
zhī yóu
  • tallow oil;leaf lard;leaf fat
脂油 [zhī yóu]
  • (1) [tallow oil]∶一种动物油,由压榨动物脂而得,主要用作润滑剂,尤多与矿物油混合使用

  • (2) [leaf lard;leaf fat]〈方〉∶用猪板油熬成的优质猪油

脂油[zhī yóu]
  1. 像做油酥面团那样用指尖把脂油和面粉揉搓到一起。

    The fat and flour are rubbed together with the fingertips as for pastry .

  2. 甜杏仁或苦杏仁中榨出的灰黄色的脂油。

    Pale yellow fatty oil expressed from sweet or bitter almonds .

  3. 一种从鼠海豚中提取的黄色脂油,用作优质润滑剂。

    A yellow fatty oil obtained from porpoises and used as a fine lubricant .

  4. 赎罪祭牲的脂油要在坛上焚烧。

    He shall also burn the fat of the sin offering on the altar .

  5. 他们的心被脂油包裹;他们用口说骄傲的话。

    They close up their callous hearts , and their mouths speak with arrogance .

  6. 把调味汁过滤一下,撇去浮在表面上的脂油。

    Strain the sauce and skim away any fat that rises to the surface .

  7. 诗119:70他们心蒙脂油.却喜爱你的律法。

    Their heart is covered with fat , But I delight in Your law .

  8. 烤肉时润以脂油使不致烤焦并可增加香味。

    Meat is basted to keep it from drying out and to improve its flavour .

  9. 为什么不从妈妈的家庭财政预算中,削减一些脂油钱呢?

    Why don 't you cut some of the fat from Mom 's household budget ?

  10. 从大比目鱼的肝脏中提取的脂油,用作维他命a的来源。

    A fatty oil from halibut livers that is used as a source of vitamin A.

  11. 苦杏仁油的制取及其抗氧化保存试验研究甜杏仁或苦杏仁中榨出的灰黄色的脂油。

    Studies on the Extraction and Production of Bitter Apricot Kernel Oil and Its Anti-oxidation Researches ;

  12. 把牛所有的脂油都取下,烧在坛上。

    And he is to take off all its fat , burning it on the altar .

  13. 脂油开始嘶嘶劈啪作响。

    The fat began to spit .

  14. 甘油和脂肪酸形成的酯,天然的甘油酯以脂肪和脂油的形式存在。

    An ester of glycerol and fatty acids that occurs naturally as fats and fatty oils .

  15. 把脂油放在胸上、他就把脂油烧在坛上。

    They put the fat on the breasts , and the fat was burned on the altar .

  16. 5年中期发展目标是发展成为中国脂油化学行业的领导者;提出实施工贸结合的专业化、纵向一体化和国际化的战略设想。

    And it suggests adopting the strategy of specialization with trade and production , straight integration and internationalization .

  17. 变频机脂油润滑下轴承的强制水冷高速滑动对断层的润滑作用

    Forced water cooling of the greased lower bearings on the frequency converter sets Faults greased at high speed

  18. 听命胜于公羊的脂油。

    To obey is better than sacrifice , and to heed is better than the fat of rams .

  19. 公绵羊的燔祭,和肥畜的脂油,我已经够了。

    I have more than enough of burnt offerings , of rams and the fat of fattened animals ;

  20. 罐头鲑鱼剩余物中提取的脂油,用于制肥皂和制革。

    A fatty oil obtained from the wastes in canning salmon ; used in making soap and dressing leather .

  21. 从鲱鱼中提取的脂油,用于油漆、墨水及处理皮革。

    A fatty oil obtained from the menhaden fish and used in paint and ink and in treating leather .

  22. 所有的脂油,都要烧在坛上,正如平安祭牲的脂油一样。

    And all its fat he shall burn on the altar , like the fat of the sacrifice of peace offerings .

  23. 利8:20把羊切成块子、把头、和肉块、并脂油、都烧了。

    And he cut the ram into pieces ; and Moses burnt the head , and the pieces , and the fat .

  24. 在你们一切的住处,脂油和血都不可吃,这要成为你们世世代代永远的定例。

    It shall be a perpetual statute for your generations throughout all your dwellings , that ye eat neither fat nor blood .

  25. 把羊切成块子,把头和肉块并脂油都烧了。

    And when the sheep had been cut into parts , the head and the parts and the fat were burned by moses .

  26. 祭司要把脂油在坛上焚烧,但胸要归亚伦和他的子孙。

    And the fat is to be burned by the priest on the altar , but the breast is for Aaron and his sons .

  27. 从鲨鱼的肝脏中提取的黄色到棕色的脂油,用于处理皮革,亦是维他命a的来源。

    A fatty yellow to brown oil obtained from the livers of sharks ; used for dressing leather and as a source of vitamin A.

  28. 要把赎罪祭公牛所有的脂油,乃是盖脏的脂油和脏上所有的脂油

    He shall remove all the fat from the bull of the sin offering-the fat that covers the inner parts or is connected to them

  29. 亚伦子孙中,献平安祭牲血和脂油的,要得这右腿为分。

    The son of Aaron who offers the blood and the fat of the fellowship offering shall have the right thigh as his share .

  30. 你们吃脂油,穿羊毛,宰肥壮的,却不牧养群羊。

    You eat the curds , clothe yourselves with the wool and slaughter the choice animals , but you do not take care of the flock .