
  • 网络ceracris kiangsu;ceracris kiangsu tsai
  1. 应用B-8480型飞机超低量喷洒1%和2%长效壁垒防治黄脊竹蝗。

    Experiment of ULV aerial spray of 1 % and 2 % Changxiaobilei against Ceracris kiangsu was made .

  2. 药尿防治黄脊竹蝗试验

    Experiment of Ceracris kiangsu Control with Medicated Urine

  3. 湖南桃江黄脊竹蝗产卵量观察与研究超临界CO2萃取竹叶中总黄酮的研究

    An observation on fecundity of Ceracris kiangsu Tsai at Taojiang County in Hunan Extraction of total flavonoids from bamboo leaves by supercritical carbon dioxide

  4. 黄脊竹蝗Ceracriskiangsu发生与气象因子的相关性研究

    Study on the relationship between yellow back bamboo locusts Ceracris Kiangsu occurred and meteorological factors

  5. 黄脊竹蝗防治技术新探

    A study of the new control technic on Ceracris Kiangsu Tsai

  6. 黄脊竹蝗孵化期预测研究

    Prediction of the incubation period of yellow spined bamboo locust

  7. 黄脊竹蝗防治指标的研究

    A study on the control threshold of Ceracris Kiangsu Tsai

  8. 昆虫生长调节剂防治黄脊竹蝗初报

    Preliminary report on the control of Ceracris Kiangsu Tsai with insect growth regulator

  9. 黄脊竹蝗正取食水稻、玉米和甘蔗等农作物。

    The yellow-spined bamboo locusts are eating crops including rice , corn and canes .

  10. 人尿及汗液中几种化合物对黄脊竹蝗的引诱活性

    Attractive activity of some human urine chemicals toward the yellow-spined bamboo locust , Ceracris kiangsu

  11. 浙江省黄岩县城关镇天长南路口湖南桃江黄脊竹蝗产卵量观察与研究

    " At the end of South Tianchang Road , Chengguan Town , Huangyan " An observation on fecundity of Ceracris kiangsu Tsai at Taojiang County in Hunan