
  • 网络Financial Services
  1. CPA的个人理财业务:潜力无限的新领域

    CPA 's Personal Financial Services : An Unlimited Potential New Field

  2. 中国银行FJ分行(以下简称FJ中行)同我国其它商业银行一样,个人理财业务开展的时间虽然不长,但在近几年得到了快速的发展,已经成为FJ中行对外服务的重要金融产品。

    The personal financial services of commercial banks has been advanced by leaps and bounds although it has been carried out by Bank of China FJ Branch as the same as other commercial banks in our country for not a long time . It becomes an important financial product .

  3. G银行S支行个人理财业务营销策略的案例研究

    The Case Research about S Sub - branch of G Bank 's Personal Finance Product Marketing Strategy

  4. 委托理财业务面对风险大都与自营业务相似,主要是市场风险和法律风险。因此,上文所述的VaR模型分析法同样适用于这部分的风险分析。

    The risk of entrustment business is similar with self-settlement business .

  5. 第四部分,结合上述论证分析结果,对商业银行理财业务进行SWOT分析。

    Fourth chapter , combined with the demonstration analysis , financial operations of commercial banks SWOT analysis .

  6. GF银行理财业务风险的防控策略研究金融危机下的企业财务管理应对策略

    Researches of the Risk Prevention and Control Strategies on GF Bank Financing Services

  7. 德意志银行(DeutscheBank)昨日宣布,已在北京注册理财业务,从而可以提供包括人民币存款和贷款在内的更多服务。

    Deutsche Bank yesterday announced it had incorporated locally in Beijing , allowing it to offer more services , including renminbi deposit and lending services .

  8. 中国加入WTO以后,中资银行普遍开办了个人理财业务,这对中资银行积极参与国际竞争将起到积极作用。

    After China entering WTO , almost all state commercial banks have run personal financing operation . And it plays an active role for state commercial banks to participate in international competition .

  9. 基于ARMA模型的汇率走势预测及在商业银行外汇理财业务中的应用

    Research on Trend Predication of Foreign Exchange and Its Application to Foreign Exchange Financing Business of Commercial Banks Based on Model ARMA

  10. 本文以市交通银行蛇口支行为案例,在对该支行深入调查和研究的基础上,用PEST方法,分析了该支行个人理财业务营销的宏观环境;

    This article based on investigation of the Shekou branch of Bank of Communication , use PEST model to analyzed the personal investments services of the bank 's macro-economical environment ;

  11. 两年多来我国商业银行开展的委托理财业务得到迅猛发展,并且为顺应我国加入WTO金融市场将全面开放的形势进行着不断创新。

    For more than two years , the business of asset management developed by the commercial banks have been improved and innovated remarkably , conforming to the fully open situation of the financial market in China entry into WTO .

  12. 我国加入WTO后,国外商业银行首先与我们正面接触的就是市场与人才,而能与我国国内商业银行竞争并可能打败我们的就是银行的中间业务,其中个人金融理财业务就是一个突破口。

    After join in WTO , the foreign commercial banks will compete with ours in market and intelligence , and the advantage of them is middle business of banks , in which the personal finance is the most important aspect .

  13. 个人理财业务是我国金融业混业经营改革的突破口,也是加入WTO后与外资银行竞争的主战场,因此各金融机构都非常重视发展个人理财业务。

    PFS is the reform breach of financial industry multi-operation in our country , and also is the main battlefield competing with the foreign banks after joining WTO . Therefore , various financial setups all extremely pay attention to developing PFS .

  14. 其次详细描述了案例背景,并提出本文所要分析的问题;并根据存在的问题明确了G银行S支行个人理财业务的营销战略定位,并就目标客户的选择以及理财产品市场设计进行了分析;

    The Second particular describing case background and putting forward the problems in existence of case Then Fixing a definite position of marketing stratagem about PWM , and analyzing the choice of target customers and marketing design of personal wealth product ;

  15. 第三部分,通过JS银行个人理财业务中的实际案例,结合与运用上一章的理论,分析其风险问题。

    In the third part , the risk problems combined with the theory from the front chapter are analyzed through the commercial banks ' personal financing business .

  16. 本文主要针对花旗银行成都分行的QDⅡ理财业务进行了发展性、策略性的研究分析。

    This paper is mainly carried out QDII sales strategic research of Chengdu Branch Citibank and analyzes its internal and external market environment of QDII business .

  17. 尽管私人银行和理财业务增长迅速,但还是有五分之一的富裕投资者对理财公司持怀疑态度,他们更倾向于自己动手(diy)的方式。

    Despite the growth in private banking and wealth management , one in five affluent investors remains suspicious of external wealth managers and prefers a DIY approach .

  18. 但瑞士银行(ubs)负责英国及东北欧理财业务的马休布鲁姆森(matthewbrumsen)表示,这些专家也需要学习新的技能。

    But Matthew brumsen , head of wealth management for the UK , northern and Eastern Europe at UBS , says such people need to learn new skills .

  19. 上周,中国银监会(CBRC)警告,理财业务已经暴露出银行业的问题和薄弱环节,并加强了相关限制措施,发布了包含80条内容的监管办法。

    Last week , the China Banking Regulatory Commission warned that the business had exposed problems and weaknesses in the banking sector and stepped up its crackdown with an 80-point directive .

  20. 目前在87个国家拥有业务的银行业集团汇丰(hsbc)已表示,预计会关闭部分国家的零售银行和理财业务,因为这些部门未能创造足够的利润。

    HSBC , the banking group , has already said it expects to shut down retail banking and wealth management operations in many of the 87 countries where it maintains a presence , because these units are failing to generate sufficient returns .

  21. XY银行自开展个人理财业务以来,在组织架构,理财产品的类型及销售渠道,个人理财业务流程,理财产品的销售及收入等方面都取得了较大的发展。

    Since the launching of XY Bank personal financial service , organizational structure , the type of personal financial products and sales channels , personal finance business processes , financial product sales and revenue and other aspects have had a larger development .

  22. 在实证分析方面,通过对兴业银行泉州分行个人理财业务的营销环境进行SWOT分析,得出其应用采取市场渗透的营销战略,并据此对现有市场营销策略进行改善和优化。

    On the foundation of SWOT analysis of the personal finance business in the Industrial Bank Quanzhou Branch , the empirical analysis makes a conclusion that the penetration marketing strategies should be taken . With this conclusion I put out the methods for improving and bettering the existing marketing strategy .

  23. 本文既具有一定的理论依据,又有较强的针对性、操作性和实践意义,这对GSY提高个人理财业务市场竞争力具有较高的理论价值,同时对其他商业银行也具有现实的借鉴意义。

    It is a high theoretical value for GSY to improve the market competitiveness of personal financial business , and also has practical significance as reference for other commercial banks .

  24. 商业银行网上个人理财业务问题研究

    The Research of Online Personal Financial Service Problems in Commercial Bank

  25. 第二部分,对个人理财业务进行了概述。

    Part two is a summary of the personal financial services .

  26. 对委托理财业务缺乏监管力度;

    Lack of the supervision on the asset management business ;

  27. 因此,我国商业银行个人理财业务也逐渐发展起来,这为我国商业银行个人理财业务的发展提供了机遇。

    Therefore , personal financial business in Chinese commercial banks developed gradually .

  28. 商业银行如何大力发展个人理财业务是本文的重点。

    How to develop personal business is the focus of this article .

  29. 商业银行应积极拓展个人理财业务

    The Development of Managing Individual Financial Affair in Commercial Bank

  30. 我国银行业发展个人金融理财业务的探讨

    On the Development of Personal Administration Business on Financial Transactions in Banks