
  • 网络Chung Dong-young;ChungDong-young
  1. 前电视节目主持人、韩国总统候选人郑东泳(chungdong-young)在民意调查中选票或许落后,但他的一项竞选承诺却非常引人注目。

    Chung Dong-young , a former television anchorman and candidate to be president of South Korea , may be behind in the opinion polls but one of his campaign commitments is eye-catching .

  2. 据《韩国时报》(koreatimes)报道,郑东泳称,韩国需要“解决英语学习造成家庭分开的问题”。

    The country needed to " solve the problem of families separated for English learning " , the Korea Times reported him saying .

  3. 当时,郑东泳承诺如果当选,要大幅增加英语教育,让韩国年轻人不必出国去学英语。

    If elected , he promises a vast increase in English teaching so that young Koreans do not have to go abroad to learn the language .