
zhī mó
  • lipid membrane;fat layer;adipose membrane
  1. 微型支撑双层类脂膜pH电极的研制

    PH electrode with metal supported bilayer lipid membrane

  2. 用循环伏安法研究了经双铜配合物修饰的双层脂膜(bilayerlipidmembrane,BLM)上的氧化还原反应,表明配合物在膜内起电子递体的作用。

    Redox reactions on bilayer lipid membrane ( BLM ) modified by Cu_2L_2Cl_2 was investigated by cyclic voltammetry method and the action of electron carrier of this complex on BLM was reported .

  3. 含有两性霉素B通道的脂质体与平板双分子层脂膜的融合

    Fusion of liposomes containing amphotericin B channels with planar lipid bilayer membranes

  4. 体外模拟试验发现抗S.辣根过氧化物酶脂膜生物传感器的研究

    Anti - S. A Enzyme - lipoid Membrane Biosensor for Testing Horseradish Peroxide

  5. 脂膜微囊靶向性聚集于颅内C6胶质瘤的实验研究

    Experimental study of targeted aggregation of lipid-coated microbubbles towards intracranial C6 glioma

  6. ITO导电玻璃支撑的富勒烯修饰双分子层脂膜的光电效应和传感器应用研究

    Application Study of Fullerene Modified BLM on ITO Conducting Glass in Photoelectric Effect and Sensor

  7. 脂膜微囊承载紫杉醇靶向性治疗大鼠颅内C6胶质瘤的实验研究

    Theraputic Effect of Lipid-Coated Microbubble Carrying Taxol on Rat with Intracranial C6 Glioma

  8. 多重扫描伏安法在平面双分子脂膜(BLM)研究中的应用

    The application of multi-sweep voltammetry to bilayer lipids membrane

  9. 对导电玻璃支撑的C60修饰的双层类脂膜系统在分子光谱学方面的研究进行了展望。

    At last , we prospected for further molecular spectroscopic research of ITO / BLM system .

  10. 目的研究脂膜微囊(LCM)靶向性聚集于大鼠颅内C6胶质瘤动物模型的机制。

    Objective To investigate the mechanisms of targeted aggregation of lipid-coated microbubbles ( LCM ) towards intracranial C6 glioma in rat models .

  11. 方法将脂膜超声造影剂通过酰胺键共价键键合的方式与血栓靶向短肽片段(RGDS)进行结合。

    Methods Liposome microbubbles combination thrombus-targeted peptide Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser ( RGDS ) by amide linkage .

  12. 试验表明:脂质体脂膜的过氧化与介质的温度、pH、pO2及脂质体的浓度有关,试验过程中应该控制这些因素。

    The extent of lipid membrane peroxidation of liposome depends on the temperature , pH , pO_2 ( oxygen partial pressure ) of the medium and its liposomal concentration . These factors must be precisely controlled throughout the experiment .

  13. 结论应用无PVP聚碳酸脂膜的微孔滤器可以建立体外RPE细胞有极性单层生长的模型,并用于屏障功能的研究。

    Conclusions The filter with PVP-free polycarbonate membrane may be used to set up the model of RPE cells with polarized growth of monolayer and investigate the barrier function of RPE cells .

  14. 目前,超薄膜主要有Langmuir-Blodgett膜、自组装膜、真空蒸镀膜、双层类脂膜和旋涂膜等。

    The Langmuir-Blodgett film , Assembly film , Vacuum Evaporation Film , bio-layers lipid membrane are all the frequently investigated ultra thin films .

  15. 方法采用静电吸附法将抗人肝细胞癌单克隆抗体HAb18结合到本试验室研制的脂膜氟烷微泡造影剂表面,制备免疫脂质体微泡造影剂;

    Methods McAb HAb18 was attached to the surface of self-made liposome microbubbles by electrostatic attraction to prepare immunoliposome microbubbles .

