
  • 网络manual;Manual Control
  1. 正常情况下,采用由PLC控制的自动控制方式,手动控制方式为自动控制出现故障时的备用方式。

    Under normal conditions , the use of the Plc automatic control , manual control mode for automatic control failure , the standby mode .

  2. 手动控制时,通过控制面板上的启停按钮手动控制2台加压泵启停,与PLC和变频器无关。

    Under manual control mode , opening or stopping the pressure pumps by the buttons of control panel , had nothing to do with PLC and transducer .

  3. 利用西门子LOGO系列的PLC实现了系统的自动控制和手动控制的切换,极大地提高了系统的可靠性。

    The logo series PLC is adopted for the switch between the manual control and the auto control , and therefore enhances the reliability greatly .

  4. 自动控制设计有PID控制、模糊控制、神经元控制等控制方式,手动控制能通过软件直接对控制器进行操作,用户可根据自己的需要选择。

    The auto-control system has the control strategy of PID control , fuzzy control and neural networks , and which strategy to be chosen is also decided by user .

  5. 其控制系统采用控制台手动控制与计算机自动控制相结合的控制形式,采用数字PID控制算法,实现马赫数和总压控制。

    Control system adopts control method combining desk hand operation control and PC automatic control , adopts digital PID control algorithm realizes the Mach number & total pressure control .

  6. 交通灯控制系统通常要实现自动控制和手动控制其红绿灯的变化,基于FPGA设计的交通灯控制系统电路简单、可靠性好。

    The traffic light control system usually must realize the automatic control and the hand control . The traffic light control system based on FPGA is simple and reliable .

  7. HPGe谱仪增益缓慢漂移的手动控制

    The Manual Control of Slow Gain Drift on HPGe Spectrometer

  8. 传统的喷雾干燥控制方法,主要是单回路PID控制以及一些手动控制方法,这些控制方法有其自身的优点,但同时又有不足之处。

    For a long time , the single PID control method is the main control method of dry powder spray-drying process , which has its advantages , but there are drawbacks .

  9. 我国大型输油管道加热炉控制系统经历了三代发展过程,从开始的完全人工手动控制到多回路控制器自动控制,再到现在广泛采用的PLC与工控机结合的自动控制。

    The heater control system of large-scale pipeline has undergone three-stage changes , that is , from initiatory man-control to auto-control of multi-loop controller , then to auto-control of PLC and industry computer .

  10. 对摄影迷们来说,f200包括全手动控制、四种视频电影模式和全高清(fullhd)视频输出。

    For camera buffs , the F200 includes full manual controls , four video film modes and full HD video output .

  11. 通过Matlab仿真表明,无模型控制算法能够有效地跟踪输出,实现精确控制,解决手动控制困难和控制可靠性差的缺点。

    The simulation of Matlab expresses , model-free control method can availably track the output , realize the precise control , solve the defects of the difficulty of manual control and the bad reliability of control .

  12. 进行了I/O地址分配,编制了PLC应用程序,在现场控制柜面板上满足自动控制与手动控制方式的转换,实现报警信号显示。

    We had I / O address assignment , the preparation of the PLC application . Counter at the scene control panel and manual control methods to meet the automatic conversion , an alarm signal display .

  13. 下位机系统具有独立运行功能,对现场数据的采集和现场设备的本地手动控制,也可以远程DCS自动控制和手动控制。

    Lower system has the function of independent operation . Field data acquisition and field equipment can be controlled manually , as well as DCS automatic remote control and manual control .

  14. 飞行控制与自动导航系统(包含与手动控制系统的切换)由倾角传感器,舵机,GPS和单片机等组成。

    Secondly , we introduce the components of the flight control and the automatic navigation system ( including switching with the manual control system ) including inclination sensor , the rudder machine , GPS and single-chip microcomputer , etc.

  15. 基于真空钎焊性能和高可靠性等的要求,利用PLC自动控制程序取代传统的手动控制,使有关设备和工作参数及工艺流程能有机的协调;

    According to the demands of high performance and reliability of vacuum braze welding , the traditional hand-controlled is replaced by PLC automatic control program , so the relevant equipment and operational parameters and technological process are organically coordinated .

  16. 运用人工智能型模糊推理和判断,显著提高了执行机构的控制性能,并且实现了在发电厂DCS系统故障时由自动控制到手动控制的智能切换。

    Artificial intelligence fuzzy inference and judgment are applied . Control performance is effectively improved , and intelligent non-disturbance switching between auto-control and manual control is realized when the DCS system in a power plant goes wrong .

