
  • 网络Insufficient assets;asset deficiency;undercapitalized
  1. “加拿大邀请中国投资,而在美国则存在政治风险,”投行杰富瑞(jefferies)驻香港分析师labanyu表示,“这笔交易证实,国内资产不足,因此只要有出售的资产,它们就会收购。”

    " Canada invites Chinese investment , whereas there is political risk in the US , " said Laban Yu , analyst at Jefferies in Hong Kong . " This deal is confirmation that domestic assets are shot , so anything that is for sale they will buy . "

  2. 但是其使他们现有资产不足仅仅能够购买10%而已。

    More realistically , they might purchase say10 % of a Western bank with weak assets .

  3. 目前,外资银行拥有的中国银行业资产不足2%。

    At the moment , foreign banks have less than 2 per cent of Chinese banking assets .

  4. 为解决抵押资产不足的中小企业间接融资困难,建立中小企业信用体系是世界各国的普遍做法。

    The lack of collateral assets usually prevents small and medium-sized enterprises ( SMEs ) from obtaining indirect financing .

  5. 目前有6700家资产不足10亿美元的银行将三分之二以上的资金发放了房地产贷款。

    There are 6,700 banks with less than $ 1bn of assets which have more than two-thirds of their funds in property loans .

  6. 倔强的波澜特卡亨斯的资产不足,当他与他们交涉贷款的时候,那种态度突然发生了变化。

    But that attitude had changed abruptly when they were approached for a loan by a stiff-necked Brant Culhane when his fortunes sagged .

  7. 由于中小企业自身资产不足,企业信用体制缺失和资本市场不完善,中小企业融资难成为了制约中小企业发展最主要的问题。

    Due to the Insufficient assets of SME , lack of enterprise credit system and the imperfection of Capital market , financing constraint has become the most important issues which restricts the development of SME .

  8. 山东省金融发展水平全国领先,已经设立了齐鲁银行等14家城市商业银行,数量位居全国首位,但是资产不足和风险过高等问题为我们敲响了警钟。

    The financial level of Shandong Province is leading in the whole country , and 14 urban commercial banks including Qilu bank have already been established , which makes the number ranks first in China . But the lack of assets and the high risks wake us up .

  9. 相比之下,目前我国的基金业仍显得非常弱小,基金数目不足40家,资产规模不足千亿元人民币,基金管理公司也不过十家。

    Up to now we have less than 40 closed-end funds , and only 10 fund management companies .

  10. 这是令人担忧的,因为安全资产供应不足的市场,可能更容易发生系统性动荡。

    This is worrying , because markets that lack an adequate supply of safe stores of value may be more vulnerable to systemic instability .

  11. 对制糖企业与糖料农户人为地分隔开来进行多头管理,交易成本高、市场风险大、专用性资产投资不足。

    Because of the enterprise and sugar crop farms are separately management , bargaining cost is high , the market risk is great , special assets under-capitalize .

  12. 胡斌表示,总体来说,由于潜在投资工具或标的资产种类不足,中国基金公司在产品创新方面面临挑战。

    Mr Hu says Chinese fund firms are generally challenged when it comes to product innovation due to the lack of variety when it comes to potential investment tools or underlying assets .

  13. 某种资产的不足或闲置浪费,即存在结构性缺陷时,将直接影响企业的投资效果,阻碍实现规模经济。

    Lack or waste of certain assets , that is to say , there is a structural defect , will directly affect the investment effect and hinder the achievement of economies of scale .

  14. 本文认为,证券资产持有不足是目前中国居民金融资产多元化进程中存在的主要问题;

    The point of this paper can be summarized as follows : first , the main problem in the diversification of the residents'financial assets is that the residents do not hold enough securities assets ;

  15. 介绍了老工业基地的形成和布局,分析了发展现状:非公有制经济发展不足、经济外向度低、工业经济结构层次低、固定资产投资不足。

    Firstly we simply introduce the forming and distribution of the old industry-zones , and analyze the present conditions in succession : the deficiency of non-state-owned economy , the lowness of foreign capital , the low level of industrial economic structure , the low level of fixed assets investment .

