
  1. 西北农耕文化的象征与隐喻&兰州太平鼓文化初探

    The Lanzhou Taiping Drum 's symbol and metaphor on culture of agriculture in northwest of China

  2. 对兰州太平鼓发展趋势及文化的研究,对于保护甘肃地区非物质文化遗产具有举足轻重的作用。

    The research is of great importance to both its development and conservation of nonmaterial cultural heritage in Gansu Province .

  3. 近年来,兰州太平鼓一直是一个很热门的话题,但是到目前为止还没有人对兰州太平鼓这一民俗事象做过系统全面的研究。

    Recent years , there has been a heated topic in general public , but so far there is no systematic research on Lanzhou Taiping Drum .

  4. 兰州太平鼓是西北地区特有的民间艺术之一,是集鼓乐、健身、娱乐、军事为一体的传统娱乐项目。

    Peace Drum , one of the characteristic arts in the northwest , is a traditional recreation which includes drum music , body-building , entertainment and military affairs .