
  • 网络Lure of the Snapper;prestarter
  1. TMAO对南美白对虾诱食活性的初步研究

    Preliminary study on feeding attraction activities of TMAO for Penaeus vanname

  2. 蚯蚓粉和BGB破壁酵母粉对中华绒螯蟹的诱食效果

    The Attractive Effects of Earthworm Powder and BGB Wall-broken Yeast Extract for Eriocheir Sinensis

  3. 新型水产诱食剂溴化DMPT的合成及应用研究

    Studies on the Synthesis and Application of a New Feeding Attractant DMPT Bromide

  4. 经方差分析和Duncan法多重比较,得出三者之间的诱食活性为:自配诱食剂>大江牌鱼饲料>新希望鱼饲料。

    Multiply-compared these data by variance analysis and Duncan law , the activity of these three forage is : selected stimulant bait > Dajiang fish forage > Xinxiwang fish forage .

  5. 氨基酸对鲫鱼、泥鳅的诱食活性

    Feeding attraction activities of amino acids for crucian carp and loach

  6. 新型水产诱食剂氯化羧甲基二甲基锍的合成

    Synthesis of carboxymethyl dimethyl sulfonium chloride as a novel aquatic feed attractant

  7. 不同诱食剂对泥鳅诱食活性的研究

    Study on feeding attraction activities of food attractants for loach

  8. 氨基酸强化饵料对大鲮鲆诱食活性的研究

    Study on Attractant Activity of Amino Acid-Strengthened Bait to Turbot

  9. 小肽诱食剂对哺乳仔猪生长和健康的影响

    The effect of oligo-peptide flavor agent on performance and health in suckling piglets

  10. 五种海藻对虹鲍的诱食作用

    Five species of algal feeding stimulation for Haliotis iris

  11. 牛磺酸对鲤鱼诱食活性的初步研究

    The feeding attractant activity of taurine to common carp

  12. 水产动物诱食剂的研究进展

    Research progress on feed attractant for aquatic animals

  13. 不同中草药对两种淡水鱼类诱食作用的研究

    Study on attraction of different Chinese herbal medicines for two fresh water fishes species

  14. 动植物提取液对草鱼诱食作用的初步研究

    Preliminary study on FEEDING-ATTRACTION effect of extracts of some animals and plants for young grass carp

  15. 本文阐述了诱食剂的种类及对水产动物的诱食效果、作用机理。

    This paper reviewed the variety , effect and mechanism of feed attractant in aquatic animal .

  16. 鱼类诱食剂的研究

    Studies on feeding-attractants of fish

  17. 用优质的蛋白源和诱食剂可能解决这些问题。

    Good evaluation of protein quality and the use of feeding attractants may help to reduce the problem .

  18. 试验了14种植物、9种动物组织的水提取液对试验鱼的诱食效果。

    The attractive effects of 14 spices plants extracts and 9 spices animals extracts for the young grass carps were observed .

  19. 在前一工作的基础上,将诱食效果较好的不同诱食剂按照一定比例,设计制成多种诱食剂的组合,采用正交分析法进行试验。

    On this basis , we designed orthogonal by made several combinations of different phagostimulant of high activity according to certain proportion .

  20. 实验分诱食试验、饲养试验、肠道消化酶活性测定三个部分。

    This experiment is divided into the behavioral of Luring experiment , the raise experiment , the active determination of enzyme tests three parts .

  21. 运用无溶剂合成方法,利用较低成本的氯乙酸为原料与二甲硫醚反应,合成新型水产动物诱食剂&氯化羧甲基二甲基锍。

    Carboxymethyl dimethyl sulfonium chloride as a novel aquatic feed attractant was synthesized with chloroacetic acid , methyl sulfide and in solvent free system .

  22. 配伍添加酶制剂、酸化剂、诱食剂&草莓香精和杆菌肽锌对哺乳期羔羊饲料消化性及生长性能的影响研究。

    The study of effect of matching the feed phagostimulant-strawberry tasted flavor , enzyme , Acidifying and bacitracin zinc on lambs digestibility and growth performance .

  23. 鳜捕食行为的研究甜菜碱和二甲亚砜对麦穗鱼的诱食活性及麦穗鱼摄食行为的研究

    On the feeding behaviour of mandarin fish ( siniperca chuatsi ) the study of food attractability of betaine and DM and feeding behavior of Pseudorasbora parva

  24. 该文概述了白蚁诱食信息素的分泌器官、种特异性、生物学意义、生物合成途径及其在白蚁防治中的应用等方面的研究进展。

    This paper summarizes the secretor , species specificity , biological significance , biosynthetic pathway and application in termite control of the phagostimulating pheromone in termites .

  25. 几种氨基酸和动植物粗提物对鱼类诱食活性的初步研究

    A preliminary study on feeding attraction activities of amino acids and the extracts from several kinds of animal products and Chinese medicinal herbs for carp and crucian carp

  26. 本文采用迷宫装置、通过液体实验的方法,研究了二甲亚砜和5种市售香精对金鱼的诱食活性。

    In this paper , the feeding attraction activities of several Substances-DM and five kinds of essences in commerce for goldfish were studied with liquid methods in labyrinth .

  27. 究其原因,主要是河蟹配合饲料的使用效率不高和适口性较差,缺少理想的河蟹诱食剂。

    In my opinion , there are three main reason , the low efficiency of compound feed of crab , the poor palatability and the lack of perfect phagostimulant .

  28. 结果表明,除了苯丙氨酸外,试验所用的氨基酸在0.2%的浓度下都具有较高的诱食活性。

    The result indicates : the all amino acid of this experiment have the high activity of lure effect when the concentration is above 2 % , but except for phenylalanine .

  29. 本研究通过向含有30%鱼粉的基础饲料中添加不同种类和不同剂量的鱼虾类诱食物质,初步筛选出对河蟹具有较高诱食活性的诱食剂单体。

    In this study , we added phagostimulant used in fish and shrimp , different kind and different dose , to base diet containing 30 % fish meal , initial screening of high activity crab phagostimulant .

  30. 从甜菜碱的转甲基功效,参与氨基酸、蛋白质及脂肪代谢,抗病、抗应激效应,调节渗透压,诱食效应等方面的应用情况,阐述了甜菜碱营养机理的研究进展,为进一步开发利用甜菜碱提供参考。

    A survey of researching progress on lycine nutrition mechanism was made , involving in the applications of transmethylation , metabolism of amino acid , protein and fat , resistance of disease and stress , regulation of osmotic pressure and phagostimulant .