
shé biān
  • tongue side;on the tip of one's tongue
  1. 其主要症状为干咳少痰、口渴心烦、舌边光红、苔少而干。

    Its main symptoms are cough less sputum , thirsty upset , tongue-edge red , moss and less dry .

  2. 结果:研究组中,50例酗酒者有舌边淤血、牙龈萎缩、巩膜黄染、毛细血管扩张等体内维生素、微量元素和胆红素代谢功能障碍等体征。

    RESULTS : Fifty individuals in the study group represented symptoms such as congestion of tongue edge , gingival atrophy , icteric sclera , telangiectasis .

  3. 肾阳虚证的主要症状和体征为:舌边有齿痕、舌淡、舌胖嫩、形寒肢冷;

    The cardinal symptoms and objective signs of syndrome of deficiency of kidney-yang are in terms of intolerance to cold , cold limbs and pale corpulent tender tongue with indentation in margin of the tongue ;

  4. 普通人使用舌套牙刷可边刷牙边用手做其他事务。

    General people can as brush teeth as do other things by hand through the lingua-sleeve toothbrush .

  5. 目的:比较乳腺增生病患者舌前、舌中、舌边各部红外辐射光谱的差异。

    Objective : To compare infrared spectrums of the tip , middle part and two sides of tongue of patients with hyperplasia of breast glands .

  6. 舌胖、苔黄、舌淡、舌边有齿痕、苔厚腻等8种舌象出现频率在25%以上。

    Tongue fat , moss yellow , tongue light , tongue edge tooth marks , moss thick greasy , eight kinds of tongue like frequency of25 % or more .

  7. 舌体胖大者5例(72%),舌边有齿痕12例(174%)。

    There was swollen tongue body in 5 patients ( 7.2 % ), teeth print on tongue margin in 12 cases ( 17.4 % ) .