
  • 网络the yellow river culture
  1. 黄河文化&一个自强不息的伟大生命

    The Yellow River Culture : A Great Life with Unremitting Force

  2. 黄河文化与宁夏农业文明

    The Yellow River Culture and the Agricultural Civilization in Ningxia

  3. 她是黄河文化的大地母亲。

    She is the mother of the Yellow River Culture .

  4. 让黄河文化流入香港同胞的心田

    Let Yellow River Culture Infiltrate into the Heart of Compatriots In Hong Kong

  5. 黄河文化与人文景观的再现&兰州水车公园总体规划设计

    Reappearance of Yellow River culture and human scene overall planning of Lanzhou Water Mill Park

  6. 西部摄影&黄河文化的形象阐释

    Photography in Western Region

  7. 山西是黄河文化发祥地之一,也是武术发展的沃土。

    Shanxi is one of the birthplaces of Yellow River culture , and also the fertile soil for the development of martial arts .

  8. 河神信仰是中国民间信仰体系中的重要一支,依托于古老的黄河文化产生。

    The River God Worship is an important part in the Chinese folk belief systems , rooting in the ancient Yellow River culture .

  9. 由于深受季风环流的影响,长江文化与黄河文化均可称之为季风文化。

    Because of the influence of the monsoon circulation , both the Yangtze culture and the Huanghe culture can be called " monsoon culture " .

  10. 从而一窥显性于传统中的黄河文化和相对隐性的长江文化对于这个与人的生存息息相关的问题的探讨。

    Thus a peek into the Yellow River culture and traditional explicit relative recessive Yangtze river culture for this and the survival of closely related to question discussion .

  11. 其产品具有鲜明的地域文化特色,厚重的黄河文化底蕴,深受游客欢迎和业内人士好评。

    Its product has the bright region culture characteristic , the sincere Yellow River culture inside story , the depth is welcome the tourist with the professional high praise .

  12. 哈密地处新疆东部,是黄河文化、古印度文化、古希腊文化和古巴比伦文化的交汇地区,同时又是一个多民族聚居活动的地区。

    Hami , which lies in the east of xinjiang , is the confluence of Chinese culture , ancient India culture , ancient Greek culture and old persan culture .

  13. 道光朝经世实学的复兴与黄河文化的流变世界趋实体和功能神经外科学学会

    The Revival in the Reign of Emperor Dao Guang of the Practical Application of CLassic Learning and the Evolution of the Yellow River Culture ; World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery

  14. 其在中古兴旺时期的思想文化意识,体现了球江文化在古代的思维方式和行为方式,标志着珠江文化与黄河文化、长江文化的明显区别;

    The ideological and cultural awareness in the mid-ancient prosperous age reveals the modes of thoughts and behaviour of the Pearl River culture in the ancient times , distinguishes Pearl River culture from Yellow River culture and Yangtze River culture .

  15. 它有着悠久的发展历史,集中表现了陕北人民获得丰收和胜利后的喜悦心情,融入了黄土人憨厚朴实、乐观向上的性格,是黄河文化的重要组成部分。

    It has the glorious historical development , after the concentrated expression North Shanxi people have obtained the abundant harvest and the victory joyful mood , has integrated the loess person simple and honest simple , the optimistic upward disposition , is the Yellow River culture important component .

  16. 文章认为,《黄河文化百科全书》是黄河文化史上第一个百科总集,是内容丰富的资料宝库,是一部优秀的工具书和水平颇高的学术著作。

    In the article , the author thinks that the Encyclopaedia of Huanghe Culture is the first collection of all subjects in the history of Huanghe Culture , the great treasure - houst of material rich in content , on excellent reference book and a high - level academic work .

  17. 从地域文化的空间层次上来说,蔚县属于中原地区黄河流域文化圈,西古堡中的民居建筑具有同一文化圈的共性。

    In terms of spatial arrangement of regional culture , Wei County belongs to the cultural circle of Huanghe Region in Central Plains and the folk residences in West Old Castle possess the commonness of the same cultural circle .

  18. 山西是中华民族黄河流域文化的发祥地之一,凝聚三晋文化的晋作家具就诞生在这块黄土地上,经继承、演变、发展,形成了自己的独特风格。

    Shanxi is the birthplace of Chinese culture , one of the Yellow River , Shanxi cultural cohesion for the furniture Jin was born in this yellow ground , through inheritance , evolution , development , and formed its own unique style .

  19. 中国文化在地域分布上,自古以来就存在着北方黄河流域文化和南方长江流域文化两大板块,而汉水、淮河流域是南北文化转换的轴心。

    In the perspective of range , Chinese culture is made up of two parts : Yellow River Reaches Culture and Yangtze River Reaches Culture , with the reaches of Hanjiang River and Huaihe River as cultural conversion axis between North China and South China .

  20. 黄河流域宗教文化发展论略

    Development of Religious Culture in Area along the Huanghe River

  21. 黄河三角洲文化的概念及其历史文化渊源

    The Concept of the Yellow River Delta Culture and its Origin of Historical Culture

  22. 黄河三角洲文化研究刍议

    Research on the Culture of Yellow River Delta

  23. 第三章论述了黄河三角洲文化产业可持续发展的资源条件:资源禀赋。

    Chapter three discusses the resource endowment for the sustainable development of cultural industry in the Yellow River Delta .

  24. 第一章论述了替代产业&黄河三角洲文化产业发展的研究背景。

    Chapter one illustrates the background of the development of cultural industry as a substitutable industry in the Yellow River Delta .

  25. 第五章论述了黄河三角洲文化产业发展空间方面的推进措施:优化布局。

    Chapter five demonstrates the layout optimization as beneficial measures to promote the development of cultural industry in the Yellow River delta .

  26. 作为黄河三角洲文化重要组成部分的民间歌曲也是极其丰富多彩的,这里流传着许许多多不同题材、不同形式、不同风格的民歌。

    The Delta Folk Songs , as an important component of the Delta culture , consists of different themes , forms and styles .

  27. 第六章论述了黄河三角洲文化产业发展的市场条件:统一、完善、有序的文化市场。

    Chapter six illustrates unification , improvement and orderliness : market conditions of the development of cultural industry in the Yellow River Delta .

  28. 第四章论述了转变黄河三角洲文化产业发展方式的重要途径:结构调整。

    Chapter four concentrates on the structural adjustment as an important way to change the development of cultural industry in the Yellow River Delta .

  29. 为此,本文着眼于实际应用,尝试利用产业理论和管理学、文化社会学等理论,对黄河三角洲文化产业的可持续发展问题进行分析研究,并提出了相应的建议。

    Therefore , based on industry , management and cultural socialism and other theories , this dissertation makes a tentative attempt to carry out analysis and research on the sustainable development of cultural industry in the Yellow River Delta .

  30. 选题原因之一是:文化产业在经济社会发展中的地位越来越重要,黄河三角洲文化产业发展已列入了当地经济社会发展的目标。

    The first reason is that with cultural industry playing a more and more important role in economic and social development , cultural industry development in the Yellow River Delta has been ranked into the objective of local economic and social development .