
  • 网络midpoint formula;Mid-point Formula
  1. 一类数值积分的中点公式及其误差分析

    A class of midpoint formulas for numerical integration and its error analysis

  2. 再次,本文应用中点公式求解一个描述动脉中二氧化碳浓度的延迟微分系统。

    Thirdly , for an arterial carbon dioxide control system , a delay differential equation , the Midpoint rule is applied to solve the numerical solutions .

  3. 并给出常见荷载的杆件固端力矩、中点挠度公式及弹性抗力系数K值。

    The bending moments of common loads at the fixed end of frame structure , deflection-formulae at middle point of frame structure and the value K of the coefficient of elastic resistance were also discussed .

  4. 本文对复合中点求积公式提出了一个简单的校正公式,它具有Simpson公式的精度,但所需计算的节点值只有一半(一维)或四分之一(二维)。

    A Simple correction formula based on the composite midpoint integral formula is presented and has the same accuracy as Simpson formula with a half or a quarter of the computed point .

  5. 复合中点求积公式的校正法

    The correction methods based on a composite midpoint integral formula