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zhōng fèng
  • Middle seam;centre joint;central seam
中缝 [zhōng fèng]
  • (1) [central seam]

  • (2) 报纸左右两版之间的狭长的部分

  • (3) 木版书每页中间的狭长部分,折叠起来是书口

  • (4) 上衣或大衣背部中间的竖缝

中缝[zhōng fèng]
  1. 中缝大核内P物质神经元及其突触关系&免疫电镜研究

    Substance P neurons and their synaptic relations in the nucleus raphe magnus & an immunoelectron microscopic study

  2. 螺旋CT测量腭中缝骨厚度及骨密度的可行性

    Feasibility of measuring palate bone thickness and bone mineral density using spiral computed tomography

  3. 中缝大核内微量注射5-羟色胺、P物质等对家兔胃运动胃电的影响

    Effect of Injecting 5-HT , Substance P into NRM on the Rabbits ' Gastric Motility and Gastric Myoelectric Activity

  4. 本实验观察到鼠中缝正中核内存在含P物质样免疫反应神经元胞体。

    The present experiment showed that the SP-like immunoreactive perikarya is located in the median raphe nuclei of the rat .

  5. 它大量接受来自中缝背核(DR)神经元的神经支配。

    It receives a dense innervation from cells located primarily in the dorsal raphe nucleus ( DR ) .

  6. 人参皂甙对睡眠剥夺下大鼠脑干中缝核群5-HT的影响

    Effects of ginsenosides on rats ' serotonin of raphe ceruleus during sleep deprivation

  7. 目的:观察中缝苍白核(RP)对肺扩张反射的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effects of RP on the pulmonary dilation effects .

  8. 主要观察指标:中缝大核区微量注射5-羟色胺、赛庚啶、P物质、P物质拮抗剂、吗啡及去甲肾上腺素后胃运动、胃电的变化。

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS : Gastric movement and gastric electric activity were observed after microinjection of 5-HT , cyproheptadine , substance P , substance P antagonist , morphine and noradrenaline into NRM .

  9. 结果:中缝大核微量注入5-羟色胺、P物质可抑制家兔的胃运动和胃电慢波(P<0.05,P<0.01)。

    RESULTS : After microinjection of 5-HT and substance P into NRM , gastric movement and gastric electric slow waves in rabbits were inhibited ( P < 0.05 , P < 0.01 ) .

  10. 伤害性刺激电针后中缝背核生长抑素mRNA的表达及其与5-HT的共存

    Expression of SOM mRNA and Coexistence of SOM mRNA and 5-HT in Nucleus Raphe Dorsalis Following Noxious Stimulation and Electroacupuncture Analgesia

  11. 在中缝核簇的大多数亚核内均可观察到大量的NOS神经元和5-HT免疫阳性神经元。

    In the majority of subnucleus of raphe nuclear complex , a lot of neurons were doubly labeled .

  12. 证实5-HT神经元广泛分布于中缝核群和网状结构。

    The result demonstrates a widespread distribution of 5-HT positive neurons in and outside the raphe nuclei .

  13. 结果:实验组大鼠的中缝背核被有效损毁,其NOS阳性神经元的数量减少了59.1%(P<0.001)。

    Results : The NOS-positive neurons in dorsal raphe nucleus decreased significantly by 59.1 % ( P < 0.001 ) .

  14. 结果:睡眠剥夺后GFAP在中缝背核表达明显增高,睡眠恢复后表达明显减少,其变化趋势与Fos表达相一致。

    Result : Expression of Fos and GFAP in the raphe nucleus increased after sleep deprivation .

  15. 中缝背核在踏转轮运动昼夜节律和光诱导脑内c-fos表达中的作用

    Role of Dorsal Raphe Nucleus in Wheel-Running Circadian Rhythm and in Photic Induction of c-fos Expression in Brain

  16. 目的:研究二磷酸盐(BP,一种骨吸收抑制剂),对大鼠快速上颌扩弓后腭中缝骨质重建的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effects of bisphosphonate ( BP ), an inhibitor of bone resorption , on the remodeling of the rat palatal suture after rapid expansion .

  17. 胃肠道伤害性刺激诱导中缝背核触液神经元Fos表达

    Gastrointestinal noxious stimulation induced expression of Fos protein in the cerebrospinal fluid contacting neurons of dorsal raphe nucleus

  18. 大鼠中缝核群中生长抑素样神经元对咽肌前运动神经元的支配-PRV和SOM免疫荧光双标记法研究


  19. Serotonin样,SubstanceP样,Enkephalin样反应阳性神经元胞体在大鼠中缝核簇内的分布

    Distribution of serotonin - , substance p - , and enkephalin-like positive nerve cell bodies in the raphe nuclear complex of the rat

  20. 中缝大核微量注射5-HT等药物对电针抑制胃运动、胃电的影响

    Effect of injecting 5-HT substance P into NRM on the acupuncture inhibition to the gastric movement and slow wave

  21. 目的:研究通过损毁脑干中缝背核(DR),探讨中缝背核一氧化氮合酶(NOS)阳性神经元是否投射分布于大脑皮质NOS阳性神经元。

    Objective : To study the NOS containing fibers from the dorsal raphe nucleus projecting to NOS containing neurons in the cerebral cortex .

  22. 中缝背核c-fos、5-HT在IBS内脏感觉过敏机制中的作用

    Role of C-fos and 5-HT of Dorsal Raphe Nucleus in the Pathogenesis of Visceral Hypersensitivity in Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  23. 大鼠中缝背核及中缝正中核内的VIP、GABA样触液神经元

    VIP-like and GABA-like immunoreactive distal CSF-contacting neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus and the median raphe nucleus of the rats

  24. 外周伤害性刺激后颈髓和三叉神经脊束核尾侧亚核中向中缝背核投射神经元的c-fos表达

    Peripheral noxious stimulation-induced c-fos expression in neurons of cervical cord and caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus projection to the dorsal raphe nucleus

  25. 这些作用伴随黑质多巴胺能神经元的丢失,但中缝核的细胞数量和形态以及5-羟色胺(5-HT)免疫组织化学反应与对照组相同。

    These effects were accompanied by loss of nigral dopaminergic cells but not of raphe cell bodies or 5 HT immunoreactivity .

  26. 经皮穴位电刺激对跑台运动大鼠血浆氨基酸及中缝背核细胞外液5-HT含量的影响

    Effects of Transcutaneous Electrical Acupoint Stimulation on Amino Acid in Plasma and Extracellular Serotonin in Dorsal Raphe Nucleus of Exercising Rats

  27. 吗啡戒断大鼠中缝背核FOS、NADPH-d的表达

    The expression of FOS and the NADPH-d test in the dorsal raphe nucleus of morphine withdrawal rats

  28. 大鼠中缝背核至尾壳核的SOM能投射&HRP法与PAP法的联合研究

    Somatostatin-Like Pathway from the Dorsal Raphe Nucleus to Caudata-Putamen in the Rat_A Combined Study of HRP Retrograde Tracing and Immunocytochemical Methods

  29. 鼠中脑中缝核及其邻近灰质至丘脑的P物质样投射&HRP和PAP法的联合研究

    Substance P-like projections from the midbrain raphe nuclei and periaqueductal gray to the thalamic ventral posterior nucleus in the rats & a combined study of HRP tracing and immunocytochemical method

  30. 结论:OT的镇痛作用与中缝大核的痛兴奋神经元及痛抑制神经元的电活动有关。

    The results indicate that the analgesic effect of OT is in part the results of electric activity of PEN and PIN in NRM .