
xuè yǐng
  • blood shadow
血影[xuè yǐng]
  1. 久效磷、对硫磷与大鼠血影细胞温育,对血影细胞AChE呈竞争性抑制。

    Monocrotophos and parathion with AChE in the ghosts of rats showed competitive inhibition .

  2. RhD阳性血影细胞抗原性及血浆抗-D抗体分离

    Antigenicity of RhD ghost cells and its usage in separating anti-D antibodies from plasma

  3. 血影膜与荧光探针ANS间存在非辐射共振能量转移。

    The non-radiative resonance energy transfer between the Ghost membrane and ANS was observed .

  4. 血影膜与荧光探针ANS间的能量转移

    Energy transfer between the ghost membrane and ANS

  5. TCS还能作用于红细胞血影膜,改变其脂双层的不对称性。

    Besides , TCS could change the asymmetry of phospholipid of erythrocyte membrane , as detected by flow cytometer .

  6. 目的为了探讨α血影蛋白(αspectrin)和纤维型肌动蛋白(Factin)在神经生长锥激烈运动与神经生长过程中的作用机制。

    Objective To study the mechanism of α - spectrin and F-actin in the movement and development changes of nerve growth cones .

  7. 硒与红细胞血影收缩蛋白(Spectrin)作用导致构象变化

    Se induces conformation change of spectrin from human erythrocyte membrane

  8. 血影膜、PS脂质体的最大融合程度在一定范围内随膜流动性增加而增大,超出此范围则随膜流动增加而减小。

    The extent of fusion for human erythrocyte ghost membrane and PS liposome increases with increasing the membrane fluidity within a certain range , and decreases with increasing the membrane fluidity beyond this range .

  9. 膜融合剂对脂质体及血影膜膜流动性的影响TCS还能作用于红细胞血影膜,改变其脂双层的不对称性。

    THE EFFECT OF FUSOGENS ON THE FLUIDITY OF PS LIPOSOMES AND HUMAN ERYTHROCYTE MEMBRANE Besides , TCS could change the asymmetry of phospholipid of erythrocyte membrane , as detected by flow cytometer .

  10. 目的观察大脑中动脉(MCA)缺血后血影蛋白的动态变化,寻找反映脑缺血程度的形态学依据,并评价尼莫地平的脑保护作用。

    Objective In this study we observed the dynamic change of spectrin following middle cerebral artery ( MCA ) ischemia to search for a morphological basis to reflect the degree of ischemic damage and evaluated the neuroprotective effect of nimodipine .

  11. 测定了La2+、Gd3+、Tb3+及Yb3+四种稀土离子对带3蛋白阴离子转运活性及对血影膜脂流动性的影响。

    The effects of four rare earth ions La 、 Gd 、 Tb and Yb , on the anion transport ability of band 3 protein and the membrane fluidity of resealed ghost were studied .

  12. 甲胺磷对血影膜的荧光有强烈的猝灭作用。

    The methamidophos can quench the fluorescence of membrane protein .

  13. 精胺能诱导血影膜的融合。

    Spermine could induce the fusion of human ghost membrane .

  14. 挫伤性眼内积血致血影细胞性青光眼的临床观察研究

    Clinical and Laboratory Observations on Ghost Cell Glaucoma Induced by Intraocular Contusion Hemorrhage

  15. 人红细胞血影胰岛素受体放射配体测定法

    Radioligand assay of insulin receptor for human erythrocyte ghosts

  16. 与天然红细胞类似,人工红细胞在膜上有血影蛋白分布,且较天然红细胞更为均匀。

    It is similar to natural RBC , spectrin also distributed in the cytomembrane of RBC .

  17. 血影膜及脂质体的融合及其与膜流动性的关系

    The fusion of erythrocyte ghost and PS liposome and the relationship between fusion and the membrane fluidity

  18. 稀土离子对带3蛋白阴离子转运活性及血影膜流动性的影响

    The effects of rare earth ions on anion transport ability of band 3 protein and membrane fluidity of resealed ghost

  19. 用傅里叶变换红外光谱技术研究Cl-通过完整红细胞、红细胞血影、重组带Ⅲ蛋白脂质体三种体系中的膜带Ⅲ蛋白时的二级结构变化。

    The secondary structure changes of Band M in erythrocyte , erythrocyte ghost and reconstituted band ⅲ on liposomes have been studied by FTIR technique in the absence or presence of Cl - .