
  • 网络Lingulata;lingula;Lingula Bruguire;Lingulidae
  1. 舌形贝对这些大灭亡毫不在意,并且毫无损伤地从五次大灭亡中存活了下来。

    The lingulata has no issues with trivial mass extinctions and has survived all five without any issues .

  2. 舌形贝是一种拥有胶合壳的腕足类动物,就像捞蛤一样。

    The lingulata is a type of brachiopod , or animal with a hinged shell ( like a clam ) .

  3. 多角岩石贝,长十五厘米,在水底下竖起来,像要抓人的手似的;角形螺贝,全身长着尖刺;张口舌形贝,鸭子贝,这是供应印度斯但市场的可以食用的蝇贝;带甲水母,发出微弱伪亮光;

    spiky periwinkles fifteen centimeters long that rose under the waves like hands ready to grab you , turban snails with shells made of horn and bristling all over with spines , lamp shells , edible duck clams that feed the Hindu marketplace , subtly luminous jellyfish of the species Pelagia panopyra , and finally some wonderful Oculina flabelliforma ,