
  1. 是亚行、亚行学院(ADBI)及日本水资源机构(JWA)共同倡导成立的,旨在通过知识共享和能力建设来为亚洲各地的江河流域组织提供支持。

    NARBO , an initiative between ADB , the Asian Development Bank Institute ( ADBI ) and the Japan Water Agency ( JWA ), will support RBOs through knowledge sharing and capacity-building .

  2. 加强企业人力资源机构与队伍建设。

    Strengthen the construction of human resource structure and team .

  3. 实质上,规划办公室是整个规划的人力资源机构。

    In effect , the program management office is the " staff " function for the program .

  4. 目前卫生工作者的人数和类型以及培训项目输出人员的数据来自世界卫生组织的卫生人力资源机构和培训机构2005年开展的调查。

    Data on the current numbers and types of health workers and outputs from training programmes are from the2005 WHO health workforce and training institutions ' surveys .

  5. 然而,根据人力资源机构的观点,一旦老式的、榨干员工最后一滴血的公司转向这种新型的均势工作环境后,这些公司就会很快发现它的优点。

    However , according to human resource authorities , once old-style , work'em-till-they-bleed companies get their heads around the new balanced workplace , they quickly see its merits .

  6. 据国有人力资源机构中国国际技术智力合作公司日前发布的一份调查显示,应届毕业生的平均薪酬同比上涨了7.4%。

    The average pay for college graduates has gone up by 7.4 percent year-on-year , according to a survey published by China International Intellectech Corporation , a State-owned human resources company .

  7. 网上一般都可以找到薪资调查,如果你去咨询人力资源机构,你的顾问往往就能给你这个职位薪资幅度的建议。

    There are salary surveys available online , and if youre dealing with a recruitment agency , your consultant should be able to advise you on the salary range for the position youre interviewing for .

  8. 人力资源机构人事开发特许协会的大卫·苏沙说,邮件自荐标志着一种不健康的工作环境,在这种环境下,员工会对自己的工作产生恐惧感。

    David D'Souza , of human resources organisation the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development , said ego emailing was a sign of an unhealthy working environment in which employees were ' fearful ' for their jobs .

  9. 经济、贸易和工业部的一名官员称,由日本石油天然气金属矿产资源机构带领的这一联盟于去年二月份开始前期工作,本周二开始进行为期两周的试验性生产。

    The consortium , led by Japan Oil , Gas and Metals National Corporation , began initial work in February last year and on Tuesday started a two-week experimental production , an economy , trade and industry ministry official said .

  10. 今年,人力资源顾问机构“如鱼得水”公司(waterforfish)的一项调查发现,48%的英国雇员在工作申请中言过其实。

    This year , a survey by water for fish , a human resources consultancy , found 48 per cent of UK workers exaggerated in job applications .

  11. 为什么她的证词如此重要EllyHarrowell来自自然资源监控机构“全球目击者组织”(GlobalWitness)。

    Why her testimony was important Elly Harrowell is from the natural resources watchdog Global Witness .

  12. 科罗拉多州戈尔登(Golden)的“爱与逻辑事务所”(LoveandLogicInstitute)的联合创始人吉姆•费伊(JimFay)说,家务能够教会孩子自我控制和自我调节。该事务所是一家专门提供家庭教育培训和资源的机构。

    Chores teach kids self-control and self-regulation , says Jim Fay , co-founder of the Love and Logic Institute , a Golden , Colo. , provider of parent training and resources .

  13. 2004年,布斯里和达菲尔德还在执掌另一家人力资源软件机构仁科公司(PeopleSoft)。

    In 2004 , bhusri and Duffield were at the helm of another human resources software firm , PeopleSoft .

  14. W公司在此种背景和自身发展需要的情况下,对原有员工培训工作做了较大的改进,包括人力资源管理机构的重新改造以及组织内容更加丰富的员工培训,但收效甚微。

    Under this background and the need of self development , W corporation has made greater progress on the training of all staffs including the reconstruction of human resource management organization and the organizing the staff training with more plentiful contents . However , the effect is very little .

  15. 完善各级水资源保护机构建设;

    Perfect the construction of water resources protection organizations at various levels ;

  16. 近东人力资源开发机构间工作队

    NEF Near East Inter-Agency Task Force on Human Resources Development

  17. 培育活立木市场,建立森林资源评估机构,做好流转服务工作;

    Cultivating market of living trees ; establishing organizations for evaluating forest resources ;

  18. 詹妮弗·摩根为世界资源研究机构指导气候和能源项目,这是华盛顿的一个智囊团。

    Jennifer Morgan directs the climate and energy program for World Resources Institute , a Washington-based think tank .

  19. 创伤急救中心现在被分成不同的级别,其中一级指那些具有最完善资源的机构。

    Trauma centers are currently categorized by level , with Level I referring to those facilities with the greatest resources .

  20. 针对专业网站的特点,论述专业网络信息资源服务机构的评价标准及主要获得方法。

    This paper discusses the evaluating indicators for the network information resources of specialized WebSite , and the methods to acquire these indicators .

  21. 右派认为政府是非常没有效力的分配资源的机构,只是为了谋求最大的政治利益以及造成最糟糕的腐败蔓生的局面。

    The right sees government as a terribly inefficient mechanism for allocating resources , subject to special-interest politics at best and rampant corruption at worst .

  22. 而年度“最佳人力资源服务机构”奖项目的是为中国人力资源服务机构树立标竿,提升中国人力资源管理服务的行业水平。

    The " Annual best Human Resource Services " award is to build up a surveyor 's pole accordingly promote level of HR service in China .

  23. 上星期五,俄罗斯自然资源保护机构宣布,将对“秋明-英国石油”在西伯利亚经营的规模最大的萨莫特洛油田进行检查。

    On Friday , Russia 's natural resource protection agency , Rosprirodnadzor , announced it would inspect Samotlor , the largest oil field in Siberia run by TNK-BP .

  24. 网络信息资源运营机构的权利大部分来自相关权利人的授予,因此,研究授权成立的基本条件和默示许可的推定有着非常重要的现实意义。

    Most of the rights of network information resource come from the permission of related right owner , so it is very important to research the basic requirements of permission and conclusion of tacit acceptance .

  25. 认识到信息时代新媒体的重要性的奥巴马政府,依托学界已有研究的巧实力理论,在公共外交的主体、资源与机构、实施手段等方向都做了延伸和发展。

    To realize the importance of the new media in the information age . the Obama government reforms public diplomacy relying on the " smart power " theory in academic circles in its subject , resources , institutions , and implementation methods .

  26. 本研究依据上述的调查与研究认为:需要构建专业的课程资源开发机构和形成专业的人员队伍,这是实现综合课程信息资源有效开发和利用的必由途径。

    The conclusion based on the above survey is that it is necessary to build the professional organization of curriculum resource exploiting and create a professional staff team , which is also the only way to achieve the purpose that developing and utilizing the curriculum information resources effectively .

  27. 许多政府在决定资源分配和机构资质鉴定的时候使用排名。

    Many governments use rankings when deciding resource allocation and institutional accreditation .

  28. 广东水资源统一管理机构改革方案的研究

    Study on schemes of reforming Guangdong provincial government institution for unifying water resources administration

  29. 时代的变化,使人力资源成为组织机构重要资源之一。

    Times change , so that human resources has become an important resource for companies .

  30. 这些资源是按机构配置的,其使用规则不尽相同。

    Those resources are allocated according to the instructions and organizations and diverse in using rules .