
The governmental authorities have been aware of this eventuality for years .
The seat of the executive branch of the government of South africa .
On conception and features of the government economic authority
As the extent and complexity of government increased , the number of households multiplied .
Constitution 's principles and no governmental authority in the exempt from complying with it .
He doesn 't so much insist as you will see in your reading on the actual separation of functions of government putting them into separate hands .
I think that we 're probably going that way anyway and I think that in the next presidential administration we 'll see an expansion of the role of the Fed .
At the national level , urban area should be set as soon as possible standard specification , meanwhile , municipal and district governments to make clear terms of reference of the distribution requirements .
The authority and responsibility are unified for the government : on one hand , the government must exert its authority ;
" Administration by law " is becoming the principle of exercise of administrative power and a main part of the construction of a socialist country under the rule of law .
Article 62 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall exercise the following powers and functions : the seat of the executive branch of the government of South Africa .
The 16th National Congress of CPC has clearly established the reforming strategy for state assets in the non-monopoly sectors by implementing " the privatization of state assets " and entitling the local governments more administrative power .
In addition to prescribing the principles governing the duties and powers of the National Assembly and government organizations , special provisions were made regarding " local government " and " the rights and duties of the people " .
Other functions and powers authorized by the People 's Government of Ningbo Municipality .
France wants to limit treaty changes to the eurozone members and retain more budget authority in national capitals .
The function transformation and the relation between functions and powers of the municipal governments on the county level .
The Ryan pick will make it harder to dodge a serious debate about the responsibilities and reach of the federal government and whether economic dynamism is best stoked by inequity rather than equity .
Meanwhile it confers and allows the government the provision that the concerned department manages the important economic contract by the law in the jurisdictional degree , and limits to the freedom of contract , and it embodies the thought of appropriate interference in the economic law .
Thirdly , to regulate the functions and powers of the central government and local governments ;
The norm design of city governments is to make a clear distinction of governments ' functions , responsibilities and duties .
On cutting down the government authority basis energetically , to the economy must be exercised by the government , authority of office carries out science allocation .
China is in the wave of government reform . How to limit the authority of government administration better and at the same time enabling the efficient exercise of all administrative procedures will be faced with a problem .
However , with the reform of government management system speeding up , the original functions and powers exercised by the government are transferred to the trade association , this makes the trade association become the " third sector " in nature .
The government regulation to the private higher education , not only has a bearing on weather the government can establish its power according to the law , but also concerns the private higher education weather it can develop smoothly .
The county government has , in effect , taken over management of township budgets , stripping the townships of what little power they still retained .
In consideration of the complication of auditing environment , at that time , it was inevitable that the auditing theoretical thought was out of line with practical authorities , and in certain degree it weakened the function of government auditing authority .