
  • 网络Chinese Cultural History;A History Of Chinese Culture
  1. 谈中国文化史与文学史中的以四论列现象

    Conceptualization in quadruplets in the history of Chinese culture and literature

  2. 中国文化史研究的可喜收获

    Gratifying Harvest of Studying in the History of Chinese Culture

  3. 《老子》被误解了两千多年,是中国文化史上的一大遗憾,发扬老子道德思想的光辉是时代所需。

    It was a great regret in the Chinese cultural history .

  4. 对关键词的翻译是中国文化史上有重要意义的大事。

    Translation of key terms is influential in Chinese history .

  5. 20世纪中国文化史研究之回顾与展望

    Retrospect and Prospect of the Research on Chinese Culture History in 20th Century

  6. 中国文化史的当代反思与构建

    Contemporary Introspection And Construction of the Chinese Culture History

  7. 《中国文化史概要》课程建设纲要

    Course Construction Outline for Chinese Cultural History Outline

  8. 二者在中国文化史上各领千秋。

    But each thought has its own merits in the history of Chinese culture .

  9. 旱魃是中国文化史上的一位旱神,女性,又名女魃。

    The Goddess of Drought was named Ba in the cultural history of China .

  10. 孔子编辑思想及其在中国文化史上的作用

    Confucius 's Editing Thought and Its Cultural Significance

  11. 这是中国文化史上一次重大的突破与发展。

    This is history great break - through and development of last time of Chinese culture .

  12. 现代性在现代中国文化史、文学史上主要表现为两种规范,呈现为两种形态。

    In modern Chinese cultural and literary history , modernity takes on two kinds of forms .

  13. 《世说新语》是中国文化史上一个十分重要的文本,它构建了非常独特的魏晋士人形象,对后世的士人精神产生了深远影响。

    A new account of world tales is a very important text in Chinese culture history .

  14. 书院这一特殊教育机构的出现是中国文化史、教育史上非常独特的现象。

    Learning academies ' appearance is a unique phenomenon on Chinese culture history and Chinese educational history .

  15. 李白和苏轼,都是中国文化史上独特的这一个,这就是中国文化史上唯一的真放的李白和旷达的苏轼。

    Li and Su Shu , both are a unique " one " in Chinese cultural history .

  16. “红学”是二十世纪中国文化史中的显学之一。

    The Redology is one of famous social science in the Chinese cultural history of the20th century .

  17. 李煜在唐宋之交的中国文化史上有着继往开来的独特地位,对宋以后的文风、士风的形成有着深远的影响。

    Li Yu had the unique position in the history of Chinese culture between Tang and Song dynasty .

  18. 镜象文化是中国文化史上一项独具个性的内容。

    The culture of mirror image is a kind of characteristic content in the culture history of china .

  19. 《周易》是中国文化史上最古老、也是地位最显要的一部典籍。

    The Zhouyi is one of the most ancient and prominent classics in the history of Chinese culture .

  20. 综观中国文化史,和谐的审美范畴既为中国古代文化精神的荟萃,和谐之理念也蕴藏于中国古老的传统文化之中。

    Look through the history of Chinese culture , harmony is the core of culture spirit of ancient China .

  21. 作为一个绘画大师,赖少其的灵魂已铸刻在20世纪的中国文化史上。

    As a painting master , his spirit has already been engraved on the 20th-century China 's culture history .

  22. 梁武帝萧衍在中国文化史上是以崇佛的面目出现的。

    The emperor of Liang dynasty , Xiao Yan , is famous for revering Buddha in the history of Chinese civilization .

  23. 禅宗是中国文化史上一种重要的思想现象,影响中国千年之久。

    Zen is an important ideology in the history of Chinese culture which has been influencing China for around three thousand years .

  24. 由是,也使得人们对李煜的认识受到严重歪曲与蒙蔽,这种错误史观一直指导着中国文化史与文学史研究。

    So it made people seriously distorted understanding of Li Yu . The misunderstanding guided the study of Chinese Thought and Culture history .

  25. 在中国文化史上,李觏是第一个自觉地以文指称文化的思想家。

    Li gou is the first thinker who conscientiously stated " Wen " as " culture " in the cultural history of China .

  26. 在中国文化史上第一次在审美领域里把“生可以死,死可以生”的至情激扬到超越传统意识的高度。

    For the first time in the history of Chinese culture the absolute love had been exalted to an unsurpassing level beyond traditional cognition .

  27. 小街虽在地图上难有立锥之地,但在近现代中国文化史上却是浓墨重彩的一笔。

    Through in the maps it can hardly be found , it 's a major scene in the history of literature of modern times .

  28. 清末民初是中国文化史上第三次翻译高潮,这一时期翻译的特点是域外文学被大量翻译到中国。

    The third upsurge in translation in the history of Chinese culture appeared during the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China .

  29. 作为先秦道家的奠基者,老子在中国文化史上的地位之高是历代史家所公认的。

    As the founder of Pre-Qin Taoism , Laozi 's status in Chinese culture is very high , which is also recognized by the ancient historians .

  30. 郑板桥是扬州八怪中最负盛名的一个,是中国文化史上的文艺全才。

    Zheng Banqiao is the most well-known one from the Eight Eccentrics of Yangzhou , and also a versatile talent in the history of Chinese culture .