delta-have both successfully realized their economic transitional development by different institutional changing models .

  21. 经济增长极理论揭示采用增长极模式对于区域以至整个经济体经济发展的作用。

    Economic growth pole theory reveals the effect of a growth pole model take in the regional economy and the economy as a whole .

  22. 这表明,通过行政区划可以增加相应区域的经济增长极,进而促进区域经济的更好更快发展。

    This shows , trough the administrative division can increase the regional economic growth pole , corresponding to promote regional economic development better and faster .

  23. 非洲是否能成为全球经济增长极,在很大程度上将取决于其采取何种措施、通过国家或区域计划来利用能源。

    Whether Africa becomes the global economic growth pole will depend largely on what it does to harness energy , through national or regional initiatives .

  24. 青岛城市发展战略探讨&从经济增长极核理论与规模效益理论角度

    Discussion on the Strategic Development of Qingdao City-From the Point of View of Polar Nucleus Theory of Economic Growth and the Theory of Scale Merit

  25. 区域经济增长极一直都是区域经济学研究的热点问题,许多区域经济理论都对此进行了介绍,我们通常能够发现:一个地区能够成为区域经济增长极,而另一些地区却不能。

    Regional economic growth pole has always been a hot issue of the regional economic studies , introduced by a number of regional economic theories .

  26. 区域物流网络系统通过基础设施完善、加强产业链协作、形成区域创新机制等促进经济增长极区域经济的不断增长。

    Regional logistics network systems can improve infrastructure construction , reinforce industrial chain collaboration , form regional innovation system , and then develop economic growth pole .

  27. 对于沂南的旅游规划,要从大局上综合把握,将旅游业作为一个经济增长极来加以培植,促进当地社会进步和经济发展。

    The tourism of Yinan should be planned according to overall situation as a way to promote the economic development and the progress of the local society .

  28. 贯彻“以线串点,以点带面”的方针,依托交通干线和中心城市,努力培育经济增长极,带动周边地区的发展。

    The principle of relying on trunk transportation lines and central cities to foster economic growth points and promote the development of surrounding areas has been implemented .

  29. 健康产业随着人们健康需求的不断增长而发展壮大,国际上健康产业作为一种新经济增长极带来了数以亿计的经济效益。

    Health industry expanded hugely with the continuous rise of the health demand . As a new economic growth pole , international health industry bring billion of economic benefit .

  30. 广义增长极理论及其增长圆锥体模型对于当今区域经济增长极的打造和增长极产业结构的优化将会起到一定的参考作用。

    Generalized growth pole theory and its growth cone model will have reference value to construct contemporary regional economic growth pole and optimize the industrial structure of growth pole .