
  • 网络regime
  1. 在沦陷区,反抗日本侵略者及日伪政权体制下的文学对中国文学的残酷压制是当务之急。

    In the Japanese-occupied areas , the priority was to resist the Japanese invasion and the Japanese puppet regime under the system of literature on the brutal suppression of Chinese literature .

  2. 虽然这个国家只存在6年时间,但它的政权体制为中华人民共和国开国政权体制提供了有益的可资借鉴的历史经验。

    Although the " state " only existed for six years , its regime system afforded useful historical experience for the PRC to use for reference in the early period of its foundation .

  3. 佛教对吐蕃王朝政权体制的影响&兼论吐蕃王朝前、后期政权形态的变化

    Buddhism have Influences on Tubo 's System of Political Power

  4. 取消农业税后乡镇政权体制改革问题研究述评

    A Review of Power System Innovation in Villages and Towns after Agriculture Tax Exemption

  5. 地方政权体制主要从地方行政机构、地方议会制度和地方政党制度三个角度来进行详细的论述。

    It is introduced from three perspectives of local administrative bodies , local council institutions and local party system .

  6. 建国后,青海省乡级政权体制的发展和演变经历了三个不同的阶段。

    Since the state establishment , the development and evolution of the town level polity of Qinghai province has gone through three stages .

  7. 于是,你翻出所有零零碎碎的知识储备——宗教革命,教会分裂,集体屠杀,政权体制——可是“哈斯”这个人在哪里呢?

    You fish out all manner of odds and ends of knowledge - revolutions , schisms , massacres , systems of government ; but Huss - where is he ?

  8. 在日趋成熟的政权体制下,丁玲在自我大众化的追求中,虽然与革命政权达成一致,但其主体的自主空间越来越狭小。

    In the increasing mature political system , though she reached assent with the revolutionary regime , Ding Ling felt the space of subject became narrower and narrower in her pursuit for popularization of the subject .

  9. 宗教与政治相结合,是美国历史的突出特征。而英属北美马萨诸塞殖民地的政教关系也是一个非常典型的代表,其政教合一的政权体制在美国历史上的影响也是深远的。

    Religious and political integration is a prominent characteristic of American history . The relation between politics and religion of Massachusetts Bay Colony is a typical representative , the impact of this theocracy system is far-reaching of the United States .

  10. 其次对该政权的体制进行叙述与分析。

    Secondly , the system of the regime will be recounted and analyzed .

  11. 平城政权的财政体制是以皇帝集权为核心的以胡为主的架构。

    The system frame , in which the centralized bureaucratization was the core , derived from the barbarian financial institution .