  16. 他说:成立时间较短的基金如中投公司和科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)在房地产领域的资产配置尤其不足,同时不存在业绩或历史遗留问题。

    He said : The younger funds [ such as CIC and the Kuwait Investment Authority ] especially are under-allocated to real estate and have no performance or legacy issues .

  17. 不过花旗(citi)估计,如果总资产明年缩水不足3%,使存贷比降至2006年的水平,这将意味着资产负债表减少约700亿港元。

    Still , if aggregate assets contract by under 3 per cent next year , bringing Ltd ratios down to 2006 levels , that will mean a reduction in balances of about HK $ 70bn , estimates Citi .

  18. 目前,在华外资银行所占份额较小(以资产规模计不足2%)。

    Today , foreign banks in China only own a tiny proportion of it ( 2 percent around ) .

  19. 因此企业资产流动性不足是企业陷入财务困境的重要原因。

    Therefore , the lack of assets liquidity can be regarded as the important reason for financial distress of enterprises .

  20. 然而,无形资产信息披露不足的现状无法适应知识经济发展的需要。

    However , the insufficient current situation of information disclosure is unable to meet the needs of economic development of knowledge .

  21. 资产流动性不足和资不抵债之间的界限十分模糊:央行的援助越少会让流动性弱的机构更趋于破产。

    The line between illiquidity and insolvency is a blurry one : less central-bank largesse would push many illiquid institutions into insolvency .

  22. 银行业并没有出现在这个指数中,这是由于他们财务报表上的债务杠杆使得政府游说的支出在总资产中份额不足百分之一。

    Banks do not make the list because their balance-sheets are so leveraged that lobbying expenditures are small as a percentage of assets .

  23. 随着我国房地产金融的发展及商业银行住房抵押贷款规模的扩大,银行资产流动性不足等问题随之显现,因而住房抵押贷款证券化开始引起政府、金融界和理论界的广泛关注。

    With the developing of real estate finance , the amount of mortgage consume loan increase greatly , which forces the banks to face flowing risk .

  24. 例如,在欧洲,目前银行平均资本占资产的比例不足10%,而20世纪初这一比例在25%左右。

    In Europe , for example , average bank capital is now equivalent to less than 10 per cent of assets , compared with around 25 per cent towards the beginning of the 20th century .

  25. 住房抵押货款证券化作为一种金融创新兴起于二十世纪七十年代初的美国,当时主要是为了解决商业银行、储蓄机构的资产流动性不足问题,取得了巨大的成功。

    Mortgage-backed securitization ( MBS ), as one of the major forms of financial innovations , was originated from American , which was used to solve the asset problem of lacking liquidation and achieved great success . housing ;

  26. 国有资产管理法存在不足;

    State asset manage law existence insufficiency ;

  27. 金融危机发生后其存在的问题主要体现在:流动性不足、不良资产和资本金不足三个方面。

    After the financial crisis a problem of its aspects : the lack of liquidity , bad assets and capital of less than three .

  28. 分三种情况:流动性不足、不良资产和资本金不足,来分析财政金融救助政策的分工和配合。

    Divided three ways : the lack of liquidity , bad assets and capital shortage , to analyze the fiscal and financial aid policy and coordination division .

  29. 分析发现,目前我国软件类上市公司存在两极分化现象,无形资产的利用效率不足,营业成本需要控制。

    Analysis found that at present our country software companies exist polarization phenomenon , intangible assets ' utilization efficiency is insufficient , operating costs need to control .

  30. 债券基金相当不受欢迎,在全部资产中仅占不足2%,股票基金所占比例则超过20%。

    Bond funds have been remarkably unpopular , with less than 2 per cent of the total assets , with equity funds representing more than 20 per cent .