
fǎn jiàn dié
  • counterespionage;counterspy
反间谍 [fǎn jiàn dié]
  • (1) [counterespionage]有关发现和挫败敌人间谍活动的行动

  • (2) [counterspy]∶侦察间谍的人员;侦察特务、间谍、颠覆分子等阴谋活动的人员

反间谍[fǎn jiàn dié]
  1. 他主动提出要带我去见路易斯·托德拉,劝说他在辐射作战委员会的反间谍方面帮忙。

    He offered to take me to see Louis Tordella to persuade him to help with the counterespionage of ROC .

  2. 反间谍XP的2009年是通过不同的分布式网络安全扫描,木马,误导性网站,恶意软件。

    Antispyware XP2009 is distributed via different online security scanners , Trojan horses , misleading sites , malicious software .

  3. 韩国加大反间谍力度在去年11月的北京车展上,韩国现代汽车(HyundaiMotor)公司的管理人员看到了被他们称为“令人震惊”的一幕。

    At the Beijing motor show last November , officials of South Korea 's Hyundai Motor Company saw what they describe as a " shocking " scene .

  4. 对美国的联邦调查局(FBI)反间谍部门、中央情报局(CIA)和其他一些情报机构而言,第一家组织尤其熟悉。

    The first group is particularly well known to the F.B.I. " s counterintelligence unit , the C.I.A. and other intelligence agencies .

  5. 桌面防病毒软件(90%)、反间谍软件((56%)、个人防火墙(49%)和VPN客户(49%)仍然是被受访企业采用最多的终端应用。

    Desktop antivirus ( 90 % ), antispyware ( 56 % ), personal firewalls ( 49 % ) and VPN clients ( 49 % ) remain the leading endpoint applications already deployed within the organizations surveyed .

  6. 在执法方面,联邦调查局(FBI)将包括导致商业机密盗窃的网络侵入活动在内的网络犯罪,列为排名第三的重要任务,仅次于恐怖主义和反间谍工作。

    And in terms of law enforcement , the F.B.I. lists   digital crime , including intrusions that result in trade secret theft , as its third priority , just behind terrorism and counterintelligence .

  7. 以下这一点应该会对你有所帮助:英国特种空勤团是由英国国家安全局(MI5,又称军情五处)和英国陆军情报六局(MI6,又称军情六处)共同训练以承担反间谍任务。

    It may help you to know that the SAS is also trained by MI5 and MI6 security and intelligence services to undertake counter-espionage operations .

  8. 斯诺登称,美国政府若有意改变情报收集方式,其过程将十分缓慢,科技企业可以先于美国政府采取行动,确保用户隐私安全。此前美国检方已根据《反间谍法》(EspionageAct)对斯诺登提起诉讼。

    Mr. Snowden , who has been charged by U.S. prosecutors under the Espionage Act , said technology companies can act more quickly to protect users ' privacy than the U.S. government , which will move slowly , if at all , to change intelligence-gathering practices .

  9. 英国的反间谍组织M15(即英国军情五处——译者注)以为道斯是德国间谍,并提审了他。但很快道斯就获释了,因为他们相信这些词只是他随意挑选的。

    The MI5 , Britain 's counter-espionage service , assumed Dawes was a German agent and interrogated him , but released him a short time later once they became convinced the words were chosen randomly .

  10. 新增功能以消除干扰机与反间谍飞机的影响。

    Added ability to remove Counter Spy-Plane effects with the Jammer .

  11. 另外,还有一些其他的免费的反间谍软件程序可用。

    Alternatively , there are other free anti-spyware software programs available .

  12. 我追查无影反间谍活动已经三个月了

    I have been tracking off-book counter-intel activity for 3 months .

  13. 反间谍工具不是万能的,它们也会错过感染的病毒。

    Anti-spyware tools are not perfect and can miss infections .

  14. 反间谍小组?他们找她干什么?

    Counter intelligence ? Why were they looking at her ?

  15. 通过取缔或删除任何有价值的情报来完成的反间谍活动。

    Counterintelligence achieved by banning or deleting any information of value to the enemy .

  16. 有计划地侦察和阻碍阴谋破坏的反间谍活动。

    Counterintelligence designed to detect and counteract sabotage .

  17. 该解决方案是一个反间谍软件,防病毒和反恶意软件组件的综合包。

    The solution is a consolidated package of anti-spyware , anti-virus and anti-malware components .

  18. 随著战事推进,英国反间谍工作人员总结出了许多破解可疑信件的方式。

    As the war went on , counter-espionage officials developed ways of spotting suspicious letters .

  19. 运行一两款反间谍软件。

    Run one or two anti-spyware applications .

  20. 如果他没有搞反间谍活动

    He sells it every time . If it hadn 't have been for counterintelligence ,

  21. 间谍软件和反间谍软件的分析与研究

    Analysis and Research of Spyware & Anti-spyware

  22. 反间谍活动特别执行员。

    The special executive for counterintelligence .

  23. 我是反间谍第15组的成员,就在非武装区之外活动。

    I was a member of the15th Marine Counterintelligence Team , operating just below the Demilitarized Zone .

  24. 防病毒和反间谍程序无法保护您的计算机不受黑客的攻击一样的个人防火墙的。

    Antivirus and antispyware programs cannot protect your computer from hacker attacks like a personal firewall does .

  25. 反间谍活动对发现和阻碍敌人间谍活动而进行的间谍活动

    Espionage undertaken to detect and counteract enemy espionage . a Bureau that runs espionage operations . counter-espionage activities

  26. 运行防病毒软件或反间谍软件扫描,一旦发现一些异常的项目立即清除。

    Operate the anti-virus software or counter-espionage software scanning , once find some unusual projects are removed immediately .

  27. 这本书讲的是一个男人被中情局招募从事反间谍代码破译的工作,

    It 's about a man who is recruited by the C.I.A. to work in counterintelligence doing code breaking ,

  28. 这是一款名为“Haven”的应用程序,它能将安卓手机变为一款多功能反间谍系统。

    It 's an app , called Haven , that 's designed to turn Android phones into all-in-one anti-spy systems .

  29. 普遍反间谍和反监控解决方案,有效地打击每一个威胁,目的是偷取信息由伐木击键。

    Universal Anti spying and Anti Monitoring Solution , Effective Against Every threat that aim to steal information by logging keystrokes .

  30. 美军官员表明他们已经训练反间谍组织来追捕阿富汗部队中的潜伏间谍来应对塔利班的袭击。

    U.S.military officials have said they are responding by training counterintelligence agents to track down sleeper agents within the Afghan security forces .