
  • 网络Capital ratio;capital requirement
  1. 如果这些银行不遵守约定,它们可能会被要求提高资本金比例。

    If they do not comply , they face the possibility of higher capital requirements .

  2. 此外,其他房地产开发项目的最低资本金比例为30%。

    In addition , other real estate development projects in the minimum capital ratio of30 % .

  3. 首先分析非债务性资金与债务性资金比例结构,测算满足非债务一定资金收益率要求的还贷水价及分析非债务资金中政府拨款与企业资本金比例结构。

    Water price meeting certain non-debt capital receipts is measured , and the non-debt funds government funding and enterprise capital rate structure are analyzed .

  4. 欧元区政策制定者们决心要求大型银行提高资本金比例,这促使许多银行声称将要进行大手笔的资产剥离。

    Eurozone policymakers are intent on forcing big banks to boost capital ratios , prompting many lenders to pledge a mass divestment of assets .

  5. 国务院关于调整部分行业固定资产投资项目资本金比例的通知

    Circular of the State Council of the People 's Republic of China , on Adjusting the Capital Ratios of Fixed Asset Investment Projects in Some Industries

  6. 私人股本业高管表示,他们面临着不利的竞争形势,因为与其它类型的投资者相比,私人股本投资机构必须在其控制的银行维持更高的资本金比例。

    Buy-out executives say they face a competitive disadvantage because they are required to maintain a higher capital ratio at the banks they control than other investors .

  7. 实施增资减债后,金温铁路资本金比例提高到35%,偿债压力有所减缓。

    Because the debt was transferred into investment capital , the ratio of registered capital accounts for35 % . The pressure of debt repayment is greatly lightened .

  8. 影响合资铁路财务监管指标的主要因素有以下几个方面:铁路调度权;收入清算办法;运价制定;资本金比例与资本金落实情况;费用支出情况。

    The main influential factors of financial supervision system of joint-venture railway are as following : railway dispatch power ; income settlement means ; transportation charges ; capital proportion and capital realization ; expenses . 5 .

  9. 高速公路建设具有公益性强,投资特别大,资本金比例低,筹资渠道多种多样,投资回收期长,财务费用在建设成本中占的比例大等特点。

    The construction of Expressways has the characteristics of strong public welfare , extra large amount of investment , diversified channel of fund raising , long term of investment recovery and large proportion of financial expenses in construction cost .

  10. 提高投资项目资本金的比例,能遏制投资规模过大。

    To improve the proportion of capital owned by self can keep the investment size within limits .

  11. 在某种意义上说,过去5年间它实际上还得到了强化,因为在次贷危机之后,监管机构已要求银行提高流动性好、安全的资产在资本金中的比例。

    In some senses it has been actually reinforced in the past five years because regulators have demanded that banks raise their holdings of liquid , safe assets , following that subprime turmoil .