
shé yè
  • blade;ligule
舌叶[shé yè]
  1. 100名正常成人右中叶嵴、左舌叶嵴的CT表现

    CT Manifestations of Both Right Middle Lobe Spur and Left Lingular Lobe Spur in 100 Normal Adults

  2. 肺中叶、舌叶病变(附163例临床分析)

    Lesions of the middle lobe and lingula of lungs ( analysis of 163 cases )

  3. 目的了解中叶和舌叶纤维支气管镜下病变的特点,为诊断提供依据。

    Objective To explore the characteristics of lesions in lingular bronchus and right middle lobe for providing diagnosis evidences .

  4. 发生部位:小于3岁患儿中因炎症痰堵所致的肺不张主要发生在上叶,而3岁以上主要发生在右中叶及左舌叶。

    The location of atelectasis was mostly in the upper lung lobe in children under 3 years old and in right-middle lung lobe and left lingual lobe in the children above 3 years old caused by sputum jammed and infection .