
  1. 制定办理货币资金业务程序;

    Establish the procedures for the currency capital transaction business ;

  2. 浅析货币资金业务的审计

    Discuss on Auditing of Money Capital Professional Work

  3. 货币市场基金:商业银行资金业务创新的现实选择

    Monetary Market Funds : A Practical Choice for Commercial Banks to Achieve Innovations in Treasury Business

  4. 研究重点是针对那些与资金业务管理活动关系最密切的信息措施。

    The focus of the study was on those information practices most directly related to financial management activities .

  5. 商业银行主要业务板块包括公司业务、个金业务、国际业务、资金业务、托管业务等等。

    Major business segments in commercial banks include Corporation business , Retail business , International business , Financial services , managed services and so on .

  6. 对研究对象兴业银行的业务特色进行了分析,发现兴业银行在资金业务、同业业务和公司业务上创建了自己的特色品牌,具有竞争优势。

    I analyze the business characteristic of the Industrial Bank and found the bank created its own brands and has competitive advantage on treasury business , institutional banking and wholesale banking business .

  7. 面向资金管理业务领域的基于AJAX的J2EE快速开发框架设计与实现

    Rapid J2EE Development Framework for the Field of Fund Management of AJAX-based Design and Implementation

  8. 威尔逊还采用招标方式选择合作伙伴帮助这个组织处理资金管理业务,最终把这项任务从ETS身上剥离了出来。

    Wilson also put the organization 's money management to bid and moved that task away from the testing contractor .

  9. 第一部分为资金信托业务界定的分析。

    The first section is a analysis of fund trust definition .

  10. 在现代保险经营中,保险公司的业务大体分为两类:一类是承保业务,另一类是资金运用业务。

    The businesses of insurance company include debt business and capital business .

  11. 集合资金信托业务的发展障碍。

    The barrister in the development of Collective Fund Trust .

  12. 可办理国内外一切资金往来业务

    Handle all the domestic and foreign Business fund transactions

  13. 对保险公司而言,承保业务和保险资金投资业务是盈利的两个重要来源,资产增值多寡主要取决于承保利润率和保险资金投资收益率的高低。

    Accept insurance and investments of insurance funds are both significant profit-earning sources for insurance companies .

  14. 对货币资金收付业务建立严格的授权审批制度;

    Set up a strict authorization and examine-approve system for currency capital 's receipt and payment business ;

  15. 这符合逻辑;需要最多股本资金的业务应当被减掉最多。

    That is logical ; the business that requires the most equity funding should take the biggest cuts .

  16. 银行缩减贷款将使中小企业更难获得资金进行业务扩张。

    When banks cut their lending , it makes it harder for small businesses to get money to expand .

  17. 在支付业务方面,这些公司都面临重重困难,尤其是资金进出业务方面的能力明显不足。

    The payment operations aspect of these companies is extremely hard , particularly for the funds-in / funds-out capabilities .

  18. 文中对银行信贷资金清算业务办公自动化的系统环境、系统结构和实现功能等方面进行了探讨。

    The paper discusses the credit funds of clear accounts information system environment , system structure and system function .

  19. 当然,对中国企业利用廉价资金获得业务的激烈反对未必会因此停止。

    Of course , this need not stop a backlash against the Chinese using cheap money to buy business .

  20. 随着金融市场的发展,保险资金投资业务已经成为现代保险公司生存和发展的重要手段。

    With the development of financial market , the capital business has become an important means of survival and development .

  21. 承保业务和资金运用业务并重是现代保险业的重要特征,但是在我国,保险资金运用在保险公司整个业务中始终处于从属的地位,被列为保险公司的兼营业务。

    Both underwriting operation and investment operation have the same importance in the whole business operation of an contemporary insurance company .

  22. 最后结合所得商业银行业务流程再造理论对工商银行综合业务系统中的资金汇划业务进行案例分析。

    In the end , combined with the business re-engineering theories , a case study of colligate operation system in ICBC is introduced .

  23. 办理境内机构投资者的有关结汇、售汇、收汇、付汇和人民币资金结算业务;

    Handling the settlement , sales , collection and payment of foreign exchange as well as the Renminbi settlement business for the QDII ;

  24. 证券公司的主要经营业务包括投资银行业务、经纪业务、自营业务、资产管理业务、资金管理业务,等等。

    The major business models of securities companies include investment banking , brokerage , proprietary business , asset management , cash management , etc.

  25. (二)办理合格投资者的有关结汇、售汇、收汇、付汇和人民币资金结算业务;开盘汇率与收盘汇率

    Conducting all QFII related foreign exchange settlement , sales , receipt , payment and RMB settlement businesses ; opening rate & closing rate

  26. 这使那些拥有着优质项目来源与良好盈利模式的中小企业,没有足够的资金支持业务发展。

    Those small and medium-sized enterprises with high-quality project source and good profit mode have not enough funds to support the development of business .

  27. 同城清算指人民银行分支机构组织同一城市范围内各银行机构办理的跨行票据交换及资金清算业务。

    Intra-City Clearing is note exchange and capital clearing business organized by branches of PBC , which spans multiple banks within the same city .

  28. 在我国,随着证券市场的迅速发展,证券公司的资金管理业务规模也日益扩大。

    In China , with the rapid development of security market , the size of fund management business in securities companies is also increasing .

  29. 主张设立保险投资管理公司,将保险资金运用业务与保险业务分离开来。

    Lastly , in order to separate the utilizing of insurance treasury from insuring business , we can build up an insurance investing management company .

  30. 在该部分中,首先介绍了资金信托业务的定义、分类,接着从集合资金信托的集合角度对集合资金信托的性质着重加以分析。

    Beginning from definition and classification of fund trust , then move to the analysis of collective fund trust from the angle of " collective " .