
  • 网络Langley;Samuel Pierpont Langley
  1. 穿着热烈,于1928年1无名的NACA试飞员得到准备从该集团的兰利航空实验室在纪念弗吉尼亚机场高空飞行。

    Dressed warmly , an unnamed NACA test pilot in1928 gets ready for a high-altitude flight from the group 's Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory airfield in Virginia .

  2. 我们给兰利汇报了项目正在进行中。

    When we reported to langley , the project was proceeding .

  3. 为躲避飓风兰利临时解除F-22的禁飞令:空军已经临时解除了兰利空军基地F-22机队的禁飞,以躲避飓风艾琳的愤怒。

    Air Force officials have temporarily lifted the grounding of the F-22 Raptor fleet based at Langley AFB , Va. , so the aircraft can avoid Hurricane Irene 's wrath .

  4. 我以为斯隆将勒索索引交给了兰利。

    I thought Sloane turned the Blackwell index over to langley .

  5. 我要知道他为什么没有联络兰利。

    I want to know why he hasn 't contacted langley .

  6. 雅培证明,一个兰利的更正错误适用。

    Abbott proved that one of Langley 's corrections was erroneously applied .

  7. 如果你有问题,请和兰利谈。

    You got a problem , you can take it to langley .

  8. 好的,兰利下令突袭阿拉米达围场。

    Okay , langley 's ordered a raid on the Alameda yard .

  9. 命我立即向兰利总部汇报

    I 've been ordered to report to Langley immediately .

  10. 我告诉我兰利关于沃尔特的方位。

    I gave Langley the location of the valta .

  11. 兰利市一半的人都在储存胶带和塑料膜

    Half of Langley 's stocking up on duct tape and plastic sheeting .

  12. 熔炉在空中发红地喷发艾德里兰利。

    The forge belched redly at the sky-Adria langley .

  13. 兰利号在诺福克海军基地转为第一艘美国航空母舰。

    Converted into the first US aircraft carrier at the Norfolk Navy Yard .

  14. 兰利给我了特殊的任务。

    Langley 's tasked me for a special assignment .

  15. 此事等我们回兰利总部再接着谈

    We 'll continue this discussion back at Langley .

  16. 我们派了人从兰利基地过来。

    We have someone coming in from langley .

  17. 我要兰利号飞机飞过华盛顿。

    I want those langiey birds over washington .

  18. 跟这比起来兰利就是小儿科。

    Langley was a cakewalk compared to this .

  19. 你说的是潜入兰利[中情局总部所在地]

    You 're talking about breaking into Langley .

  20. 斯隆和兰利签订了协议。

    Sloane signed an agreement with langley .

  21. 出售服务使兰利获得了为天文台购买新设备的资金。

    The sales provided the money Langley needed to buy new equipment for the observatory .

  22. 一位兰利总部野心勃勃的年轻分析师

    an ambitious young analyst over at Langley

  23. 他是被兰利征募的。

    He was recruited by langley .

  24. 兰利的内部电话系统瘫痪了

    Langley pbx system is down .

  25. 兰利的无人驾驶飞机从漂浮在华盛顿以南波托马克河上的一座水上住宅的屋顶上起飞。

    Langley 's unmanned plane was launched from the top of a houseboat floating on the Potomac River south of Washington .

  26. 大首领:你这样身份的人不是应该在兰利空军基地么?你为何在这里?

    Snake : Shouldn 't a suit like you be back at Langley ? What the hell are you doing here ?

  27. 在维吉尼亚州汉普顿的兰利-尤斯提斯联合空军基地发表讲话是米歇尔在奥巴马这次大巴巡回活动中首次公开亮相。

    The speech at Joint Base Langley-Eustis in Hampton , Virginia , was Michelle Obama 's first public appearance on the president 's bus tour .

  28. 在测定引信解除保险距离的感度用数理统计试验方法中,兰利法由于理论上可使用较少的试验样本量而应用日渐广泛。

    In mathematically statistical test methods that were used to get arming distance of fuze , Langlie method was applied more and more wider because it only uses a few samples .

  29. 当它建于1930年,兰利全尺寸风洞中进行,是世界上最大的风洞,并在30英尺,宽60英尺它仍然是该领域中的庞然大物。

    When it was built in1930 , the Langley Full Scale Tunnel was the largest wind tunnel in the world , and at30 feet by60 feet it 's still among the behemoths of the field .