
zhōnɡ yuán yīn
  • Festival of the Dead Spirits
  1. 嗓音检测中元音声样的选择

    Study on Vowel Selection in Voice Acoustic Measurements

  2. 维吾尔语c+q(■、χ)式音节结构中元音i的声学语音学分析

    An Acoustic Phonetics Analysis of the Vowel / I / in the Uyghur c + q (■、χ) syllabic structure

  3. 音段音位音变指在一定的语音语境中元音和辅音发生的变化,音系学称音段协调发音。

    Segmental sound change refers to the changing of sounds of vowels and consonants in a given phonetic context .

  4. 中古朝鲜语语音系统中元音[■]的消失分化和汉语的影响是朝鲜语元音和谐律遭到破坏的内因和外因。

    It is pointed out that the changing of phonetic system in ancient Korean and the tremendous influence of Chinese are the internal and external causes of relaxing vowel harmony .

  5. 到了高级阶段,中元音[9]和前高圆唇元音[y]经过长时间地学习,已有较为显著的进步。

    As to the advanced stage , there is a significant progress after a long time learning the vowel [ (?) ] and the front high rounded vowel [ y ] .

  6. 声调中元音的鼻化度同单字音里呈现的结果基本是一致的,阴平调里元音的鼻化度是最大的,上声调是最低的。

    Tones of vowels in nasal degree with the single word appears in the results are basically consistent , Yin Ping tune where vowels nasal degree is the largest , the tone is the lowest .

  7. 单词my和thigh中的元音并不难发。

    The vowel in words like ' my ' and ' thigh ' is not very difficult .

  8. 以低音调发音的,象far中的元音。

    Articulated with the tongue in a low position , as the vowel in far .

  9. 南北方发音区别在其他元音上也有,包括发cup,rose和bird这三个单词中的元音。

    There are other vowels that are pronounced differently in the north and south including the vowel sounds in cup , rose , and bird .

  10. 字母j的读音用字母j所表示的读音根据读音规则,这个词中的元音字母应该怎样发音?

    Any of the speech sounds represented by the letter j. According to the rules of reading , how should the vowel in this word be pronounced ?

  11. 韵母中的元音对声母系统演变的影响是其表现之一。

    Affection to initial from vowel is ont of them .

  12. 二是元音格局中的元音是音位性的;

    Secondly , the vowels in vowels pattern are phonemic in nature .

  13. 此句中这个元音弱化为中元音。

    In this sentence , the vowel sound become reduced to a central vowel .

  14. 听录音一遍,找出每一组中的元音字母并将其写出来。

    A.Listen once and choose the vowel letters in each groups and write them out .

  15. 英语中的元音在不同的口音中变化会比较大。

    Rob : Vowels vary more than consonants in different English accents around the world .

  16. 根据读音规则,这个词中的元音字母应该怎样发音?

    According to the rules of reading , how should the vowel in this word be pronounced ?

  17. 在拉丁语中,元音-ae-变成-i-,这是在复合词中非重读音节的语音规则。

    The vowel change of-ae-to-i-in Latin is due to a Latin phonetic rule involving unaccented syllables in compounds .

  18. 例如在日耳曼语强动词中的元音变换是印欧动词变形范例的直接派生。

    Examples of'ablaut'as a grammatical marker in Latin are the vowel changes in the perfect stem of verbs .

  19. 在吐火罗语中,元音弱化的现象是相当普遍的。

    The evolution tells us the truth that there exists a vowel weakening phenomenon in Tocharian which is quite common .

  20. 各语言中的元音都可以与国际音标中的基本元音进行比较,并以其为参照进行描述。

    The vowels found in languages can be compared with the cardinal vowels of IPA and described by reference to them .

  21. 在英语中,中元音是最常用的元音。

    The schwa is the most frequent vowel sound in English speech .

  22. 本文通过丰富的例词探讨了满语中存在的元音屈折现象。

    Based on abundant example words , the paper discusses that there exists inflectional vowels in Manchu .

  23. 口和鼻张开时产生的语音(比如法语中的鼻元音)。

    A speech sound produced with both the oral and nasal passages open ( as French nasal vowels ) .

  24. 目的分析腭裂语音非手术治疗病理性语音频谱特点,评价腭咽阻塞器对腭裂语音中鼻化元音作用。

    Objective To analyze the spectrum features of nasalized vowels after the obturator application and to assess its value .

  25. 德语中放在元音上面表示声音有所变化的发音符号(两个小点)。

    A diacritical mark ( two dots ) placed over a vowel in German to indicate a change in sound .

  26. 如英语语音中的短元音、辅音连缀,以摩擦音、破擦音收尾音节等在汉语中都没有。

    If in English pronunciation 's short vowel , consonant cluster , by the fricative , the affricate conclusion syllable and so on do not have in Chinese .

  27. 儿化韵形成之后,在高频率的使用中,主要元音会渐渐变化,经过长期的调整归并,儿化韵由繁趋简,数目逐渐减少,韵类系统逐渐简化。

    3 , Retroflex final shape after high-frequency use , the main vowel will gradually change over a long period of adjustment instead , the complex more retroflex final summary , the gradual reduction in the number of rhyme categories system gradually simplified .

  28. 注意should和must中快速发音时元音的发音。

    Note the use of the vowel sound in should and must when they are pronounced quickly .

  29. 对你们中坚持要用元音和辅音这些小东西的人来说,BFF表示永远最好的朋友。

    For those of you who insist on using petty things like vowels and consonants , BFF is slang for Best Friends Forever .

  30. 在很多日尔曼语中这个简单的元音出现爆破。

    The simple vowels broke in many Germanic languages .