  17. 利用S7-200控制系统对原有手动控制的三辊机设备进行自动化改造,可以使其加工成型的材料具有良好的一致性,提高工作效率。

    This paper introduces that an automatic system with SIEMENS S7-200 programmable logical controllers replacing the manual roller system to improve the consistency of the the products and the work efficiency .

  18. 结果该装置生物反应器中的温度、搅拌速度和供气流量可以实现自动控制,pH值和溶解氧浓度可以实现自动测量和手动控制,达到了预设的技术指标要求。

    Result The temperature , stirring speed and gas supplying flow of bioreactor of the facility were controlled automatically , as well as the pH and dissolved oxygen concentration were measured automatically and controlled manually , testifying that its performance reached the requirements of predetermined technical indexes .

  19. 介绍了多泵并联变频调速恒压供水计算机监控系统,它采用底层手动控制、中间PLC控制、顶层计算机控制的3级控制结构。

    This paper describes the computer supervision and control system of varying speed and constant pressure for multi-pump parallel feed water based on PLC . Three level structures consist of hand control at the bottom , PLC control in the medium and computer supervision on top .

  20. 以北京工业职业技术学院广场喷泉应用变频技术,将一个手动控制的喷泉改造成自动控制喷泉为例,说明PLC控制器和变频器在喷泉中的应用。

    In this paper , the square fountain of Beijing Polytechnic College , which has been converted into an auto-control fountain by applying the converter technique from a manual control fountain , is an example of showing the applying of the PLC controller and the frequency converter in the fountain .

  21. 三坐标测量机(CMM)通常难于实现对未知自由曲面的自动测量,首先需要人工进行测量路径规划,手动控制CMM测量,这种方法不但耗时且测量精度不高。

    When measuring an unknown free-form object using a coordinate measuring machine ( CMM ), it is difficult to automatically explore the surface . Usually it is needed to create the measuring route first and then manually control CMM to finish the measurement .

  22. 该系统由上位机、PLC和相关设备组成,通过现场总线PROFIBUS-DP和上位机能比较全面的了解现场,能对整个污水处理过程实现自动控制和手动控制。

    This system is composed of the high computer , the low computer PLC and correlative equipments , which can give a comprehensive understanding of the actual locale of Industry by profibus-dp the high computer and can realize autocontrol manual control as for whole the sewage treatment process .

  23. 介绍了用FX系列可编程控制器对数控机床上下料机器人进行控制,论述了电气控制系统的硬件设计,控制软件结构以及手动控制程序和自动控制程序设计。

    This paper introduces how to control feeding and unloading robot based on PLC . It discusses how to design the hardware of electric control system , the structure of controlling software , manual controlling program and automatic program in detail .

  24. 伴随着路径规划技术、语音识别技术、SPI模拟技术、信息融合技术等高科技的发展,轮椅功能发生了根本性的变革,具有自主避障、语音控制中可避障、手动控制等功能。

    With the development of path planning technology 、 speech recognition technology 、 SPI Simulation Technology 、 Information Fusion Technology , the skill of wheelchair changes profoundly , having the abilities of autonomous obstacle avoidance 、 speech control and autonomous obstacle avoidance 、 manual control and so on .

  25. 在手动控制系统方面,论文中主要叙述了手动控制电路的设计,包括电磁阀控制电路的设计、期望压力曲线电路的设计以及模拟输出控制电路的设计等,并叙述了对GAL芯片的软件编程。

    Referring to the manual control system , there are a lot of information on its circuit design in detail , including the design of electromagnetic valve control circuit , analog output circuit , expecting pressure curve circuit and so on . it also elaborates the programming on GAL chip .

  26. 手动控制系统过程曲线设定单元的设计

    Design of Process Curve Parameters Setting Model for Manual Control System

  27. 液压机械无级变速器台架试验手动控制

    Manual Control Strategy of Hydro-mechanical Continuously Variable Transmission on Bench Test

  28. 系统的控制模式分为智能化自动控制和远程的手动控制。

    The control system includes manually control mode and automatically control mode .

  29. 发生火灾时,这些门可以手动控制。

    The doors can be manually operated in the event of fire .

  30. 磁翻转显示板可以成为独立的手动控制显示设备。

    Development of X-Y scanning controller board in photoelectric panel display device ;