
shé tǐ
  • body of tongue;corpus linguae
  1. 目前主流方法是用阈值方法或先验知识得到舌体的初始轮廓线,然后再用Snake模型使得曲线收敛到舌体边缘。

    The main method at present is to get initial contour of the body of tongue by threshold algorithm or prior knowledge , and then makes the initial contour converge into the edge of the body of tongue by Snake model .

  2. 舌体癌3、5、8年生存率明显高于舌根癌;

    Survival rate for carcinoma of the body of tongue after operated 3 to 8 year is higher than that of the base of tongue .

  3. Cox回归分析显示影响舌体鳞癌患者预后的独立因素为T分期、N分期。

    T stage and N stage were independent factors that impact the long term outcome of SCC of the tongue .

  4. 应用了2DGabor小波变换和色度信息较为精确地检测出舌体区域;

    The chromatic information and 2D Gabor wavelet transformation are applied to segment tongue from original image .

  5. 体重明显超重,BMI≥30,颈粗短、小下颌、舌根后坠、舌体肥大者。

    BMI ≥ 30 , with short , thick neck , micrognathia , and relative macroglossia ;

  6. 然后对舌体图像针对H(色度)分量进行模糊聚类,将图像分割成舌质,舌苔和背景三个区域。

    Then hue data are clustered by fuzzy c-means . The image of tongue body is segmented into tongue nature region , tongue coating region and background .

  7. 睡眠呼吸暂停低通气指数与(舌体+软腭)面积/口咽腔面积呈显著正相关(P0.01);

    AHI had markedly positive correlation with ( corpus linguae + soft palate ) area / pharyngo-oral cavity area ( P 0.01 ) .

  8. 结论:舌体增大、软腭组织增厚与悬雍垂延长导致咽部狭窄是OSAS发生的重要原因。

    Conclusion : The study suggests that the enlarge of lingua and uvula be the one of etiology of OSAS .

  9. 方法对1985至2002年间165例舌体鳞癌N0患者进行回顾性研究。

    Methods 165 CN_0 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue from 1985 to 2002 were investigated retrospectively .

  10. 舌体鳞状细胞癌cN0患者的颈淋巴结转移临床分析

    Clinical study of occult cervical lymph node metastases on patients with tongue squamous cell carcinoma

  11. 在上述算法的基础上,首先将原始图像从RGB彩色空间转换到HSI空间,然后联合利用H(色度)和I(亮度)分量进行阈值分割,获取舌体图像。

    On the basis of the above arithmetic , color image is firstly transformed from RGB space to HSI space . Then rough segmentation is done with a threshold value of hue and intensity to get the tongue body .

  12. 舌体因素在下咽部阻塞中具有重要意义,目前为影响UPPP术成功率的主要因素。

    Tongue pharyngeal obstructive factors in the next is of great significance , the impact of UPPP surgery is currently a major factor in the success rate .

  13. 对经睡眠监测诊断为OSAHS的318例儿童,所有患者均近一年来无扁桃体炎病史,并已排除鼻中隔偏曲、鼻炎、后鼻孔狭窄、舌体肥大等其他因素所引起OSAHS。

    Methods : 318 children with OSAHS without antiaditis in the recent one year and without deflection of nasal septum , rhinitis , posterior naris stenosis , tongue body hypertrophy and etc.

  14. 目的探讨舌体鳞癌N0患者颈部淋巴结治疗方法,以减少临床上的失误或过度治疗。

    Objective To explore the treatment of patients with clinically negative neck lymph node ( CN_0 ) squamous cell carcinoma of tongue , in order to prevent clinical mistreatment and overtreatment .

  15. 以Pennes方程为基准方程,对自然形态和实际传热状态下的舌体三维温度场进行了重构计算,并获得成功。

    Based on Pennes equation it succeeds in reconfiguring and calculating of the 3-D temperature field of the tongue under natural feature and real heat transfer conditions .

  16. 结论舌体鳞癌颈部隐匿性淋巴结转移率随临床T分期的增高而增高,对T2期以上N0舌体鳞癌患者应考虑行选择性颈清扫术,以提高其颈部控制率和生存率;

    Conclusions The occult metastasis rate of squamous cell carcinoma of tongue increases with elevation of clinical stage , and elective neck node dissection can be considered for N_0 patients at stage over T_2 to improve neck control and survival rate .

  17. 舌根、舌体中份背面和舌尖偶可见2.0mm左右的血管吻合。

    In the root , middle dorsal surface of mobile body and tip of the tongue could be seen 2 . 0 mm or so vessels anastomose occasionally .

  18. 2)舌体的上部形态(Ltg1-7)及牙合平面以上的面积二者之间没有显著差异。

    2 ) No significant difference was found between two groups in the posture of tongue body ( Ltg1-7 ) and the tongue area above occlusal plane .

  19. 舌体血供来自舌深动脉发出的舌体动脉(平均25.1支);舌根、舌体中份背面和舌尖偶可见0.2mm左右的血管吻合。

    The body of the tongue is nourished by an average of 25 arterial branches from the ascending and horizontal segments of the lingual artery . Arterial anastomoses ( 2 . 0 mm in diameter ) can be found occasionally through the lingual septum .

  20. 基于改进模糊算子和形态学的舌体分割方法

    A Tongue Segmentation Method Based on Improved Fuzzy Operator and Morphology

  21. 舌体三维温度场的数值模拟及不确定分析

    Numerical Simulation and Uncertainty Analysis of 3D Temperature Field of Tongue

  22. 143例舌体鳞状细胞癌年轻患者的预后因素

    Prognostic Factors of 143 Young Patients with Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma

  23. 舌体鳞癌隐匿性颈淋巴结转移的外科治疗探讨

    Surgical Management for Occult Cervical Metastasis of Oral Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma

  24. 用数值计算等方法得到舌体内部的温度场;

    Compute the temperature field in tongue with numerical method ;

  25. 舌体癌的淋巴结转移及其外科治疗

    Cervical lymph node metastasis and the surgical treatment of oral tongue cancer

  26. 舌体癌121例治疗结果分析

    Analysis on the curative effect of 121 oral tongue carcinomas

  27. 冷冻外科治疗选择性舌体癌的评价&附181例近远期疗效分析

    An evaluation of 181 cases of carcinoma of tongue body treated by cryosurgery

  28. 舌体癌的治疗方案探讨

    A study on treatment of carcinoma of the tongue

  29. 修复后舌体静态形态佳;

    The static shape of tongue after reconstruction with submental island flap was acceptable .

  30. 同时,舌体湿度还是影响舌面温度的主要因素之一,对其客观量化有助于计算生物组织血液灌注率,研究生物传热规律。

    Meanwhile , it makes for the study and calculation of the bio-heat transfer .