
  • 网络China Government Procurement
  1. 本周,两家外国杀毒软件公司——俄罗斯的卡巴斯基实验室(KasperskyLab)和美国的赛门铁克(Symantec)——也被排除出中国的政府采购名单。

    This week , both foreign antivirus software companies in China , Kaspersky Lab of Russia and Symantec of the US , were also struck off the list .

  2. 如果中国成为《政府采购协议》的成员国,那么中资企业竞标美国联邦和州政府的采购合同时会更加方便。

    If China were a GPA member , its companies could have an easier time bidding for U.S. and state government contracts .

  3. 弗罗曼援引中国财政部的数据估计,2011年,中国政府采购市场的规模不低于1800亿美元。

    The U.S. Trade Representative , citing the Chinese Ministry of Finance , estimates government procurement for 2011 was at least $ 180 billion .