
  • 网络policy science;policy studies
  1. 公共政策学研究的新视野

    New Horizon of General Policy Studies

  2. 本文综合应用经济学、可持续发展战略学、环境经济学、技术经济学、产业经济学、国民经济管理学、政策学的原理对城市生活垃圾处置作经济学分析。

    This thesis makes economic analysis on the municipal garbage treatment through comprehensive application of the principles of economics , sustainable development strategy , environmental economics , technical economics , industrial economics , economic management and policy studies .

  3. 卡尔·凯索(CarlF.Kaestle)是布朗大学(BrownUniversity)教育、历史与公共政策学教授。

    Carl F.Kaestle is a professor of education , history , and public policy at Brown University .

  4. 现在77岁的科恩是密歇根大学(theUniversityofMichigan)教育与公共政策学教授,他将教师与诸如心理治疗师和牧师等“人类灵魂的导师”进行对比。

    Cohen , 77 , a professor of education and public policy at the University of Michigan , compares teachers to other " human improvers " like psychotherapists and pastors .

  5. 浅谈案例教学在公共政策学课程教学中的应用

    Application of the case teaching in the course of public policy

  6. 我国现行婚检制度问题的政策学分析

    Policy Analysis of Problems Existing in Current Medical Examination before Marriage System

  7. 刑事政策学上的犯罪是一切已经发生了的危害社会的行为,是已然的犯罪学上的犯罪。

    The offence of criminal policy is all acts that harm society .

  8. 国家助学贷款的政策学分析

    An Analysis on the National Policy of Student Loans

  9. 浙江省民办教育改革与发展的政策学分析

    Reform and Development of Private Education in Zhejiang Province : A Policy-oriented Analysis

  10. 水土保持政策学研究刍议

    Preliminary Discussion on the Research of Policy Science about Soil and Water Conservation

  11. 关于开展药物政策学研究的探讨对医药科技政策几个问题的探讨

    Discussion on the Pharmaceutical Policy Research On the Policy of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

  12. 提出了积极开展林业政策学研究的主要问题;论述了林业政策体系的构成及其内涵。

    Suggestions for the formation and implications of a new forest policy system are given .

  13. 以公共政策学课程教学改革为例,可以使用这两种教学方法建构一般的课堂教学模型。

    This essay is attempt to set the general class teaching mode with two methods .

  14. 生态政策学及其评价方法

    Ecological policy and its evaluation methods

  15. 文章从政策学的视角探讨如下问题:如何理解政府能力;

    From the perspective of policy , this paper mainly discusses the following questions : how to comprehend the government ability ;

  16. 开展水土保持政策学研究的核心任务是围绕总的政策目标,建立水土保持政策体系,其研究方法是深入实际调查研究和模拟分析。

    Of soil and water conservation policy according to general goal of policy , its research method is investigation and imitating .

  17. 区域推进:农村地区实现义务教育均衡发展的基本策略&政策学视角的分析

    Regional Advancement : an Basic Tactic for a Balanced Development of Compulsory Education in Rural Areas An Analysis from the Angle of Policy

  18. 中国社会转型中战略变迁的公共政策学解释&西方公共政策非线性过程理论的中国应用

    Interpretation of Public Policy Science for Strategic Evolution of Chinese Transformed Society & Chinese Application of Non-linear Process Theory in Western Public Policy

  19. 方法移植公共政策学的研究方法,分析药物政策的主体、客体及其特殊性。

    Methods The main body , object and the particularity of pharmaceutical policy were analyzed by transplanting the method of the public policy subject .

  20. 本文从政治学、政治社会学和公共管理学、公共政策学的角度研究城中村的治理问题。

    This thesis studies the governance issue of the village in the city from angles of politics , political society , public policy and public management .

  21. 但是,必须要强调的是,即便立足于刑法教义学的阐释也不能脱离刑事政策学而闭门造车。

    However , what has to be emphasized is that even explanations based on the creed of criminal doctrine should not be separated from criminal policy .

  22. 最后,对信息政策学的学科化构想进行了较系统的理论性探讨,涉及该学科的研究对象、性质、范围及方法等方面的问题,并完成了对信息政策本位概念内容的研究。

    Lastly , as for theoretic conception of information policy science , we 've discussed its subject , nature , area , studying methods and some others .

  23. 代表性研究成果有《文化政策学》、《文化产业发展与国家文化安全》、《中国国家文化安全论》。

    His main interests are in the Cultural Strategy and Management , Theories and Policies of Cultural Industries , National Cultural Security , Cultural Politics and System .

  24. 其中包含互动论、系统论和结构论等哲学辩证法观念,并涉入到传统的犯罪学、刑法学、刑事政策学和被害人学等学科中诸多的基础理论问题。

    As well , many related basic theories among criminology , criminal law science , criminal policy , victimology and so on , are commented through the research .

  25. 从社会政策学的角度分析,农民工子女的教育问题是我国社会政策和教育政策相互作用的产物。

    Starting from the point of social policy , the education strain on migrant workers ' children is resulted by the social and educational policies in our country .

  26. 网络参与的异军突起引起了从事政治学、公共管理学以及公共政策学研究学者的高度关注。

    The unexpected emergence of Internet involvement ( political participation on Internet ) has aroused great concern of scholars and researchers in Politics , Public Management and Public Policy .

  27. 本课题是一个跨学科的研究项目,涉及文艺学、马列文论、政策学、社会学、文化经济学、管理学、法学等学科领域,运用到诸学科的方法。

    The study is a cross subject research project including culture arts study , literature study , policy study , social study , culture arts economics , management and jurisdiction .

  28. 刑事政策学以对犯罪人人道处遇为其直接目的,为我们研究对精神病犯罪人的处遇制度提供了一个全新的平台。

    The direct purpose of Criminal Policy is to treat offender in humane way . Criminal Policy provides a new platform for us to study the psychotic offender treatment system .

  29. 作为刑事政策学研究对象的刑事政策概念应当具有科学性,而这与刑事政策学的科学性紧密相联。

    As the research objects of criminal policy science , the concepts of criminal policy science should be scientific , which is closely related to the scientificalness of criminal policy science .

  30. 对腐败问题的研究涉及到政治学、政策学、经济学、社会学、管理学、法学等多个学科,需要运用各个学科交叉融合的分析工具和研究成果来进行研究。

    It involves the science of politics , policy , economics , sociology , management and laws to study the problem of corruption by applying the multi-subject analyzing tools and research findings .