
  • 网络Chinese Chamber of Commerce
  1. 我很高兴在这里看到你们,因为没有你们,底特律中华商会就不成为有效的交流渠道。

    I am glad you are here , because without you , DCBA would be an effective communication channel .

  2. 新加坡中华总商会与1963年新加坡对日不合作运动

    The Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Singapore and the Local Non-Cooperation Movement towards Japan in 1963

  3. 新加坡中华总商会与亚洲华商网络的制度化

    The Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry And the Institutionalization of Chinese Business Networks in Asia

  4. 同年冬,应新加坡六大学术文化团体邀请,于中华总商会举行画展,以发扬中华文化;

    Being invited by six cultural bodies of Singapore , held an exhibition at the Chinese Club .

  5. 中华总商会企业管理学院保留延期课程的权力。

    Singapore Chinese Chamber Institute of business reserves the right to postpone the course due to unforeseen circumstances .

  6. 对外经济贸易大学于1989年1月在国内率先成立了由原对外贸易经济合作部、中国银行、中国人民保险公司、香港中华总商会等成员组成的校董会。

    In December 1989 , UIBE became the first university in China that had a Board of Trustees composed of members from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation , Bank of ChinaPeople 's Insurance Company of China , Hong Kong Chamber of Commerceetc .

  7. 中华全国环境商会的秘书长骆建华说:我们正处于黎明前的黑暗中。

    " We 're in the dark before the dawn ," said Luo Jianhua , secretary general of the China Environment Chamber of Commerce .