
  • 网络serological reaction;serologic reaction;Serology
  1. 结果如下:接种MG后,雏鸡呈MG血清学反应阳性,但无明显的临床症状;

    It was found that the inoculated chickens showed positive serological reaction , but without overt clinical signs .

  2. 血清学反应表明两者有一定的同源性。

    The strains from both hosts showed partial homology in serological reaction .

  3. 灰旱獭实验感染HBV的血清学反应

    Serum Tests on HBV Infection of Marmota baibacina

  4. 并与原核表达的蛋白制备的抗血清有很好的血清学反应,可作为抗原制备高特异性的抗血清以提高TEV病毒的检测灵敏度。

    The protein was prepared for antiserum to increase the sensitivity of TEV detection .

  5. 方法:血清学反应确定α半乳糖苷酶残酶量安全值,用SDSpage银染法和酶活性检测法测定通用型血中微量残留工具酶量。

    Methods : The safe amount of α - galactosidase was determined by seroconversion reaction . The minimal amount of residual α - galactosidase was detected by SDS-PAGE silver staining combined with enzyme activity assay .

  6. 在6.5月免疫期内,OMP和E免疫组动物血清学反应低于104M组,而且持续时间短。

    During 6.5 months of immunization , serological response of animals for both OMP and E groups were lower than mice immunized with live 104M strain , moreover the response were remained shortly .

  7. 血清学反应在融合子鉴定中的应用研究

    Study about the application of serological reaction to fusant identification

  8. 支气管哮喘患者对三种蟑螂变应原的特异性血清学反应

    The specific IgE responses to three cockroach strains antigens in patients with asthma

  9. 与外周血单个核细胞相比,脐血细胞的血清学反应强度偏低。

    Its serological reaction is lower as compared with that of peripheral mononuclear cells .

  10. 血清学反应均呈阳性。该12例患者的蛔虫粪检和血清学检查均呈阳性。

    Positive reaction appeared on the examinations of the stool on ascaris lumbricoides and the blood serum among 12 cases .

  11. 利用生物接种、血清学反应和电子显微镜观察等方法,对大田发生的玉米矮花叶病毒源进行了鉴定。

    The maize dwarf mosaic virus ( MDMV ) was identified using biological inoculation , serological reaction and electronic microscope , etc.

  12. 证实在我国奶牛和耕(肉)牛群中存在非典型分枝杆菌感染,并提示该感染可干扰牛结核(副结核)变态反应和血清学反应检测。

    This research confirms that atypical mycobacteria infection may disturb the detection of allergic and serological methods to bovine tuberculosis and paratuberculosis .

  13. 首先,根据细菌的形态、生理生化特性和血清学反应等常规鉴定和细菌编码鉴定,确定其为假单胞菌。

    First , according to morphology , physiology and biochemistry , serological reaction , and numerical system , the bacterium was identified as Pseudomonas .

  14. 使用药物、红细胞与患者的血浆及红细胞放散液进行血清学反应,一直作为经典的检测血液中抗药物抗体的方法。

    The serological method reacted of drugs , common RBC and plasma or RBC elution of the patients is the classic method of anti-drug antibodies detection .

  15. 从中主要分离到4株细菌,根据其形态学特性、培养特性、生化特性、血清学反应特性等可将分离菌鉴定为兔支气管败血波氏杆菌。

    Four bacteria were isolated , and through morphological , cultural , biochemical characteristics and seral reactional traits , the bacteria were identified as Rabbit bordetella Bronchiseptica .

  16. 试验结果初步测出该病毒株之间在血清学反应上有差异,认为可能存在亚型。

    The result of test indicated that there 's difference of serological reaction between the two two incross viruses and it is possible that there 's a subtype of virus .

  17. 结论只表达目的基因的抗原结构域,可以缩短表达片段的长度,有利于获得可溶性目的蛋白,并且具有良好的血清学反应的特异性。

    The antigen regions of the aimed gene were selected to be expressed , which could benefit the expression of soluble fusion proteins , and the speciality of serological reaction is satisfied .

  18. 对全部分离菌进行了系统鉴定,包括形态、染色、培养特性、生化特性、血清学反应、致病力、对抗菌剂的敏感性和血浆凝固酶试验等。

    A systematic identification including staining , morphology , cultural characters , biochemical properties , serological reaction , pathogenicity , sensitivity to antimicrobial agents and plasma coagulase test was done for all isolates .

  19. 由于BVDV不仅可以感染牛还可以感染猪,引起与猪瘟相似的临床症状和病理变化,同时BVDV与CSFV存在血清学交叉反应,因此很容易被误诊为猪瘟。

    Since BVDV can infect not only cattle but pigs and results in clinical signs and pathological changes similar to those of CSF . Besides , BVDV may be misdiagnosed because of serological cross-reaction between pestiviruses .

  20. 绵羊进行性肺炎病毒与山羊关节炎一脑炎病毒的血清学交叉反应的研究

    Serological cross reactivity between ovine progressive pneumonia virus and caprine arthritis encephalitis virus

  21. 莱姆病与钩端螺旋体病血清学交叉反应问题的研究

    Study on Serologic Cross-reaction between Leptospirosis and Lyme Disease

  22. 急性血吸虫病与弓形虫血清学交叉反应的鉴别

    Differentiation of Toxoplasmic Serological Cross-reaction to Acute Schistosomiasis

  23. 并与传统血清学方法凝集反应进行了比较。

    And improved ELISA was compared with traditional serum method-agglutination .

  24. ELISA方法和血清学方法筛选群体反应性抗体的比较

    Contrastive study of ELISA and serological methods in the selection of panel reactive antibody

  25. 分别以ELISA方法和血清学方法作群体反应性抗体检测。

    All the samples were tested by using ELISA and serological methods respectively for the selection of PRA .