
  • 网络Fat mobilization;Mobilization of triglycerides;triglyceride mobilization
  1. 奶牛酮病、脂肪肝糖异生和脂肪动员的神经内分泌调控机制

    Neuroendocrine Regulation Mechanism on Gluconeogenesis and Fat Mobilization of Ketosis and Fatty Liver in Dairy Cows

  2. 研究表明,酮病、脂肪肝是奶牛能量负平衡的结果,脂肪动员、肝脂沉积、低糖血症和酮体生成增多是奶牛酮病和脂肪肝的主要环节。

    Research indicates that ketosis and adiposis hepatica are caused by negative balance of energy and fat mobilization , hepar lipidosis , hypoglycemia .

  3. ZAG是近年来发现的一种新的脂肪动员因子。

    ZAG has been found to be a new kind of lipid mobilizing factor recently .

  4. 可见,酮病奶牛INSRmRNA相对表达量下降,提示此有利于酮病奶牛糖异生和脂肪动员,从而缓解能量负平衡;

    It is concluded that the lower expression of InsR mRNA in ketosis cows could be helpful to inhibiting fat mobilization and utilizing glucose , thereby relieve the negative energy balance .

  5. 锌-α2-糖蛋白(ZAG),又名脂肪动员因子,是参与癌性恶病质形成的一种分泌性蛋白,它通过促进机体脂肪分解和增加产热双重途径减少体内脂肪。

    Zinc - α 2-glycoprotein ( ZAG ) is identical with a lipid mobilizing factor capable of inducing loss of adipose tissue in cancer cachexia through an increased lipid mobilization and utilization .

  6. 限食状态下战士体内的能量代谢与脂肪动员

    Energy metabolism and lipid mobilization in diet restriction for soldiers

  7. 脂肪动员因子&锌-α2-糖蛋白研究进展

    Recent progress in Zn-alpha 2-glycoprotein , a lipid-mobilizing factor

  8. O2max有氧运动过程中,脂肪动员程度较大,随着运动强度的增加,机体糖代谢加强,脂代谢减弱。

    With the increasing of exercise intensity , carbohydrate metabolism increased , while the fat metabolism decreased .

  9. 上述结果提示,二氢吡啶能促进蛋鸡体内脂肪动员和分解,减少脂肪在鸡体内的沉积,并有减少自由基对肝脏损害的功能。

    These results indicated that DHP can improve the mobilization and decomposition of Fatty , decrease fatty accumulation in laying hens and protect liver from being damaged by free radical .

  10. 与单纯性饥饿引起的营养不良不同,它的主要代谢改变是葡萄糖合成率的变化,糖异生、糖酵解增加,脂肪动员和氧化加速,蛋白质合成减少。

    Cancer cachexia differs with malnutrition from simple starvation . The major pathology of cachexia is change of glucose composing rate , gluconeogenesis and glycolysis to lactate ( Cori cycle ) increased , fat mobilisation and oxidation accelerated and protein synthesis decreased .

  11. 运动后脂肪的动员和利用是否也存在差异?

    Whether mobilization of fat exist difference between them ?

  12. 甲状腺激素对于脂肪的合成、动员和分解都有影响。

    Thyriod hormone has effect on fatty synthesis , mobilization and decomposition .

  13. 研究者目前已经证明草药萃取物有效地抑制新脂肪细胞的形成,刺激成熟脂肪细胞中脂肪动员。

    Researchers have now shown that an extract of the herbal brew effectively inhibits the generation of new adipocytes and stimulates fat mobilization from mature fat cells .

  14. 尽管小鼠摄入正常量的碳水化合物和脂肪,但它们很快停止肝脏的脂肪合成并动员它们体内储存的脂肪。

    Despite the fact that these mice are consuming normal amounts of carbohydrates and fats , they rapidly shut down fat synthesis in the liver and mobilize their stored fat deposits .

  15. 脂肪甘油三酯脂肪酶(ATGL)是近年来研究发现的启动脂肪动员的又一关键脂肪酶。

    Recent studies showed that adipose triacylglyceride lipase ( ATGL ) functioned as an additional key enzyme for adipose lipid mobilization .