  16. 本文综述了近年来在双分子层脂膜(BLM)特性、制备技术及研究方法等方面的新进展。

    Studies on bilayer lipid membrane ( BLM ) in the last few years are reviewed , focusing on the development of preparation techniques , research and characteristics .

  17. 孔上形成双分子层类脂膜(BLM)方法的改进及以表面增强拉曼光谱技术(SERS)对BLM膜的研究尝试

    The Improvement of Preparing Stable Bilayer Lipid Membrane ( BLM ) n a Small Hole and Tentatively Studying on The BLM with Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering ( SERS ) Technique

  18. 结果流式细胞仪显示携带RGDS的脂膜超声造影剂其波长发生了明显变化,携带率达到82%;

    Results FCM demonstrated that the shell 's wavelength of thrombus-targeted liposome microbubbles changed greatly , and its conjunct ratio achieved 82 % .

  19. 用最近提出的构建膜体系初始构象的有效方法,构建了在DMPC脂膜环境下短杆菌肽A通道模型(GA-DMPC)。

    The gramicidin A-DMPC ( GA-DMPC ) channel model was built with the new efficient approach for constructing the initial configuration .

  20. 用注射方法分别制备3种双分子层脂膜(BLM),并运用循环伏安法测量了修饰物克霉唑加入前后人工双分子层脂膜的电性质。

    Using the injecting method , we prepared three bilayer lipid membranes ( BLM ) respectively , and by the cyclic voltammetry method we determined properties of BLM before and after adding clotrimazole into the membranes .

  21. 人工色素双分子类脂膜(PBLM)厚度小于100(?)

    The artificial pigmented Bilayer Lipid Membranes ( PBLM ) less than 100A thick separating two aqueous solutions containing different redox compounds .

  22. 目的探讨自制脂膜氟烷超声造影剂脂氟显对兔肾VX2肿瘤的显影效果。

    Objective To investigate the effect of contrast-enhanced second harmonic imaging ( SHI ) in detection of renal VX 2 tumor using a self-made liposome perfluocarbon ultrasound contrast agent named " ZhiFuXian " .

  23. 这是因为双分子类脂膜更接近实际的生物膜,为PMS对NADH电催化氧化提供了一个更接近生物体系的微环境。

    It is possible that the bilayer lipid membrane is close to the true biologic membrane , It provides a micro-environment which is very approachable biologic system , which is favorable for PMS to catalyze the oxidation of NADH .

  24. 本试验使用冷藏方法,共进行了2年(1984-1985)的研究。采前果实喷CaCl2和高脂膜,采后用打孔塑料袋包装贮藏。

    The experiment on cold storage carried out for 2 years showed that the fruit must be sprayed with CaCl_2 and high fat film before harvested , and packed in plastic bags with some small pores during storage .

  25. 肾移植后出现主要为CD30阳性的皮肤T细胞退化性大细胞淋巴瘤,其皮下脂膜富含变异中性粒细胞:罕见病病例报道及文献回顾

    Primary cutaneous T - cell anaplastic large cell lymphoma , CD30 + , neutrophil - rich variant with subcutaneous panniculitic lesions , in a post - renal transplant patient : Report of unusual case and literature review

  26. 固体支撑双层类脂膜电化学传感器的研究和应用

    Research and Application of Solid Supported Bilayer Lipid Membrane Electrochemical Biosensor

  27. 孢于在生殖过程中形成类脂膜。

    Spores form a lipid membrane during the process of reproducing .

  28. 结论机械振荡法是制备脂膜超声造影剂的一种很有效的方法。

    Conclusions Mechanical shaking is a good method for preparing lipid-coated UCAs .

  29. 平面双层脂膜系统用于植物离子通道研究

    Plain Bilayer Lipid Membranes Were Used to Study Ion Channels in Plants

  30. 提高固体支撑双层类脂膜稳定性的研究

    Research on Improving Stability of Solid Supported Bilayer Lipid Membranes