
shǒu zhǎng
  • palm;plam;vola
手掌 [shǒu zhǎng]
  • [palm] 指人手的手指基部与腕部之间稍凹的部分,当屈伸时,手指正与之相合

手掌[shǒu zhǎng]
  1. 他用拳头啪地猛击一下手掌。

    He smacked a fist into the palm of his hand .

  2. 她用手绢将流血的手掌包扎起来。

    She wrapped a handkerchief around her bleeding palm

  3. 他用手掌打门。

    He beat on the door with the flat of his hand .

  4. 她绊了一下摔倒了,手掌和膝盖都蹭破了。

    She stumbled and fell , scraping her palms and knees .

  5. 他用手掌使劲拍打着柜台。

    He slammed the counter with the flat of his hand .

  6. 她平伸出一只手掌,要挡住他。

    She held her hand out flat , to halt him .

  7. 他用手掌根使劲推我的脸颊。

    He shoved the heel of his hand against the side of my face .

  8. 用手掌将面团揉至光滑为止。

    Work the dough with the palm of your hand until it is very smooth

  9. 他擦了擦满是汗水的手掌。

    He wiped his sweaty palm .

  10. 人的手掌是微凹的。

    The palm of one 's hand is slightly concave .

  11. 最后,走到孩子面前,摸摸他的胳膊,扳开他的手掌来看了看他的手指头,又叫他跳了几下,试试他灵活不灵活。

    Walking up last to the boy , he felt of his arms , straightened his hands , and looked at his fingers , and made him jump , to show his agility .

  12. 在过去的一年里,克拉拉一直在学习手语,以帮助盲人和聋人,她知道自己可以用手指将拼写写在这个男人的手掌上。

    Clara had been studying ASL for the past year to help blind and deaf people and she knew she 'd be able to finger spell into the man 's palm .

  13. 他赶忙跑出去,见到胳膊已经肿了起来,手掌和手指也隐隐作痛。

    He rushed outdoors and saw his arm was swelling9 . His hand and fingers were beginning to throb10 .

  14. 为了向坐在对面的同事表明信心,他们会用手掌向下的姿势来强调他们讲话的重点。

    To show conviction to colleagues across a board table , they use palm-down gestures to emphasize their key speaking points .

  15. Facepalm指的是用手捂住脸或将脸埋进手掌的肢体动作,即“捂脸”。

    A facepalm is the physical gesture of placing one 's hand flat across one 's face or lowering one 's face into one 's hand or hands .

  16. 想要立刻回答的人,你要知道自己是多么幸福的人。虽然一直强辩说,单恋也是一种爱情,但单用一边的手掌是拍不出声音的。

    If you wanna answer it immediately , you shall know how happy you are.Although you insist loving on your own is also called love , one palmcan not make noises .

  17. 其实他们不用真正用手掌击打桌面,只需将手掌轻轻平放在桌面上,以此作为一种暗示。向前伸出手掌,像棍子一样上下挥舞一番,然后他们心目中最重要的观点就顺利通过了。

    Without actually striking the tabletop , they just pronate their open palm -- flip it down , parallel to the table 's surface-and proffer , to drive home their most important ideas .

  18. Facepalm指的是用手捂住脸或将脸埋进手掌的姿体语言,这一姿体语言在很多文化中都存在,用来表达绝望、尴尬、震惊或惊讶之情。

    A facepalm is the physical gesture of placing one 's hand flat across one 's face or lowering one 's face into one 's hand or hands . The gesture is found in many cultures as a display of frustration , shock , or surprise .

  19. 通过相似的方式连接到一个3D打印的塑料手掌上。

    These are similarly connected to a 3D-printed plastic palm .

  20. n.手掌她将一枚硬币放在乞丐的手中。

    palm She put a coin in the palm of the beggar 's hand .

  21. 确保你用你的食指和中指摆出V型,并且手掌向外。

    Make sure that when you have your index and middle fingers pointed up in the V shape , your palm is facing outward .

  22. 向LED灯供电的设备如手掌大小,而向触摸屏供电的设备只有手指大小。

    The device used to power the LED lights was palm-sized , for example , while the device used to power the touch screen was as small as a finger .

  23. 使用比特币ATM机时,消费者要进行手掌扫描,以确认身份,然后再通过智能手机的虚拟钱包进行转账。

    With the bitcoin ATM , users scan their hand to confirm identity , then funds move to or from a virtual wallet on their smartphone .

  24. 采用H形皮瓣修复手掌贯穿伤5例,Y形或K形皮瓣修复手掌背伴手指皮肤缺损11例;

    Defect was repaired with H-shape flaps in 5 cases of penetrating palm injuries ; with Y-shape or K-shape flaps in 11 cases of dorsals or combined with fingers of hand with skin defect ;

  25. 行掌腱膜大部切除、手掌及手指挛缩皮肤Z成形术63只手,掌腱膜及受累皮肤一并切除后行游离植皮术15只手。

    Excision of a majority of palmar aponeurosis plus Z shape skin plasty was undergone on 63 hands , and resection of palmar aponeurosis plus free skin grafting on 15 hands .

  26. 采用Keypoint诱发电位肌电图仪,用表面电极持续记录手掌和脚底的交感皮肤反应。

    The Keypoint electromyograph was used to record continuously sympathetic skin response on palm and plantar with surface electrode .

  27. 亲爱的爸爸,很怀念儿时你常带我赴公园游玩,那时你的手掌好大,好有力,谢谢(thankyou)你对我的培养(Culture),祝父亲节快乐!

    Dear Dad , you have always cherished the memory of childhood to take me to the park to play , when your big hand , so strong , thank you for my training , I wish a happy Father 's Day !

  28. Rosen发现,在非正式谈话中打断对方最好的方法是朝说话人举起手,手掌要伸展。

    Author of Speak Up ! and Succeed , Rosen finds that the best way to interrupt in casual conversation is to hold up an outstretched hand toward the speaker .

  29. 使用比特币ATM机时,消费者要进行手掌扫描,以确认身份,然后再通过智能手机的虚拟钱包进行转账。该系统每天的交易上限为1000美元,其目的在于打击洗钱行为以及其他虚假操作。

    With the bitcoin ATM , users scan their hand to confirm identity , then funds move to or from a virtual wallet on their smartphone . The system limits transfers to $ 1,000 a day , in an effort to curb money laundering and other fraud .

  30. 研究人员将孩子们的手掌影印下来,然后用卡钳测量食指和无名指的长度,精确到0.01mm。

    The researchers made photocopies of the palm of the children 's hands and then measured the length of their index finger and ring finger on both hands using callipers , accurate to0.01mm .