
  • 网络The political situation
  1. 政治局势过了很长时间才恢复正常。

    It took time until the political situation had normalized .

  2. 政治局势在持续恶化。

    The political situation is steadily worsening .

  3. 中国汽车制造商吉利汽车控股有限公司(GeelyAutomobileHoldingsLtd.,简称:吉利汽车)表示,如果乌克兰的政治局势恶化,将考虑减少对乌克兰的待装汽车出口量。

    Chinese auto maker Geely Automobile Holdings GELYY - 2.92 % said it would consider reducing the number of cars it exports to Ukraine for assembly should the political situation there deteriorate .

  4. 这些间谍会向祭司通报当前的政治局势。

    These spies informed the priests about the current political situation .

  5. 一个国家的政治局势与其经济状况密切相关。

    A country 's political situation is closely related to its economic situation .

  6. 而且政治局势也在进一步恶化。

    And the political situation has deteriorated , too .

  7. 要预测中东地区的政治局势真的非常非常难。

    It really is very , very difficult to predict the political situation in the Middle East .

  8. 中国工资水平的迅速上升,再加上日益紧张的地缘政治局势,促使跨国公司把目光投向了别处。

    China 's rapidly rising wages , together with mounting geopolitical tensions , prompted multinationals to look elsewhere as well .

  9. 不管政治局势如何堪比肥皂剧,通胀问题又如何夸张,阿根廷的首都永远都不会丧失自己的魅力。

    No matter how soap-opera-like its politics , or exaggerated its inflation , Argentina 's capital never loses its charm .

  10. 自从穆尔西被下台,埃及的政治局势变得愈加恶化,数以千计的人被杀害或逮捕。

    Since Morsi was thrown out of office , politics in Egypt has grown increasingly violent , and thousands have been killed or arrested .

  11. 会呀,不过想想它所带来的免费广告——随着世界政治局势的状况,这些T恤自己就可以行销自己了!

    Yes , but think of all the free advertising that will bring-with world politics as they are , the shirts will market themselves !

  12. 今天,我希望能向大家通报:我同政府进行的一些列会谈,其目的一直是使我国的政治局势正常化。

    Today , I wish to report to you that my talks with the government have been aimed at normalizing the political situation in the country .

  13. 切尔尼说,原因很简单,就是想证明俄罗斯政治局势非常紧张,间谍和颠覆者随处都有。

    The reason , says Cherniy , was simple ; to show the political situation in the country was tense , that spies and subversives were everywhere .

  14. 紧张的政治局势和政治冲突导致很难解决这些问题。中东地球之友的成员说,如果不采取措施,约旦河一定会干涸。

    Political tensions and conflict have made it difficult to Members of Friends of the Earth Middle East say the Jordan could run dry unless something is done .

  15. 所以,当我们关注,我们意识到仅克里米亚,这个乌克兰的地区—约占这个国家出口的百分之十,而这个数字可能为政治局势升级带来破坏性的影响。

    So , when we look down and we realize Crimea alone , which is part of the-accounts for about ten percent of Ukraine 's exports , that could potentially be disruptive should the political situation escalate .

  16. 尽管如此,据莱坊进行的调查显示,对于自己的巨额财富在全球经济的动荡和瞬息万变的政治局势中是否将毫发无损,这些高净值超级富豪并非信心十足。

    Still , these ultra-high net worth individuals are not completely confident that their large masses of wealth will be completely unaffected by turbulence in the world economy and changing political situations , according to surveys conducted by Knight Frank .

  17. 迁殷以后,“行汤之政”,政治局势趋于稳定,遏制了商的衰亡之势,达到了迁都图强的目的,社会经济和文化也随着出现了一个新的发展局面。

    When settled , the state began to practice Tang 's policy , so that the political situation tended to be stabilized , the declination held back , the goal to make the country strong was achieved , and a new economic and cultural prospect also came forth .

  18. 分析人士说,以色列政治局势动荡,美国新政府将在明年1月上任,加上人们猜测巴勒斯坦人可能即将更换领导人,这些都意味着在几个月内和平进程几乎没有可能出现进展。

    Analysts say Israel 's political turmoil , combined with a new U.S. administration taking office in January and speculation of a possible impending change of leadership in the Palestinian territories , means there is little chance there will be any movement in the peace process for several months .

  19. 今日阅读大德兰,几乎能感觉到她从入神体验中苏醒过来后,注视着周遭中世纪西班牙的政治局势(她生活在史上数一数二、最恶劣的宗教专政之下),然后冷静尽责地为自己的激动状态道歉。

    Reading Saint Teresa today , you can almost feel her coming out of that delirious experience , then looking around at the political climate of medieval Spain ( where she lived under one of the most re-pressive religious tyrannies of history ) and soberly , dutifully , apologizing for her excitement .

  20. 不过,其他分析师认为这更多地是因为中国正在进行经济转型,将经济重心从重工业和出口转向居民消费,进而造成经济增速下降;另一个原因是中国和亚洲邻国的领土争端使得政治局势紧张,而这些国家有大量对华投资。

    Others , however , see it as driven more by the slowdown in economic growth as the country tries to re-orient its economy more toward the domestic consumer and away from heavy industry and exports , as well as by political tensions over territorial dispute with Asian neighbors , who are large inward investors .

  21. 这些趋势的联合效应及其产生的政治紧张局势均指向政府和社会的崩溃。

    The combined effects of those trends and the political tensions they generate point to the breakdown of governments and societies .

  22. 自那之后,随着开罗政治紧张局势再次加剧,埃及的CDS息差进一步上升了40%。

    Since then , with political tensions again on the rise in Cairo , they have widened by a further 40 per cent .

  23. 富时亚太指数(ftseasia-pacificindex)小幅回落0.1%,至268.37点,北非及中东地区的政治紧张局势导致当地其他地区的投资者保持谨慎。

    The FTSE Asia-Pacific index edged back 0.1 per cent to 268.37 as political tensions across North Africa and the Middle East led to investor caution elsewhere in the region .

  24. 这将减少地区不平等及随之出现的政治紧张局势。

    It would reduce regional inequality and the accompanying political tensions .

  25. 政治紧张局势又一次到了危急关头。

    Political tensions are once again coming to the boil .

  26. 受国际政治经济局势影响,国际油品市场向来以跌宕起伏著称。

    Influenced by the international economic and political situation , the international oil market has always undergone sharp fluctuations .

  27. 该国本就在与日益恶化的贫困、冠状病毒危机和总统若弗内尔·莫伊兹遇刺后的政治紧张局势作斗争。

    It was already struggling with worsening poverty , the coronavirus crisis and political tensions following the assassination of President Jovenel Moise .

  28. 市场不再忽视日益加剧的地缘政治紧张局势,后者可能影响全球增长、贸易和能源。

    On the geopolitical front , markets could no longer ignore mounting tensions that risk disrupting global growth , trade and energy .

  29. 正是这个事实,而不仅仅是地缘政治紧张局势,在很大程度上造成了最近的油价上涨。

    It is this last fact , not just geopolitical tensions , that accounts for much of the increase in recent oil prices .

  30. 不过,几个月的政治紧张局势过后,她已在执政的庇隆党占多数的议会中寻得更多支持。

    But after months of political tensions , she sought broader support in Congress , where the ruling Peronist Party holds a majority .