
zhènɡ fǔ dài kuǎn
  • government loan
  1. 9月中旬,雷曼兄弟申请破产,而AIG接受了1200亿美元的政府贷款。

    Lehman filed for bankruptcy last month and AIG was rescued by $ 120bn government loan .

  2. 偿还600亿美元5年期政府贷款的需要,促使AIG对AIA进行拍卖。

    The auction of AIA was triggered by the need to repay a five-year , $ 60bn government loan .

  3. 我们得了一笔政府贷款。

    We obtained a loan from the government .

  4. 四月份,GM偿还了接近70亿美元的政府贷款。

    In April , GM repaid almost seven billion dollars in government loans .

  5. 1979年,执掌克莱斯勒的艾科卡(LeeIacocca)在接受联邦政府贷款担保时也曾作出同样的表示。

    Lee Iacocca made the same commitment when he ran Chrysler and secured federal loan guarantees in1979 .

  6. 由于销售严重下滑,通用汽车公司(GeneralMotorsCorp。)、福特汽车公司(FordMotorCo。)和克莱斯勒公司(ChryslerLLC)一直在寻求获得340亿美元的政府贷款以渡过当前的经济衰退期。

    With sales slumping badly , General Motors Corp. , Ford Motor Co. , and Chrysler LLC had been seeking $ 34 billion in government loans to weather the recession .

  7. 朝着IPO迈进的另一项举措是,菲亚特正与数家银行洽谈,希望能以成本更低廉的债务置换70亿美元的政府贷款。

    In another step towards an IPO , Fiat is in talks with a group of banks that would allow it to replace $ 7bn of government loans with lower-cost debt .

  8. 厦门市高殿水厂三期工程是利用法国和日本政府贷款建成的日产水量30万m3规模的现代化水厂。

    His modern waterworks in Amoy , Fujian Province with designed capacity of 300 thousand cubic meters per day has been completed depending on the French and Japanese loan .

  9. 然而IMF只向政府贷款,而不会干预市场,因此必须要对每一笔付款都实施严密控制才能将其资金投入SPIV。

    But the IMF lends only to governments , rather than intervening in markets , and could not put its own money into a SPIV without exercising close control over every payment .

  10. 福特汽车最近发表声明说,他们有足够的流动资金,不需政府贷款。但是通用汽车CEO表示,他们公司马上需要数十亿美元的贷款,会将精力全部集中于企业重组计划。

    Ford in a statement said its liquidity is adequate and didn 't need the government loan , but Rick Wagoner the CEO of the General Motors said his company would access billions of loan dollars immediately and will now focus on fully implementing its restructuring plan .

  11. 政府贷款给克莱斯勒开了一个恶劣的先例。

    The government loans for Chrysler had set a bad precedent .

  12. 利用瑞士政府贷款建设医疗废物处置中心

    Use Swiss Government Loan to Establish Disposal Center for Medical Wastes

  13. 利用外国政府贷款医疗项目操作程序及需要注意的问题

    Questions and medical operating procedure in using the foreign government loan

  14. 多支付的价格相当于政府贷款的预期损失。

    The overpayment equals the expected loss of the government loan .

  15. 辽宁省肿瘤医院利用外国政府贷款促进发展

    To Promote Development by Utilizing Foreign Government Loans in Liaoning Cancer Hospital

  16. 利用外国政府贷款的程序和风险防范

    The Procedures and Risk Management of Utilizing Foreign Government Loans

  17. 利用外国政府贷款回顾与展望

    Reviewing and prospecting the utilization of foreign governmental loan

  18. 日本政府贷款造林项目营林生产管理流程

    Flow of silviculture-production management for the Japan-loaned afforestation project

  19. 申请政府贷款要求多少会有些不同。

    Somewhat different requirements apply for a government loan .

  20. 许多美国大学生申请政府贷款交付学费。

    Many American students apply for government loans to pay for their tuition .

  21. 他提议用政府贷款来援助一些营业状况不好的公司。

    He proposed government loans for the salvation of several shaky business companies .

  22. 使用国际组织或者外国政府贷款、援助资金的项目。

    Projects using loans or aid funds from international organizations or foreign governments .

  23. 两家公司都偿还了从问题资产救助计划获得的政府贷款。

    Both firms have paid back the government loans they received under TARP . J.

  24. 此外或许还有各类政府贷款。

    Various government loans may also be available .

  25. 动作迟缓的国有企业享有隐含的政府贷款担保,它们得到的资本远超理智水平。

    Sluggish state-owned enterprises with implicit government-backed loan guarantees receive more capital than is rational .

  26. 同样还不确定的是花旗集团是否会获得政府贷款为这一实体进行融资。

    Also uncertain is if Citigroup would get a government loan to finance the facility .

  27. 例如,过去我们曾向北兰政府贷款。

    In the past , for example , we 've lent the government of northland .

  28. 克莱斯勒还在寻求35亿美元低息政府贷款,用于发展绿色科技项目。

    Chrysler is also seeking $ 3.5bn in low-interest US government loans for green technology projects .

  29. 他表示,17家公司中已有11家偿还了政府贷款,并缴纳了利息。

    He says 11 of the 17 companies have already re-paid their government loans with interest .

  30. 当然,政府贷款更可能包括一些繁苛的条款,比如说提前预付罚金。

    Also , government loans are more likely to have onerous terms such as prepayment penalties .