
  • 网络Chinese Merino;chinese merino sheep
  1. 本文以中国美利奴羊作为实验研究对象,应用mRNA差异显示技术筛选绵羊肩、腹、腿皮肤的差异表达基因。

    The study sampled Chinese merino sheep as experimental animal , applied mRNA differential display technique to separate differential expressed gene in sheep shoulder , abdomen or leg .

  2. 中国美利奴羊多胎品系选育中多胎性状分离与BMPR-IB基因型的相关性分析

    Relationship Analysis of Genotype of BMPR-IB gene and Segregation of Prolific Character in Chinese Merino Prolific Strain Sheep

  3. 中国美利奴羊(新疆型)无角类型的培育研究

    Studies on the Selection of Hornless Type in Chinese Merino Sheep

  4. 中国美利奴羊羊毛角蛋白组成的研究

    Investigation of the keratin composition of Chinese Merino sheep wool

  5. 中国美利奴羊的育种目标及其选择标准

    Breeding objectives and selection criteria for Chinese Merino sheep

  6. 中国美利奴羊育种信息管理系统开发

    Development of breeding information management system of Chinese merino

  7. 中国美利奴羊育成母羊能量和蛋白质需要研究

    Studies on Energy and Protein Requirements in Growing Ewes of Chinese Merino Sheep

  8. 中国美利奴羊品种结构体系构建的研究

    Study on the Construction of Breed Structure System in the Chinese Merino Sheep

  9. 优质细毛羊与中国美利奴羊生长发育及生产性能对比试验初报

    Comparison Experiment of Growth and Development and Output Performance Between Quality Fine Wool and Chinese Merino Sheep

  10. 早期断奶对中国美利奴羊(新疆型)羔羊血清生化指标的影响

    Effect of Early Weaning on Biochemistry Indicators in Serum of Chinese Merino ( Xinjiang type ) Lamb

  11. 羊毛密度是影响中国美利奴羊净毛产量的主要因素。

    It was concluded that wool density was main factor affacting clean wool weight in the Chinese Merino .

  12. 中国美利奴羊超细型羊毛理化性能研究及灰评估蒙得维的亚美利奴短羊毛

    The Study on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Wool in Chinese Super Fine Wool Merino and Gray Evaluation

  13. 本研究以已经构建的BAC文库为基础,复制了8倍基因组覆盖率的中国美利奴细毛羊的BAC文库。

    In this study , a constructed sheep BAC library was copied .

  14. 中国美利奴细毛羊BAC文库的混库及其质量控制

    Construction of a Bacterial Artificial Chromosome ( BAC ) Library Pool of Chinese Fine-Wool Merino Sheep and the Control of Quality

  15. 中国美利奴细毛羊更是我国优良的种质资源和经济物种。

    Especially the Chinese fine-wool Merino sheep is an excellent genetic germplasma resource and economic breed .

  16. 中国美利奴U系羊育种目标性状和选择性状的确定

    Determining the breeding objectives and selection criteria for " u " strain of Chinese Merino sheep

  17. 中国美利奴高山型细毛羊血液蛋白多态性与性状标记的研究

    Study on Correlation Between Polymorphisms of Blood Protein And Trait Markers of Alpine Fine Wool Sheep of Chinese Merino

  18. 德国美利奴成年公羊体重分别是中国美利奴和新疆细毛羊成年公羊体重的185.7%和200.0%;

    The ram body weight of German merino is185.7 % and200.0 % of Chinese merino and Xinjiang Finewool Sheep respectively ;