
  • 网络Asset swap
  1. 同时,其它次要情节,例如安联零售子公司与德国邮政银行(postbank)合并或者与英国劳埃德银行(lloydstsb)进行复杂的资产互换,似乎尚未展开。

    Meanwhile , other subplots such as a merger of the retail arm with Postbank , or a complex asset swap with Lloyds TSB appear to be unravelling .

  2. 在那种情况下,货币扩张或财政扩张政策,以及银行业资产互换和担保政策,没有增加(而是减少了)安全优质资产的供应:这些政策使政府票据退出安全投资类别,转而进入高风险类别。

    Then policies of monetary or fiscal expansion or of banking sector asset swaps and guarantees do not boost but reduce the supply of safe high-quality assets : they move government paper out of the safe and into the risky category .

  3. 这种债务与资产的互换,可能会对那些难以坚持还贷的房屋所有者有所帮助,同时在预计房价将上涨的未来时间不会增加联邦预算。

    Such debt-for-equity swaps could help homeowners struggling to keep up with mortgage payments , while not adding to the federal budget in future years when prices are expected to rise .

  4. 汪东进表示,由于油价较低,大型国际石油公司的任何资产处置都会导致较大损失;但如果各公司加强合作和资产互换,那将有助于大家重组海外资产,各得其所。

    Because of the low oil prices , any asset disposal will lead to big losses for any big international oil companies . If we could strengthen co-operation and swap assets , it will help us restructure overseas assets and complement each other , Mr Wang said .