- 名Tongue sole;tonguefish

By searching GenBank database of half-smooth tongue sole , 150 sequences were obtained from . PCR primers were designed for 106 loci successfully , of which 65 loci showed polymorphic .
The construction of genetic linkage maps ( 1 ) A first consensus AFLP-based genetic linkage map of half-smooth tongue sole ( Cynoglossus semilaevis ) was constructed .
But there are not sufficient SNP sites for the construction of genetic mapping or associate study owing to the lack of researches on SNPs of half-smooth tongue sole .
Besides , AMH may play a role in suppresses the expression of LHR in Female ovary during reproductive cycle .
With the sex reversal obtained by MT immersion and temperature treatment during sex differentiation , it will be helpful to understand the mechanism of sex determination to analyze the sex-related gene expression in sex reversal .
Half-smooth tongue sole ( Cynoglossus semilaevis ) is a rare marine flatfish and one of the most valuable fishes in Chinese coastal .
RT-PCR analysis showed that the gene was highly expressed in ovary and slightly in kidney of female . In different embryo developmental stages , its expression was decline gradually . This result indicated that the survivin may play important role in oogenesis and early embryogenesis .
Half-smooth tongue sole ( Cynoglossus semilaevis ) is an important commercial fish , and has many strong points such as fast-growing in aquaculture .
But , the C19 ∶ 1 content in the cultured fish is 20.41 % , obviously higher than 11.68 % in the wild fish .
Half-smooth tongue sole ( Cynoglossus semilaevis ) is an important economic fish in china , which has delicious taste with high nutritional value and grow fast in aquaculture .
The hatching gland with monolayered cells originates from the ectoderm .
Any of various flatfishes , especially a flounder of the genus Paralichthys .
Setup and operation of recirculation aquaculture system for Malabar grouper and half-smooth tongue-sole
There are no viral and parasitic disease fish in our collection samples . 2 .
During the development of the oocytes , two kinds of yolk spheres were formed .
Cloning and Expression Analysis of Male Half-Smooth Tongue Sole ( Cynoglossus semilaevis ) 's Androgen Receptor Gene
Food habits of stone flounder , spotted flounder , high-eyed flounder and red tongue sole in the Bohai Sea
Results show that larva begin to eat rotifer about 2 & 3 days after hatching at water temperature 23 ℃ .
The Imperial came up with a recipe for gratin featuring prawns and tongue sole for Britain 's Queen Elizabeth when she visited in1975 .
As analyzed , the protein contents in the muscles of the wild and cultivated fish were 17.17 % and 17.20 % , respectively .
The spawning habit and regular pattern , the eggs volume , the eggs quality , fertilization rate , hatching rate were detailed in this paper .
Analysis of biochemical composition in the muscles of the wild and cultivated tongue sole ( . Cynoglossus semilaevis . G ü nther ) were conducted .
The results showed : The yolk ball absorbs firstly , and then fat ballet , the absorbed way is from outside to inside . 4 .
According to the experiment , the protoplasm centralized to the creatural pole , and the oil globules distributed to the plant pole after the fertilization .
The lipid contents in the wild and cultivated fish muscles were 0.15 % and 2.41 % , respectively , indicating the fish contains relatively few lipids .
Half-smooth tongue-sole ( Cynoglossus semilaevis ) is a newly exploited and commercially important cultured marine flatfish , in which females grow 2-3 times faster than males .
The growing regularity , growing feature and difference on the growth between male and female of Cynoglussus abbreviatus are studied by the means of multivariate statistical .
The lipase activity kept at a low level in the early larval stage and then increased slowly after entering the juve - ( nile ) stage .
The biological characteristics such as classification , distribution , zoology , physiology and morphology were introduced and the actuality of research , problems , developmental potential and prospect was also discussed .
The contents of taste amino acid , including aspartic acid ( ASP ), glutamic acid ( Glu ), glycine ( Gly ), alanine ( Ala ), in the cultured tongue sole is lower than that in the wild fish .