
  • 网络mongolian costume
  1. 第五章,客观地阐述了蒙古族服饰的变迁。

    Chapter five objectively analyzes the changes of Mongolian costume .

  2. 随着现代化进程的加快和时代的变迁,蒙古族服饰发生着一系列的变化。

    With the acceleration of modernization and changes of time , culture of mongolian costume is also experiencing series of changes .

  3. 关于蒙古族服饰研究的若干方向

    On directions of making researches on Mongolian dress and personal adornment

  4. 第三章,蒙古族服饰文化的内涵。

    Chapter three analyzes the intension of Mongolian costume culture .

  5. 青海地区蒙古族服饰述略

    On the Mongolian Dress and Personal Adornment in Qinghai

  6. 蒙古族服饰艺术特征及其对现代设计的影响与启示

    Features of Inner Mongolia Trappings & Its Influence and Instruction on Modern Design

  7. 所以通过蒙古族服饰可以了解蒙古族文化的丰富内涵。

    Therefore , we can understand the brief condition of Mongolian culture from Mongolian costume .

  8. 流光溢彩的蒙古族服饰刺绣艺术

    The Colourful Embroidery Art of Mongolian Apparels

  9. 蒙古族服饰镶边艺术

    The Embroidering Art of Mongolian Costumes

  10. 蒙古族服饰是中国少数民族社会生活文化的重要组成部分。

    Mongolian dress and adornments are important departments of the living history on Chinese ethnic minorities .

  11. 独具特色的蒙古族服饰文化

    The Characteristics of Monggol Dress Culture

  12. 蒙古族服饰可以传达出一个人的社会地位,年龄大小,婚否等信息。

    Mongolian costume can transmit the information of one 's social status , age and marriage .

  13. 蒙古族服饰是勤劳善良的蒙古人集体智慧的结晶,它表现出了蒙古人的审美特征。

    Mongolian dress is industrious good Mongolian collective wisdom crystallization , it shows a Mongol aesthetic characteristics .

  14. 蒙古族服饰镶边艺术是蒙古族服饰艺术的重要组成部分。

    The embroidering art of Mongolian costumes is an important part of the art of Mongolian costumes .

  15. 蒙古族服饰是蒙古族的族徽,它对族人有凝聚力的作用。

    Mongolian costume is the Mongolian " mark " which has the cohesion function for the clansman .

  16. 游牧民族的独特游牧生活生产方式对蒙古族服饰,饮食产生重要影响。

    Unique way of life and production of Mongolian nomadic have an deeply influences on clothing and diet .

  17. 本文运用民族学、人类学的理论与方法,研究蒙古族服饰文化的特点。

    The dissertation will use the theory and method of Ethnology and Anthropology to analyze the character of Mongolian costume culture .

  18. 而镶边艺术的色彩装饰价值和镶边构成形式、镶边图案的装饰价值为美化蒙古族服饰起了至关重要的作用。

    The color decoration and the construction form of the embroidering art as well as the decoration value of the embroidering patterns have played very important part in beautifying Mongolian costumes .

  19. 蒙古族服饰自身就很美是一件精美绝伦的艺术品,它已不仅仅是在满足人们日常生活中取暖防寒的必需品,它表现出了蒙古族的文化内涵。

    Mongolian clothing itself very beauty is a piece of elegant unsurpassed , it has just art in meeting people daily life cold-weather necessities , it warm showed a Mongolian culture connotation .

  20. 第一章主要介绍蒙古族服饰研究的历史及现状,蒙古族服饰文化的研究方法、意义和目的。

    The dissertation comprises five chapters : Chapter one mainly introduces the history and present condition of Mongolian costume research and the research method , significance and purpose of Mongolian costume culture .

  21. 本文通过对蒙古族服饰文化的研究,发掘出它与当代工笔人物画在色彩的装饰性及图案平面性上的共通之处,并能达到相互借鉴吸收。

    This article through to the Mongolian costume culture research , unearthed it and contemporary Chinese figure painting in color decorative and design plane sexual similarities , and can achieve mutual reference absorption .

  22. 今天,蒙古族服饰在文化主管部门积极倡导保护思想、大力推广发展政策的影响和广大群众的热情参与中,使得这种传统的文化艺术形式散发出现代的艺术魅力。

    Nowadays , with the " protection " and " development " policies of the authorities , and the enthusiastic participation of the masses , the traditional cultural and art form exudes the charm of modern art .

  23. 布里亚特蒙古族的服饰文化

    Culture of Costume of Buriat Mongolian

  24. 论传统蒙古族元素在现代蒙古族服饰设计中的应用

    On the Application of Traditional Mongolian Cultural Elements to Modern Mongolian Costume Design

  25. 本文从蒙古族进入青海的不同历史阶段,简略的叙述了青海蒙古族服饰文化形成的历史脉络及形成后随着地域、自身的发展和周边民族的不同而又形成独特的服饰文化。

    In this article , the author briefly narrates the historical thread formed regarding the Mongolian culture of the dress and personal adornment in Qinghai and its characteristics .

  26. 通过对蒙古族居住地区的调研与考察,以及对相关文献资料的研究、分析与考证,较为全面地概括了蒙古族婚庆服饰的特征与特色。

    Through researches of residents of Inner Mongolia , this article generalise roundly character and flavor of wedding raiment of Mongolia nation .